Thursday, November 14, 2019

Trump's Pink Eyed Patriots

Pink Eye for the Trump Guy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

President Donald Trump is laying the groundwork of 2020 with the foresight of hindsight, in laying the Electoral College foundation in Pennsylvania and Minnesota. This is unique in Minnesota was a close result to Hillary Clinton, and with a democratic regime there in place, it is an interesting play in how the states will fall for Mr. Trump.
In 2016 the President needed North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to fall to his vote count. In this era, the President is expanding his base of Pink Eyed Patriots.

That term Pink Eyed Patriots is from a New York publication of 1864, and described the Lincoln voters, led by the albino administration of Abraham Lincoln. There was a whiteness to everything Lincoln engaged in to the mutant form.

This albino administration and it's diluted spawn of pink eyed patriots. This limp result of the feeble embrace of half furnished conservatives and limited emancipators.
Editor William T. Porter
Wilkes Spirit of the Times

In actuality, that is Donald Trump and his completely uninformed voters who bleat for him at every event. The chant is Donald has our back so we will have his. This befuddles the coastal press, not because it is a lie, but because they are paid to detest Donald Trump.

For the record, Donald Trump has done absolutely nothing to protect Americans from his now Homeland legalized foreign invasion of Indians, Mexicans and Muslims. These Visa Vermin are poured deliberately into Republican areas, through 4 plex housing, in order to make these conservative states into Trump Nazi states, national socialism is what America is.

Taxes are high, Inflation is high. The US is bankrupt.

This President has expanded gun control.

Those are the realities of the Trump voter bleating at rallies, and yet thye continue to bleat on, as this manipulation of them is as complete as Obama brainwashing his hordes as he rewarded the saem Wall Street nation rapists this President does.

That is what is fascinating to me in all of this is obvious, has been documented here, and yet Americans do not care. They will vote for Donald Trump with zest as those who were betrayged by George W. Bush. The difference is that W at least cut their taxes and propagandized being pro Christian.

Lincoln's critics were widespread in his own party. They detested Lincoln for everything he was in a failed leader. He bankrupted America. He legalized foreigners to disenfranchise Americans in emancipation, and was surrounded by corruption. Lincoln and Trump had a great deal of the same political psychosis of the times.

Lincoln was too slow, hesitant, weak, not decisive and active enough against slavery and lacking proper energy. 
The Jeb Bush of his times.

Even the intimates of Abraham Lincoln, scorned him, in the same recourse that Donald Trump is, in Trump is crude in jokes, not very bright and has not accomplished a thing in blundering on the foreign and domestic stage.

A coarse joker, an imbecile, guilty  of damned-able blunders.

The difference is though that Lincoln was thought too angelic, and no one is going to accuse Donald Trump of being that kind of angel.

Too angelic for this devilish rebellion.

For Lincoln, the microcosm of 1864 was Missouri, where radicals or conservatives, were facing off against the Blair faction of democrats who had taken over the GOP as the Union Party, which was a political disaster in the 1862 elections as they were for Trump in 2018 AD in the year of our Lord. Missouri was the division of the GOP, in this split of Republicans and democrats. This fits Donald Trump with his Trump Nazi of the Ivanka leftists, and his bleaters who are still appearing before his rallies.
The President has lost the Lame Cherry vote, but shoved them aside in 2017 in March of that year as was planned. The Christian Conservative was informed and refused to join to the Obama 3rd term, as that is what Donald Trump has engaged in and progressed as the diversions of coups and impeachment were designed by those in power to confuse the voters to gut reactions, instead of logical thought.

Missouri would expand to a national rift in the Union Party of Abraham Lincoln. Donald Trump will probably have no such rift, as the fraud markets, fraud economy and fraud terrorism will be kept in check, unless the point is to remove this President, for Mike Pence, which does not seem to be the case, as Mike Pompeo awaits to be Ivanka's 2024 Vice President of the Trump Nazi party. There could be hiccups, but that would be to simply keep Donald Trump an honest puppet of the cartel. So politics aside, the Lame Cherry stoll reads this as the House and Senate will go to the Trump Nazi Party, by a margin where democrats will be included in bills, and shocked Americans will be confused as Donald Trump signs all of these Hillary Clinton bills into law.

See as I have told you, 2016 did not matter when Mr. Trump yielded to the powers that be. Hillary Clinton could have won, Jeb Bush could have won, and we would have had the same scandals, investigations and diversions, as they signed in the same tax bills and the same health care reform. With Hamrod Clinton, the people in the cities would have gotten a better deal, as Bill Clinton was good to his urbanites before the cartel robbed them.

The election of 1864 and 2020 mirror each other precisely and will develop along the same lines again, as history is written to repeat itself. Some states are being traded in Minnesota is one, but that is irrelevant to the outcome of these e vote fraud elections.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. I reallly can not become interested in this, as the results are obvious and having already written of events, I have moved on. I just have filler in these 1864 paradigms to record here, as those slow to grasp things, will ponder the politech and be impressed, once the others catch up next year.

It is one the most majestic of everything modern brainwashing is, in the Goldwater Conservatives whose call was centered on commie pinkos have been in the final revenge of the globalists turned from Reagan Blue State Republicans (That is what Republican States were until CIA asset NBC anchor Tim Russert changed Blue to RED STATE AMERICA, and Erick Erickson and Rush Limbaugh were fellow travelers in it and all of you parroted along.) into Red State deplorables, who under Donald Trump New York proven leftist policies, have become the joke of the Pink Eyed Patriots of Donald Trump in his Nazi ie, National Socialist Party of America.

Nuff Said
