Friday, November 15, 2019

Liberace Secret American Man

Alright you reprobates time for the whip!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Liberace, the man, the myth, the legend. To those who knew him best, he was an enigma, wrapped in a mystery, covered in a riddle, as it was in the final days of Dwight Eisenhower's administration, that Liberace was summoned by Patriot Vice President Richard Nixon, to protect America, after John Kennedy usurped the 1960's election, Liberace answered his nation's call.

Yes the greatest showman on earth, was to go deep undercover, and root out communists, perverts and wickedness in high places, as no one else could. Liberace was to sacrifice all he was as the epitome of morality, in the CIA BLACK OFFICE.

Liberace oft could be found cruising the streets in his pink Cadillac with his brother, George, advertising in his tags BOYTOY, to lure out homosexuals and pedophiles lurking in the backstreets of Hollywood and DC. Liberace would roll up, toot his horn and out would pour the pedos. He reported that he beat up several a night in the first year, and if you ever noticed that some Catholic dioceses never had pedo problems. That is because Liberace was there beating up the priests.

I will beat morality into you perverts!!!!

He liked to go to Gideon's Whip as he called it. He loved the smell of leather at midnight, burning the sweat off of pedos and fags, as the records show in the early 1960's that the hot whip of Liberace caused a mild Hollywood warming in southern California's temperatures rose as Liberace's whip was heating up the midnight sun.

I am the whip of Gideon!!!

It was during this time that Liberace met the love of his life, Wanda Whiplash. Wanda was well known along the Texas border, where she patrolled with her black whip, whipping greasers and beaners back across the river. There were no wetbacks when Wanda was whipping the wetbacks, who were the drybacks and often it was reported the sonic boom of her whip, was Area 51 super secret aircraft testing.

Yes I am Mrs. Liberace!!!!

 It was after meeting Wanda and ridding the world of homosexuals and pedos, that Liberace was summoned to the Nixon White House, and ordered by the President to join with Jan Michael Vincent, a deep undercover CIA officer, to undertake saving the world.


Liberace I am afraid that our testosterone will ignite a second Big Bang!!!!

JMV gave up as much as Liberace. First JMV toned it down on the big screen for America and John Wayne's career of the American icon, and Liberace saving America from whoredoms, gave up winning all the music awards for 30 years, setting a record never to be broken, as he always said he had to step aside for Elvis for rock and Johnny Cash for country, as America was more important than fame.
Yes Liberace turned down Jail House Rock and Orange Blossom Special in protecting America for God, Guns and Olde Glory.
 Liberace though ran into trouble working with JMV and this is where the rumors began that Liberace was a fag. See it was Dictorica Principal who was on the movie set and everyone keeps mistaking Liberace for Kris Kristopherson in this cinema, where Dictoria kept coming on to Liberace, but he was faithful to Wanda, and not about to fornicate nor commit adultery, no matter how much Dictoria flaunted herself at him or attempted to make Liberace jealous in coming onto JMV, who wanted nothing to do with the guy either.

Holster it Dictoria as I don't need another penis.

Few people know this, but after bringing morality rule to America, Liberace continued on in his protector of America role, and became the inspiration for Terminator, as that was his operational name at the FBI.
Liberace never wanted to be known for how many notches were on his gun, because this was always about saving America.

I'll be back..............

All of this has been hidden, and for the first time the real Liberace story has been revealed in the witch hunt against him with all of the fake news, just as Donald Trump has suffered from the same dilemma.

This is Liberace, Secret American Man. The whipper of fags. The chastiser of pedos. The unadulterated hero, a man's kind of man, like his equal, Jan Michael Vincent.

Liberace always said he would be back when American needed him most. He hinted that he had been cloned and his essence was saved to a computer hard drive, stored in the deepest NSA bunker just outside of Washington DC.

Yes it is time for Liberace as Donald Trump can not do it.


Get me Liberace!!!!

Nuff Said
