Thursday, February 13, 2020

China Coronavirus Projection

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For the incompetent or deliberate dispersion of the Coronavirus in contact to the American public, through Pentagon body dumps into Omaha Nebraska to the "self quarantine" of hundreds of Americans, who are supposed to be trusted to not infect others in the most bizarre quarantine in world history, President Donald Trump has not been provided correct direction for the security of the nation.

Based on this, the same exposure created by WHO and CDC to the general pubic, there appears to be a deliberate Bill Gates scenario being played out to crop numbers of Citizens in the West.

The Lame Cherry is the only media platform which has stated the reality that China stole this virus, which appears to have been manufactured for Iran to mass murder Saudi Sunni Muslims for Tehran domination.
China stole this SARS Corona, to mass murder in a first biological weapon strike Indians, Americans, Japanese and Russians. This needs to be understood, as Donald Trump chats with dictator Xi, who has been lying in a massive cover up, that Chinese communists obtained a pandemic virus to murder Americans in a most heinous way by drowning them in their own lungs, in premeditated mass murder AGAINST INTERNATIONAL LAW!

In forensic projection, which appears to be missing from President Trump's civilian, military, security and intelligence is the fact that the Chinese communists may not have accidentally released this virus, but Peking has factored in, that it has 1.4 billion lab rats which can out survive the 310 million, or 160 million Americans and 150 million foreigners who get Coronavirus.

To be BLUNT about this, China is suffering through a first wave which will last months. They have warehouses full of good for trade and tons of gold. The fact is that Chinese survivors, even if the kill rate is 75% will have 400 million Chinese in a massive army to conquer a festering India, a death bed Russia, a cadaver laden Japan, and a dead America. At this kill rate, there will be not enough military in the United States, India, Japan and Russia to stop China. China having an immunity to Corona can march up and take American and Russia resources and inherit the paddy's of India as these peoples are coughing up their lungs for an easy kill.

No one is projecting this reality. China engaged in a mass murder act in stealing this virus and breeding it. China lied about this pandemic. China has actively been spreading this virus in the lull, as in a logical defensive posture of if China is sick, then for security, China should make the rest of the world sick, so the world can not attack China.

China is currently operating on a 3 month edge with this Corona pandemic, meaning they are 3 months ahead of America, India, Japan and Russia, in having a surviving population which can fight and win a war.

In a logical projection, China survives this, and China will annex Russian oil fields, American oil fields in Alaska, Indian agricultural lands and the technology of Japan.

The world is not just in a state of pandemic. The world is in the midst of a biological world war, and China is positioning itself after a first release to win this, while the rest of the world is drowning in their lungs.

In this, from the lack of protection of Americans, there is a deep state operation in this targeting Protestant Americans again, as the targets are Republican areas in California, Texas and Nebraska. Without one mention of the crimes of China, the State Department and DOJ have not mentioned the criminal nature of China. There are political agendas being engaged in, and in this China is gaining the upper hand, and the deep state in America is engaged in the same Obama regime genocide of Americans in replacing them

Lawrence Kudlow making the following statement reveals how in the dark the Trump advisors are, as no one has made the tactical point the Lame Cherry has, and worse yet, it appears the only agenda is to infect Americans not of the deep state.

Kudlow: White House is disappointed with China’s response to coronavirus outbreak   oann

This is one again, the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter. The facts are the facts in this and they bear out the deductions which have been produced exclusively here. President Donald Trump is not being served by those around him again, through incompetence or deliberate deception.

What is taking place in China, can be taking place in July, with America flat on it's back, with China recovered and  invading the nations they infected, and remember that Barack Obama and those dumping pandemic inside the United States and thwarting Donald Trump, gushed over communist China is their favorite regime.

Nuff Said
