As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I really hate being helpful as I am always regretting being a Christian.
So this story starts with a 3rd cousin of ours that Uncle keeps around like a bad testicular disease. I will not write his real nickname, but think of some dumbass name of a player, and that is this guy.
His resume is carpenter, but his vocation was growing weed, and from his work habits across state lines, I always figured he hauled dope from Florida, into Denver, for his spending money as his mum always said he was "working".
So he scowls at TL and I when we discover him at Uncles.
So he returns and we find him again, this time "fixing" up Uncles pick up and tractor for the winter, with a cousin of his in tow, snooping around.
So here is the story, as they are run off, Uncle says he needs his shed roofed, and mentions the kid of a real dumbass I knew from Church. I know the dumbass as he is the cousin of my first cousins on my Mom's side.
So child of dumbass name comes up, and I know the kid, and just sort of ignore Uncle as I know he wants me to call him. I instead to the proper thing, and alert his daughter to what is wanted, and she says to fix it right to talk to a roofer we know, and see if he can recommend someone.
So I be nice and call up the guy, and actually get him to roof the shed...............
Then I go back to Uncle's that day, and I tell him what I have set up, wondering if I am going to get yelled at for overstepping. He nods to the shed and said it is done.
Says son of dumbass appeared at the crack of dawn, as the weed whopper had called him and set things up. Way to go in spending other people's money and not asking the daughter is what I think and am quite humiliated.
I am then told to call back the roofer and say it is done. This pleases me as I need this guy to still do our roof, and I just enjoy looking like an asstard from other people doing things, and offending people I need for work.
Uncle mentions about the job looking like it needs more nails in the roof. The roof looks like SHIT. Lots of waves in it, and yes too few nails. I ignore the comment as I figure weed head can crawl up there and I go home, inform the daughter, phone up the roofer and apologize, and decide to shut the world out.
In the meantime, Uncle calls up weedhopper, and he says he will come over and check things.
24 hours, no weed head.
No son of dumbass appears either.
Uncle says, "I called weed head and maybe you could pound in some nails. I don't know what kind of roofing nails they are, but you just pull your pick up to the shed and you can nail from that".
I nod.
I think. How about I load you in the tractor, get you a hammer and you pound nails, as you fucked this up.
I am assuming Uncle paid for this con job and I assume I am not going to be paid anything again fixing up the shit other people have fucked up again.
When I looked at the roof, I was horrified, as the roofing felt son of dumbass put down, looks like sandpaper. No shit!!!. It is paper thin and just some grit on it.
This shit will not last in scooping snow off, wind that we get here, or rain blown under as it will rot the roof.
So tomorrow I go and buy some roofing nails, which are the nails you use to put in rigid insulation, for this shit job. His daughter already knows that this is going to be a do over sooner than later, and I am hoping I can get it done, before any more damage is done by this duo of dipshits. That should make me look better, look like I know what I am talking about, and add to the resume.
It should, but it is like HOLY SHIT, no wonder this kid never works, as he probably is getting sued by people he does things for, for his shitty jobs.
As this is a little shed, I figure this will be TL and I pounding nails tomorrow afternoon for about an hour.
I told TL as we were driving home that I should have told Uncle, "Hey can't pull the pick up to the shed, as I might run over your water line.". That was a bitch point this summer in loading things, as I had to drive around that spot as I might do something. That now does not matter in I am fixing his embarrassing mistake, in being taken in by swindlers, who I had just warned them to stay the hell clear of.
This is amazing though in weedhopper and my sister with her dickhead husband, all now want to take are of Uncle, once TL and I have restored him. Yes now they all can do the job, once the work is done.
Oh by the way, it was their looking in on him the past two years, which almost killed him last year as they left him for dead.
Nuff Said