Sunday, June 9, 2019

Why the Money Whores are against Donald Trump's Tariffs

Oh so our money goes to Mexico and they send
their slaves to America and Erick Erickson does not
want President Trump protecting Americans with tariffs. 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I really detest propaganda liars, as they rape the minds of the political retard with terms like climate change, tax breaks for the rich, and the latest one has emerged from the Erick Erickson and John Thune, whores of the Nazi Conglomerates in the phrase, "Americans pay for Mexican tariffs", which is undermining the United States and leading to our genocide, so the Koch and Buffett types can glean billions more in selling out America.

As most of you have no conception of what a tariff is, the Lame Cherry will explain it.

A tariff in American colonial times was designed to raise tax revenues, and to make British manufactured products which were strangling Americans in prices and retarding American industry from starting, so high priced, that Americans would invest in making their own china, silverware, firearms, which could then compete with the market in America and the world, to eventually divest England of her financial monopoly, as men like Astor did with fur, Carnegie die with steel and Rockefeller did with oil.

So in short, the American government placed tariffs or a higher price on imported goods, which yes, Americans would pay, BUT THE GOVERNMENT WAS NOT HOLDING A GUN TO AN AMERICAN'S HEAD FORCING THEM TO BUY ANYTHING. It is the same case now with Mexico, in an American is not being forced to buy things from Mexico, and nothing Mexico is dumping in the United States is a product that you are going to die if you can not get it.

Mexico dumps into America spinach, cars, computers and beer.

If an American desires spinach, they can plant a garden. If you want a car, buy a Ford as this is GM and Chrysler. Computers, there is Japan and South Korea. Beer. The Europeans own Budweiser, so crack open some good Hamms, Blatz, Olde Mill, Schlitz or Coors and you will not die of beer withdrawal.

See there are other products out there, which are American friendly, so you are not going to have to pay the Mexican tariff as Erick Erickson in lying to you about again.

Who is funding this Erickson and John Thune propaganda, costing American jobs?

Several business groups — including corn growers, pork producers and retailers — pushed back.

Corn is not farmers but Agribusiness conglomerates. Pork again is a hog farm conglomerate. Retailers, are those people who do not give a damn about America, and will sell out the Untied States, as long as they make their million now, while all this goddamn foreign vermin takes your job, as the good jobs are outside the United States.

Once you get the Truth in tariffs, you see what heinous, money whores, these prostitutes are like Erick Erickson, who have their cake and are eating your's too, as the reality is with tariffs is as was explained above, in tariffs will in time produce American jobs inside the United States by evening the playing field, and the wonder of it is, that tariffs  bring nations like Mexico to their knees, because once George Washington levied tariffs on British goods, within 30 years, Yankee Traders were beating the British at shipping, and by 1890, Randolph Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain had a massive problem in England in American goods were smashing British industry, as the Brits could not compete with Americans.

Those are the facts in this, but do not think that I am letting Donald Trump skate on this, as he is right on tariffs, but the one tariff he is flat ass wrong on, is his Visa Vermin and Border Busters. There should be a tariff placed on foreigners coming into the United States for jobs PAID by businesses of 20,000 dollars a head. This would cover the billions which these Visa Vermin are not paying in income taxes and pay for Americans not being employed, as that is another horse shit propaganda line that, "Americans will not do these jobs". That bullshit leaves out that Mexicans take these jobs, because they do not pay income taxes on them, and businesses do not have to pay medical, as they deliberately underpay Mexicans so Americans will not take the job.
The reasons Americans are not working at these shit jobs, is not because they are shit jobs, but because they are abused by these employers, the state will not protect them, and these rapist businesses will not pay a living wage to Americans.
An American can not compete with a foreigner, when the foreigner works for 10% less, but does not pay 35% that Americans have to in income taxes and Social Security.

So until the President levies a wetware tariff on Mexicans and Asians of 20,000 dollars to even the working conditions, his tariffs have not gone far enough, and he too is part of the problem

So now you know about tariffs, economics, and how you are being lied to by these fat bastard whores who represent not you, but the trillion dollar conglomerates, and like Bill Krystol want to see American White's obliterated from the work force, for these tan skins who are getting a better deal than Americans are.

Once again this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, and you have learned more in the ten minutes reading this, than in five years listening to that shit that Erick Erickson and John Thune shovel out to you by the bucket.

Nuff Said


The Importance of being Entree

As another Lame Cherry  exclusive in matter anti matter.

I noticed on April 14th, that a number of people from the Free Republic were revisiting an article from the archives.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Proof Obama Died in June 13, 2013

When I write of image Obama  to this day, it revisits what inquiry into the matrix kept pointing to from December 2012 to the mid June period of 2013, which kept indicating that, let us just day those missing links which were so important to a certain special prosecution team turned someone into a frozen entree.

In reading about Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I came across something which interested me, because in inquiry to the matrix, which I did post on specifically in other posts concerning this subject, that a certain Val-erie Jarrett placed a corpse in a bunker below the White House, and into a storage tunnel in cold storage for a number of months.
Voila the quote:

She should use her ultra-secret communicator/decoder ring to call Trump and tell him she needs to talk to him privately. Then she should take the secret underground tunnel from the Supreme Court to that ginormous $5 billion nuke-proof underground super-bunker that Barack Obama built under the White House. (Pardon me, I mean that small storage basement under the White House that Obama renovated at the cost of $5 billion.)

What the matrix pointed to, was that after Barry went tits up, he was taken below to storage, where a deal was worked out, that a stand in, a shapeshifter would take his place for the remainder of the term.

It was something from David John Oates, a Reverse Speech specialist in image Obama talking about promoting a corpse, which was interesting evidence in this, after the fact of June 13th.

The best at this is Australian David John Oates. As we were listening to the examples, there was one which jumped out at me in August 2013. Remember the bin Laden's corpse had been marketed back in 2011 due to efforts by Donald Trump and Jerome Corsi, exposing the Birther issue for Obama.

The following statement by image Obama is most interesting, as it states it has spoken to former President George W. Bush.

“This afternoon I [spoke to former President] George W Bush.” – As I promote the corpse

This same image was talking about making Europe into scorched earth as it's mission.

I invested a great deal of time showing evidence that Obama's psychology and his  physical appearance changed after 2013. Before 2013 he was a winner, after 2013 nothing went right for this loser. His ears changed, that mole on his face appeared and disappeared, and he literally did not look like the crooked senator who entered the national stage just a few years earlier.

None of this matters now save the strange link to those who made the chicken entree, and how the replacement built upon the crimes of Benghazi, in one of the most criminal upheavals in history in using foreign intelligence with American intelligence to overthrow the 2016 elections, to protect what was begun on June 13th, the Obama legacy.

The defeat of Hillary Clinton in the Obama orchestrated leaks and spying, was to keep her from being president, just as the framing of Donald Trump was to distract him and his advocates, was all about protecting the Obama legacy, the creating of the Marxist state in America.
As George Bush can not keep his hands off of Lurch Michelle, this was about Jeb Bush being president to hide what took place on 2013, and what took place on 2013 was the Missing Link seeking to root out the very criminal structure which overthrew America with the community organizer.

This has been posted in the archives for years and people are still finding it, and it all links to the present in what Russiagate appears to be about.

What no one would believe years ago, now again by action and evidence looks plausible, in the motive of operation was all about covering up what was engaged in after June 13th in a fraudulent presidency become even more so. as it would have ended the overthrow, the toxic organized community bringing the American genocide.

That is enough to ponder in the fiction which of course happens here, after all I reside in the future and know all, that is at least the legend of me, as I was burned onto a hard drive and only the echo remains.


Nuff Said.


The 90% of Cooking

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have allot of pots and pans. The reason is the mother did not have chit when I was growing up, and then if she had anything extra in my adult years, she might have one of something, but when I cook I need several mixing bowls, so it just pissed me off in being denied access to the proper equipment.
What really steamed me is that woman non stop would choose the littlest damn pan or pot she could find, try cooking in it, and then having things spilling out.

As there were the three of us here, and she apparently at like a wolf with a 20 foot tape worm, coming off a seven year famine, I had to cook with the biggest pots and pans, to make sure we had leftovers or things to warm up. I was pleased I had them, but I can not believe how little TL and I eat now, compared to things disappearing before.
I swear I could make breakfast anything, and with the mother around we would barely get through the weekend. TL and I made cinnamon rolls this past month, and it lasted us 3 weekends. Thank God for that, but I am still trying to get my mind wrapped around what was happening to all the food around here, as the mother of course "never ate anything".

As things have changed, this past winter, I acquired two sets of Revereware, well not sets, but sets of what I cook with now, and I make this suggestion for people who are single or couples as I honestly can not say enough good things about these old pots and pants.
I think, I paid 2.50, 1.50, 1.50 and .25 for the four of them. The reason I splurged on the 2.50 was because I really wanted the saucepan to match the other one I have. I am absolutely PHILIO in I must always have not just my first set, but a second as back up, in case something happens to the first set, and I really do not settle down, unless I have a 3rd set, just in case for whatever reason my phobia in not having enough from a deprived childhood manifests.
It certainly is lovely having enough cookware, as no one ever says, "Oh that pan is dirty, what else do you have?"

My choice for frying things, from grilled cheese to whatever for our warm ups, is an 8 inch pan. It is perfect for two people and clean up is easy as much as fast.
Yes I have like a 16, 12 and another 6, but in most instances I cook with the 8 now and it is perfect for us.

For heating up soup and chili, I love  the 2 quart Revereware pot. Again, it is not too much pan, and half full it is just the right portions of soup or whatever for us. They heat up fast, and I adore cooking with them. They are light pans, but not flimsy. They simply behave and when I see how much they really cost or are in consignment stores I am always pleased for the prices I picked them up at.
I remember time and again the mother scowling at me buying cheap things like this, and with the "You don't need that".
Yeah I have piles of pans now from a quarter to a couple of bucks and you simply can not get them anymore in the heavy sets I have. I know she never bitched when she was using my pans, but she did burn the bottom off a copper pot I  got out of India, without any apology or replacing it. I simply do not miss that woman the more time that goes by and I remember the reality of her ungrateful entitled self.

To end this, I know this is not the mini pans, but for cooking for leftovers, I use an 8 1/2 quart stock pot or whatever. I fill these up with chicken soup, beef and beans, chili and this will last us in our rotations until I wonder if we are ever going to run out of food before it molds.

I also have a 14 inch non stick that I use and a 4 inch non stick. The 4 is used for eggs for breakfast and the 14 I use for things like cooking chicken breasts for BBQ which the neighbor gets for doing things for us. I think I spent 8 bucks for 300 dollars of snow removal and feeding things around here. Good food makes people happy and feeding bachelors is cheap as when I phone for something, the phone gets picked up, and it does not go to voice mail.

I still want a big ass French stock pot as I could never splash enough stuff in that to fall out, but that is in God's hands. I hope these suggestions help as I would not be without these stainless steel pans for the 90% of cooking which we do during the week.

I am convinced most of the conflict in the world comes from people not having enough pots and pans to cook in appropriately and not enough Tupperware to store them in after the fact.

Nuff Said
