Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Last American in Viriginia

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this blog has warned you, there is confirmation from the last American in Virginia, about the Domino Scenario for Richmond.

If people show up wearing any kind of uniform, patch or other symbol on their clothing signifying they belong to a militia and something goes wrong, you could/will be held as a domestic terrorist,” Chase continued. “If anyone steps out of line, all it takes is one person, it may even be a government plant….if that plant does anything to disrupt the rally, you could/will be arrested as a domestic terrorist.”

Now you have it from an American, and as for me, I will have more on this tomorrow to the real agenda in this set up.
It is too bad that the President is AWOL on this, as it was his FBI which has been arresting terrorists and inflaming the Governor of Bloomberg, sorry New York, sorry Governor of Virginia, has used to set off a State of Emergency. Yes this was the FBI which briefed the Governor of Virginia and set this off.
What I want to know is did Director Christopher Wray of the FBI brief Donald Trump on all of this terrorism and what he was going to tell the Governor of Virginia.

That part I want to know more about than impeachment.

Nuff Said

Soul Coughing - Super Bon Bon Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Lyrics to 'Super Bon Bon' by Soul Coughing. Move aside and let the man go through, let the man go through... Move aside and let the man go through, let the man go through..
