Thursday, November 14, 2019


Trumpnasty with the emphasis on the nasty.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A deal has been worked out that the Cassius Intelligence Agent at the State Department, Mike Pompeo will support Ivanka Trump in 2020, out of Kansas, in his being Vice President.

The theater will be a Reagan HW Bush top tier, where to heal the Gay Ole Party in Ivanka's leftism, that a fraud rightest in deep state Pompeo will balance the ticket.

Pompeo on his Missing Link rise to the top, all by design, has been picking off notables like Rex Tillerson, John Kelly and John Bolton.


Vice President Mike Pence was handed the word, and as this blog exclusively reported when Pompeo went public stating he was interested in being president, and the CIA media began listing the cast of Mike Pompeo and Mike Pence after him, that kind of golden shower revealed the pecking order in Mike Pence is finished.

Too bad Mr. Vice President, I knew thee well.


 Lordy them two hate my ass to the anal hole

This is nasty as that intriguer Abraham Lincoln in 1864 booting Vice President Hannibal Hamlin from the ticket for Andrew Johnson. America has never had a demagogue who rose to despot, in plotting to install his nepotisms in the Oval Office.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. You got traded for Mexicans and Mike Pence got traded for the Jewess and her Edward the III.

Let us walk quietly into the night.

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