Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Trump Girl Lisa Page

The Virginal Lisa Page

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The proof is coming out what a wonderful Patriot Lisa Page is, a real protector of America like Robert Mueller.

Lisa Page has been unfairly accosted in the press by those on the right in referring to her as a paramour of Peter Strzok, but instead of defaming this wholesome woman, Americans in chivalry should be protecting political chastity which she wears.

Lisa Page has been abused by some very bad men. Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Barack Hussein Obama, all misused this professional woman, who was caught up in the hunt for a seditious group overthrowing the National Socialist order of the United States.

Peter Strzok was as this blog has explained, working in an elite Internal Affairs group, involved in surveillance of the actions of this group of moles in league with foreigners. Strzok, a partisian liberal, was honest about Donald Trump in stating that there was nothing there in the Pissgate Dossier framing Donald Trump.

“There’s no big there there,” Strzok texted.
According to investigative reporter, John Solomon, Lisa Page confirmed that text from Peter Strzok did indeed refer to the Trump-Russia case.
Strzok knew it was a nothing-burger yet he forged ahead.

Strzok was released from the FBI, but is still under the protection of Attorney General Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray, because of the investigation and sting which Strzok was a part of.

While Republicans sang the praises of Lisa Page last summer in her honest testimony before Congress, the very liberals who are the legal minds in the second wave of impeachment of Donald Trump, are joining Republicans in standing by Lisa Page, as she cooperates with the Attorney General's criminal probe.

Lisa Page is the secular Virgin Mary

Check out this tweet that came out of the blue from Benjamin Wittes, co-founder of the Lawfare Group, the think tank that includes many of the legal brains behind the impeachment effort.
Allow me to introduce you to Lisa Page—a woman of unusual accomplishment, wit, knowledge and capability.
It shouldn’t be necessary to say this, but in the current climate, I want to emphasize that I am proud to know her and call her a friend.
— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) November 8, 2019

Benjamin Wittes, is Washington Post write, castigates Trump to the adoration of other Mockingbird trolls as Paul Krugman, all functioning on CIA black ops bucks. If you look though at Wittes, you find out that he is not just a Brookings Institute affiliate, Wittes works for the Conservative Hoover Institute.

Wittes is also a member of the Hoover Institution's Task Force on National Security and Law

It sort of appears like Lisa Page is associating with a group which was hunting the group that overthrew the US government in Obama as she is being vouched for.

It is a shame that Jennifer Williams is not of the same character of Lisa Page.  For those out of the loop in this, Jennifer Williams or Jen the Willing, testified before Adam Schiff that it surprised her that Donald Trump's Ukraine call was.........political.  Yes this is a surprise in two presidents having a conversation which is political. Perhaps it should have been about religion as they are both Popes of the Vatican.

Lisa Page though had the character to shake off the musk of Peter Strzok and find the Truth. Jennifer Williams though at the State Department as special liaison to Vice President Mike Pence, lost herself it appears in the Vice President, and one can understand as Mike is a most manly kind if virility, which produced a form of hero worship, delusions and it appears Jen the Willing was willing to do anything to make Mike Pence, President Mike Pence.

I'm too Sexy for my Mike Pence

I'm too sexy for my Mike Pence...

Yes Mike Pence has that effect on women. I mean, there is Mother Pence. the mother of all mop heads. See, here is a comparison photo of Mother and the Mop.

I am every boy's first love.

Who amongst us has not danced with a mop. They were our first date, our first love, unless we are a Bush baby who suckles Mexican mama nipples or Chris Matthews who became fetish with Black Mama's and their nurturing, but for those who are working class and growing up normal, "someday our prince will come" is a mop, and can anyone blame Jennifer Williams in being around the Pence Musk, and having those romantic feelings rekindled in seeing Mother Mops, and suddenly this State Department Official was in over her head like Evelyn Farkas was for Obama.

No one can blame Jennifer Williams in Mother Mops set her off. Mops had it all, but there was one thing that Jen could do that Mops could not, and that was make Mike Pence President of the United States by bringing down Donald Trump.

If only Lisa Page could help mentor Jennifer Williams, as Lisa never tried to make Peter Strzok Director of the FBI or President. To think that in all of this international intrigue of the control of the United States, it would be the oldest story of stories in a girl dancing with a mop, wanted to change who would be President of the United States.

But it don't come easy.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
