Friday, February 14, 2020

Bertha for your 98 Pound day

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this is Valentine's Day, some guys seem to have all  the fortune as on January 25th I got this in my junk mail, and this Bertha sounds like a real gem. Her email was hacked from some Germanic BE country, am assuming Belgium and I was not going near her webpage as that was sure to be a place to embed a trojan which was not a condom.

I share this as I am laughing, at the horrid grammar, probably a translator, and I am wondering what part of the planet this man is really located, ready to steal everything a person has who would be desperate and stupid enough to make e contact with anything like this.

I'm 24 YO. I am bored to death and I need to have a master. Maybe you want
to order me to stuff in my ass what you want? I really love to fulfill all
of your orders! Your secret fantasies are making me shake! I miss your
strange requests. Contact me: my Facebook is in profile. You can be any with
me! I want to share your manias!


I read a bizarre headline where medical professionals were urging people to not masturbate with banana skins. I thought it was cherry pie or whatever that idiot movie was that I was not about to watch. In having only a rudimentary knowledge of bananas, I would think it would take a king kong size bunch to masturbate with, as they would seem to wear out, and then what in the hell are you going to do with all those bananas. Only so much pie and bread you could eat, and I doubt after reading this that anyone is going to accept a jar of banana jam, a loaf of banana bread or a slice of banana cream pie, as there is no telling where the hand has been that peeled those bananas.

So requests is translated as orders and fantasies is translated as manias. Odd how master and ass came through correctly. Then again the "You can be any with me", sounds like someone who got a French version of English watching girl date movies.

I once corresponded with a woman who said she was from Mali in the Russian Republic. Wanted me to send money to her and she got bitchy when I would not be blackmailed. What was fun in it, is I caught her in a mistake in she emailed me from a car dealership in Florida. All those Trump Visas Vermin in America, I wonder how many are next door peeling bananas and making things out of them.

Bertha is not a name one would think is attractive, like 350 pound on her hind legs, and she has a 5 o'clock shadow and smells like Sasquatch. Thing is there are lots of Muslim men who like that who are not Saudi billionaires.
Kind of a Select Bertha crowd though, as they probably weigh 95 pounds and use their hair to grease the fry pan.

Happy Valentine's Day.

I have this banana Bertha........


Nuff Said
