Friday, February 14, 2020

A Chinese Interlude.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I suggest you consider these with your "China Coronavirus Projection" Column

And this:

Already factored in, as China also controls the Vitamin C supply to America, along with the apple juice in supermarkets.

The Chicom deliberately stripped the United States of Franklin Roosevelt's World War II repository of processed metals as a fall back in his World War II expedition. The United States in the coming war has zero scrap to produce a war effort. It has volumes of Chinese grade low quality metals which will require huge amounts of coal resources to blast the impurities out of.

China did figure out how to defeat the American nuclear arsenal. It chose biological weapons in someone released them there, and someone is bringing them in on American carriers to the United States for their restructuring of the United States.

China was chosen to rot the United States infrastructure from within in poor quality control. This was deliberate and it does include essentials in the United States military munitions and advanced weapons programs.

The dots were connected here first in the projection.

Thank you for the addition.

In all of this, the spiders in the web though reacted most today in exclusives for tomorrow and Monday, and it had nothing to do with Chinavirus.

One more thing, Blogger keeps stats on referring URL's, this group was interesting which appeared today. Someone who can spoof websites without a URL was logging this riddle for me to solve.

It would be much easier if they would just donate volumes of money as they would not have to bother with Inspired writings as I would be off fishing from shore.
