Friday, February 14, 2020

Trump Driveth Furiously

 Time I showed you boys how to save America!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly pray with all my heart for the safety and strengthening of President Donald Trump, for the full reason, America needs for what is coming a man of his nature. I had hoped for this tyrant to appear to make this world pass under his rod, but wasting 3 years, using the system, and being vindicated numerous times, the system is trying to destroy him again, it is time that Donald Trump use the legal system to crush adversaries at home, so he has free reign abroad to intimidate friend and foe alike, as horrific things are coming on this world.

“He knows exactly what he’s doing,” this official explained. “He knows that he has more power than anyone else in the government — and when he tweets, everyone has to listen to him.”
A second former senior official, former chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon, said of Trump, “He is mad and he should be mad. The Democrats and the media wasted three years of the nation’s time on a witch hunt. Now he understands how to use the full powers of the presidency. The pearl-clutchers better get used to it.”

Remember Steve Bannon's assessment of the President, and then remember Trump'r fury and his energy. Remember what this blog predicted by the Holy Ghost that a Jehu was coming.

2 Kings 9:20   (Read all of 2 Kings 9)
And the watchman told, saying, He came even unto them, and cometh not again: and the driving is like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi; for he driveth furiously.

The false prrophets said he was Cyrus. Donald Trump is not Cyrus. Donald Trump is Jehu, and Jenu was raised up to crush the conspiracy in Samaria Israel, and wipe out the old order and to  establish a Godly order. Mr. Trump has failed on the last parts, but I hope that he is so stirred up and has the proper fists to smash his opponents as Shin Bet designed this.

I do not care at this juncture that Donald Trump is a coming National Socialist, a cult leader, a Nazi in scope, as what matters is his having a steel fist with diamond nails to set the order straight. I have zero objection to Ivanka being Futurus, providing she has learned the lessons of her father that SHE CAN NOT TRUST THE LEFT OR MOSAAD MARXIST JEWRY. Her succor as is her fathers is American Protestants Black and White, armed to the teeth as her martial force, aimed at the Shin Bet Nazi's direction to the new order.

The President must crush these Obama outliers in the extreme, so he does not have civil war as he is trying to deal with Peking biological attacks upon the world. Russian alignment with the Germanic order of Europe and Islamic nuclear terrorism in Jew York City.

The best solution is the shattering of China by it's own military generated virus meant to slaughter Americans, Russians, Japanese and Indians. Without China, the Muslim Shia behave, without China mother Russia is more friendly to the United States, and without China, Europe must purchase US technology for 5G as China is a festering phlegm dump.

Americas and the world requires a strongman in Donald Trump for what is arisen and rising. It is my hope that he fulfills what Jehu did not, in protecting the Christian Order and reducing the foreign order to ashes. Otherwise, the blow coming to America will leave America a scorched earth.

Donald Trump has rewarded me nothing for writing his time line to be President by God. This President has done none of the MAGA which he promised. He is though the rogue stud horse we have and the best chance to not be buried in the abyss. It is not Republican in form as George Washington, but I do hope he lays the law down as President Andrew Jackson did in using the legal system to destroy his every enemy, in the same way they sent the police state and the courts after his advocates to destroy him.

Pardon Roger Stone, and ptovide him a government legal team led by Mark Levin and Mr. Stone will find many unique ways to crush the adversaries of America under the maul of justice.

God bless President Trump. Long live the President, long live Futurus in his image.

Nuff Said
