Trump WH Starting To Worry That An Outbreak Here
Could Harm HIs Reelection Chances
11 Americans From Corona Princess at Omaha
facility Are positive for coronavirus - hospital
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In 1939 Chancellor Adolf Hitler had an emerging Italy problem where he would have to waste his German Army to liberate South Tyrolea from Italy, or he could liberate Europe.
In liberating Europe, Hitler was defeated by the grande schemes of Mussolini in France, Greece and Yugoslavia which drained German resources.
Two dead, 79 infected as Italy's government fights coronavirus outbreak ∞ jpost
Entire Train Full Of Passengers Quarantined Over
Virus Fear On ROME-Lecce route - No One Can Leave
It would appear though the leader of Europe in foresight has dealt with South Tyrol to Austria's advantage.
Austria and Italy clash over South Tyrol citizenship ...
Austria and Italy clash over South Tyrol citizenship proposal ... with plans to offer citizenship to people living in the South Tyrol region of north Italy. Sebastian Kurz, ... Sebastian Kurz
It would also most opportune this Coronavirus Wuhan, has a particular intelligence in being the battle front of those nations which are a direct threat to Europe.
China built a first strike biological weapon against India, Japan and the United States. As the European is Indo European in origin and Europe populates the United States, this Peking strategy would in time cripple Europe to vassal status.
As Iran was the originator of the Arabian SARS contracted from Dr. Germ to slaughter Sunni Arabs in mass, which China stole from Canada, Iran was neutralizing the Arabian Jewish oil money flow to Europe, to cripple Europe.
Now with Italy dealing with it's own depleting condition in battling a genus of Coronavirus, this provides central Europe with a dominance, with England removed by Brexit.
With Russia sealing her borders, the close friendship of Vladimir Putin and Sebastian Kurz, will provide a stability to Europe in the chaos of the world in the Russo Saxon alliance.
If the United States were to face a neo Corona mutation, not of the Anglo Saxon branch, but perhaps what would be assessed a distractive form of forced labor being removed, IR, the logical mindset of this virus is that it projects policy which benefits a key order of people, is that the Mexican is a close genetic relative of the Chinese, in the American Indian group is derived from an almost extinct Japanese mountain people, that this intelligent virus would make the jump to cripple the US economy which would permit the arising of the European Empire.
Coronavirus: Peruvian died of this disease in the United ...
A 72-year-old Peruvian woman died from coronavirus in the city of Los Angeles, in the United States, and his body was repatriated to our country, TV Peru reported.. The document issued by the California Department of Public Health indicates that the Peruvian citizen died at the Torrance Memorial Medical Center on January 17.
This virus would be opportune for a national identity mark on the forehead or hand in Europeans for security and trade.
Korea is a like Mexican target which should emerge, as Japan has a large Korean population work force, and to cripple Japan Asia, removal of that work force would be a projected intelligence virus outcome.
Explosion of COVID Cases In Iran ex-China
'It May Be Circulating In Every City In Iran'
And who will be left to be King of Jerusalem.
Israel Coronavirus - Israeli Passenger From
Corona Princess Tests Positive After Flight Home