Thursday, November 14, 2019

Schiff's Star Witness Against Trump Wants Nuclear War With Russia

Comrades, the Soviet homeland is our workers paradise...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I think Donald Trump should take up painting. All great men paint, George W. Bush, Adolf Hitler for example.

Oh Michelle I lust to paint little brush stroked toes too.....

I see that Obama voter Chris Wallace of Foxda, look FOX has been in the Obama fold for 12 years betraying America, so the KGB had Pravda, so the Trump Impeachment needs Foxda in framing Donald Trump.

Wallace the political minder, took to the waves again after the Adam Schiff first day to condemn Donald Trump to Richard Nixon purgatory in stating Schiff's best witness, William Taylor, took as copious of notes as Obama as a teenager masturbating and ejaculating copiously with Uncle Frank Davis Marshall, and these copious notes, spying on Donald Trump, were very "nonpolitical" according to Wallace, in what Taylor was TESTAMENT to.

Testament is  COVENANT, MARRIED, as in the Bible, a profession of a legal contract, sealed in blood
That was a rather bizarre blood libel statement from a Jew about their star witness against Donald Trump. It reminded one of Judas with 30 pieces of silver jangling in his pocket from Caiaphas in the Temple.

Anyway, the blood sacrificed that William Taylor was joined to, according to Chris Wallace, was this:

The only thing he talked about was a strong feeling that it was in the U.S. national security interests to support Ukraine in the fight against Russia

Now pardon the Lame Cherry, for not being completely informed on this behind the curtain Jewish cult blood stuff, but I am educated and informed to fully realize that the United States is not at war with Russia. I also know that if Russia made it their national policy, to supply weapons to Mexico for the retaking of Texas and California, in the fight against America, that the United States would launch a nuclear first strike for this act of war, as there are rules like the Soviets taking Cuba has Kennedy almost start a nuclear war.. Yet Chris Wallace and William Taylor, against what the majority of Americans voted for in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, in a peaceful relationship with Russia, are both sabotaging Donald Trump in fomenting antagonism against Moscow, which has positioned them to continue to develop first strike nuclear weapons, to make America scorched earth.

“William Taylor was a very impressive witness and was very damaging to the president. First of all, as you pointed out, he took very copious notes at almost every conversation… I think very nonpolitical. He went out of his way to talk about what he knew, what he was specifically testament to. The only thing he talked about was a strong feeling that it was in the U.S. national security interests to support Ukraine in the fight against Russia. But he certainly wasn’t taking any partisan position.”

I predict that one day America will have a president named Futurus Ivanka..

Apparently Comrade Wallace, also failed to notice that William Taylor was criminally sabotaging Donald Trump and thee American People. Comrade Wallace also failed to notice that William Taylor was not just spying on the President with copious notes, but he was spying on other Trump staff, like Gordon Sondland.

Just for a note of reality here, the President can ask any question he desires, as the President sets foreign policy, and he needs information to make those decisions.

He also noted the new testimony from Taylor about one of his staffers overhearing Gordon Sondland on the phone with Trump, in which the president asked about “investigations” regarding Ukraine.
When Ken Starr noted how the aid eventually went to Ukraine, Wallace jumped in and said, “It was released two days after the whistleblower complaint went to the intelligence committee.”

What Wallace lusts to see, is evidence of Donald Trump to be impeached. What instead was exposed is a blood libel against Donald Trump, with the purpose of starting a nuclear war, while engaged in espionage against the President and his staff.

I do think this is clever enough of President Trump, or his benefactors, as they have constructed, a WWE theater, where someone like me, who has been punished by Trump supporters in not donating here, for reminding them that Donald Trump abandoned them and MAGA, is now writing the fine scripted reality that Chris Wallace has some weird cult shit going on in which the sacrificial flame is nuclear hot and it is Americans who will be the smoke from the pit.

That is clever when all this stuff is that far out there as a diversion to what Webster Griffin Tarpley revealed in what would rule America. It does make one comforted in going off quietly into the night, that there is as good as writing as which made Joaquin Phoenix the Joker of all billion dollar box offices.

Donald Trump really should take up painting, like all great men do.

Just a draining the Comrade Crocs of their home.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said

