As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Whoever in the Mideast created the original Saudi MERS virus to initiate genocide against Saudi Sunni, which was transformed in China to Coronavirus, for the sake of the survival of the West, which all hinges on the continuation of the United States as Protestant majority nation, in power and control, that the words of Sec. of State Mike Pompeo, that the greatest threat to the world are the communists of Peking, the words of Birther Hussein Obama can not be ignored in his actions, to never allow a good catastrophe go to waste.
This blog believes the Saudi MERS was created by a Dr. Germ, for the Iranian Shia Islamocommunists to rid them of their contender in the House of Saud in the Mideast, a viral final solution which was designed to mutate to eradicate the Ashkenaz Jew majority.
The reason for this posting is the foolish stipulation by Donald Trump in a red line in the sand, needing American dead, to attack Iran for terrorism. The reality is now that 50 Americans have suffered severe brain trauma from the original Iranian missile salvo on US bases in Iraq.
Iran missile strike: 50 US troops now diagnosed with brain ...
Jan 28, 2020The Pentagon said on Tuesday 50 US service members were now diagnosed with traumatic brain injury after missile strikes by Iran on a base in Iraq earlier this month, 16 more than the military had ...
All of this began in the torture and murder of American Hero, CIA Beirut Chief, William Francis Buckley.
What was unleashed in Buckley was real torture, not "waterboarding" or "denying" terrorists their koran. What emerged of William Buckley in captivity after 444 days, was an insane human in a broken body.
Buckley was close to a gibbering wretch. His words were often incoherent; he slobbered and drooled and, most unnerving of all, he would suddenly scream in terror, his eyes rolling helplessly and his body shaking. The CIA consensus was that he would be blindfolded and chained at the ankles and wrists and kept in a cell little bigger than a coffin
The short version of Buckley's capture was he was smashed in the head in the elevator of his apartment with a bag of rocks. Knocked down, he was thrown into a Muslim vehicle, and sat on by two terrorists for an hours long trip to the dope and counterfeiting area of Lebanon, in the Bekaa Valley.
There he was flown to Damascus, without the Syrian's knowing, and moved to Tehran, where he was injected with copious amounts of mind altering drugs, which confirmed a great deal of the contents of Buckley's "burn bag" which he was carrying, An information bag, which contained information on Buckley's contacts and CIA operations.
The CIA first was alerted that something was drastically wrong, when all of Buckley's contacts in Lebanon were mass murdered by Hezbollah, the Iranian backed terrorists.
Sources in Lebanon said Buckley immediately was driven over the Shouf Mountain range and into the Syrian-controlled Bekaa Valley, where he was handed over to pro-Iranians in the ancient town of Baalbeck.
A report in April 1985 by a London-based Arab newsletter said Buckley was flown from Damascus airport to Tehran less than a week after pro-Iranian Shiite Moslem gunmen abducted him. The pro-Iranian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the kidnapping and six months later said in a statement that it 'executed' Buckley on Oct. 14, 1985. Buckley's body has not been found.
But sources close to the hostage crisis say Buckley died in May or June 1985 in Iran of torture and a lack of medical attention.
Buckley was held in Evin Prison or Prison 209 which had been set aside for political prisoners to be raped, beaten, tortured and murdered. As videos of Buckley were sadistically released, they revealed a human who had been systematically destroyed. He had been terrorized in his mind with drugs that his mind was no longer lucid.
Buckley in actual reports when he was returned to Lebanon, would go from rolling eyed gibberish, to screams of terror, to speaking of being ready to eat his fictional blueberry pancakes.
What was done to Bill Buckley was worse than what the Gestapo did to thousands in Nazi Germany.
Prison 209
Evin Prison (Persian: زندان اوین, romanized: Zendân-e-Evin) is a prison located in the Evin neighborhood of Tehran, Iran. The prison is notable as the primary site for the housing of Iran's political prisoners since 1972, before and after the Islamic Revolution, in a purpose-built wing nicknamed "Evin University"
It apparently was Ibrahim al-Nadhir of Lebanon, a psychiatrist, who began the torture of Buckley and schooled the Iranians in the tactics. The Iranians practiced torture like a religion with a mania. Buckley's body looked like a pin cushion when videos appeared. The human mind was never designed nor the body to receive this volume of torture drugs, and the Iranians in pure evil, destroyed William Buckley as a person.
Aziz al-Abub (also known as Ibrahim al-Nadhir or al-Nahdhir)[citation needed] was a Lebanese psychiatrist and medical torture expert affiliated with Hezbollah. Al-Abub is accused[by whom?] of having used brainwashing, drugs, and physical torture on Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives in Beirut, in particular, the 444-day (1984-1985) torture and mental derangement of American William Francis Buckley
There is enough of the actual details which emerged to lay the blame on the literal terrorists. The first is President Ali Khameini, who revealed that they had the American, under the name McCloskey. It is evident that William Buckley did not break, and that the Iranians and Lebanese terrorists fell for the ruse of a false identification which Buckley gave during torture.
The Lame Cherry adheres to the forensic psychology evaluation, that William Buckley did not break. His information satchel is what provided the intelligence and is how the contacts were found. The reason William Buckley was so brutalized, is he held out, until the point his mind no longer knew what reality was. Like the Soldiers in Vietnam who were tortured by communists, constructed "a safe place" where they resided. The blueberry pancakes appears psychologically where William Buckley went. It was a safe place of his youth, where he hid, as he separated himself from the person being tortured. Eventually the real intelligence was blanked out, and all William Buckley was talking about was blueberry pancakes.
William Buckley should be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Al Taqrir said Syrian President Hafez Assad learned of Buckley's transit through Damascus after the American arrived in Tehran, and called Iranian President Ali Khamenei to ask whether Iran had Buckley.
Khamenei reportedly said Iran indeed had 'a senior CIA man' in custody near the Iranian holy city of Qom but that the man identified himself only as 'McCloskey.'
U.S. and Middle East sources with close connections to the case of the Americans kidnapped in Moslem west Beirut say the man identified as McCloskey almost certainly was Buckley and was subjected to prolonged torture in Iran.
The Lebanese terrorist who was the conduit for the Iranian Islamocommunists, who did not want thee American bringing peace to Lebanon, was Imad Mughniye. Mughniveh, after the taking out of FARC communists in South America, who had been delivered weapon's grade uranium for a bomb to be set off in the United States, killed the greatest murderer of American, up until 9 11. In 2008, a CIA spotter team in Damascus discovered the Hezbollah mastermind was in the city, and created a most novel assassination device, in a specially charged Claymore type IED was placed in an SUV's spare tire, where it was parked, and Mughniveh, parked beside it in his safe house, and it detonated killing this mass murderer, under the astute work of President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and CIA Director Michael Hayden.
Mughniyeh was behind the 1983 bombing of the US embassy in Beirut, which took out the entire CIA station there as well as the visiting head of the agency's Middle East analysis branch. (In fact, word of the CIA's role in Mughniyeh's killing first leaked in a biography of that officer, Robert Ames, by Kai Bird, published last year.) Mughniyeh reportedly planned the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks and watched the attack unfold through binoculars from the top of a nearby building. His hand touched Hezbollah plots from Germany to Kuwait and from Argentina to Thailand.
This bloody history alone would have placed Mughniyeh in a league of his own, but there was something else that made the hunt for Mughniyeh a deeply personal vendetta. There was a reason more than one CIA operative reportedly refused reassignments and passed up on promotions to remain on the Hezbollah account. His name was Bill Buckley.
The reality of the William Buckley story is that the terrorist regime of Iran, destroyed Buckley's mind and body. In the hidden realities, Buckley was returned to Lebanon, after CIA contacts took pictures of Buckley in Iran, confirming he was being held there.
Buckley's mind was deranged, his body was malnourished and crippled from repeated physical and drug torture. The Iranians transported Buckley back to Lebanon and handed him over to Hezbollah. He was their trophy, but the body without a mind, and the age of Buckley after being tortured produced chronic heart failure. Buckley's heart could not pump enough blood, and fluids were collecting in his lungs. His coughing was reported by fellow hostages in Lebanon.
Buckley deteriorated and in urgency, he was transported back to Iran for treatment. Buckley died after arriving in Iran. The Iranians not wanting this immense target for President Ronald Reagan to attack them over, shipped the body back to Lebanon, where Buckley was promptly buried by the airport road.
By some accounts Buckley was moved through the Beqa Valley and transferred to Iran; others say he was buried in an unmarked grave in Lebanon. Mughniyeh's Islamic Jihad Organization announced it had killed Buckley in October 1985, but fellow hostages would later reveal he had died months earlier as a result of the torture he endured, possibly at the hands of Imad Mughniyeh himself. According to former hostage David Jacobsen, when Buckley died in captivity, reportedly from drowning in his own lung fluids as a result of torture, it "really shook up our kidnappers."
The Iranians left Hezbollah holding the bag, as they feared American retaliation. This explains the intelligence of Buckley dying months before, Hezbollah was forced to take "credit" for murdering Buckley while being held hostage.
Iran has nuclear weapons, purchased out of the Soviet arsenal. They have had ample time to build North Korean atomic bombs, and have been crafting the Pakistani Dr. Kahn cone shaped design for their Shahab missiles.
Iran has used it's stealth atomic weapons to continue a generation of mass murder, including assisting in 9 11 terrorism against the United States. As this blog advocated nuclear creep from Afghanistan to contain China invading the Mideast, and end the Iranian problem, there is now the opportunity by Mike Pompeo's declaration, that the Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski Iranian terror state, can be dealt with, without nuclear weapons polluting Iran.
Consider the list of mass terror events which Iran and Hezbollah are part of.
American hostage taking.
The downing of American passenger jets.
The attack upon American Naval vessels.
The MERS biological attack against Saudi Arabia
The attempt at economic warfare by oil terrorism in bombing Saudi facilities.
9 11
The bombing of US Embassy in Beirut.
The Marine bombing in Beirut
The assistance of the North Korean nuclear design
The providing of FARC with weapon's grade uranium for an atomic attack upon the United States
The mass forest fire burnings in California by Mexican mafia hired by Iran and covered up by Obama.
The communists of Iran are guilty of terrorism, nuclear terrorism blackmail and biological terrorism which has now placed the entire world in jeopardy in Chinese Coronavirus.
It is at this point that President Donald Trump, with his intelligence and security directors, convene a meeting with the Democratic and Republican leadership in the Congress, and produce these William Buckley facts, with the reality, that Iran has attempted a nuclear attack upon the United States using FARC in 2008, and the United States must in leadership, not stand in the way of the progression of Corona, bringing down the communists of Peking, which will stop a coming war with China invading Alaska for oil resources.
China being muted, is a China which will mute North Korea, and a China which will mute Venezuela, and a China which will mute Iran.
Coronavirus in natural progression will solve the foreign policy disasters of the United States, created by Jimmy Carter, HW Bush, Bill Clinton. Bush43 and Barack Hussein Obama, without the United States having to resort to genocidal wars.
It is a given that Iran will deploy nuclear terror against Jew York City in a reaction to saving itself as Hezbollah becomes more vulnerable and Iran degrades in economic pressure.
Coronavirus if allowed a natural progression, will save the world from nuclear terror and war. Russia without China will be forced to peaceful cooperation with a resurgent United States, and Russia without China will have a secure southern border.
What the Congress must understand is there is a real doomsday threat in this, that the very groups named above, have figured out that Coronavirus is their bioweapon, and all they need to do is deploy it against the United States in mass.
The Danger of an Islamic Coronavirus Suicide Spreader
The United States has already noted the threat to America are the communists of China. Mike Pompeo understands this paradigm. If the United States protects its Protestant majority being genocided by the enemies of the United States, and allows the virus those enemies produced to progress, the entire enemy states against the United States, will cease to be threats.
For William Buckley, and all the other American maimed and murdered, Iran should receive full retribution for their MERS virus, before Iran marshals Corona against America or releases nuclear theater on the United States.
This is the only logical policy. Allow the weapons of our enemies to destroy themselves.
Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said