Trust me Mr. President......
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In Bill O'Reilly's book, Killing Reagan, he invests a great deal of time trashing President Ronald Reagan, and not mentioning the Bush family connection to the assassination of Ronald Reagan. O'Reilly goes to great lengths calling Ronald Reagan a liar over Iran Contra, and noting how Ronald Reagan said he never sold arms to Iran for hostage releases to fund the Contras, but noted that it was indeed in legal papers he had no memory of.
In the following, the Lame Cherry readers are going to understand a bit more of the terms this blog has brought forward in the framing of Donald Trump, namely the Missing Link, and why the name Protector of America is associated with Robert Mueller.
There is a reason that Robert Mueller and William Barr emerged to the forefront of the framing of Donald Trump, the genesis of was the the dirt paid for by Paul Singer, for Marco Rubio, on behest of the Bush family, so Jeb Bush upon "obtaining" the presidential nomination without Republicans, which evolved into the neo con Bill Kristol file handed over to Hillary Clinton's writers which became Pissgate, the framing of Donald Trump.
William Barr began life as "the fixer" out of the CIA, as Robert Mueller became The Mule out of the CIA, for what would be special projects for the President in waiting, the former CIA Director George HW Bush.
Barr was Bush's man, in the Reagan White House. From 1982 to 1983, William Barr was inside the Reagan White House, but was forming legal findings for the operations which Vice President George HW Bush was engaged in, which Ronald Reagan, who was not senile, but was never told of, but had his name place on, including forged signatures as the President trusted his staff.
Barr became the unofficial legal counsel for the Vice President in what became known as The Enterprise.
The Enterprise, was an operation formulated by Lt. Col. Oliver North, another Bush man, which was built on the platform of President Reagan, wanting the hostages Muslims had taken freed. What HW Bush oversaw was lying to the Iranians about selling them Super Hawk, surface to air missiles from the Jews, and the proceeds would then go to fund anti communist Contras in Latin America.
The story broke when Iranians were furious in being lied to as there were no Super Hawks, and this is why the operation was created, to create an impeachment scandal to bring down Ronald Reagan, as Nixon had been, to install HW Bush as President.

Barr is proponent of the unitary executive theory, which holds that the President has broad executive powers. Prior to joining the Trump administration, he argued that the president has "complete authority to start or stop a law enforcement proceeding.
Under Barr's advice, President George H. W. Bush in 1992 pardoned six officials involved in the Iran–Contra affair.
William Barr by 1985 had been called in by HW Bush, in attempting to deal with a situation which was about to blow up on HW Bush. As an offshoot of The Enterprise, the same CIA black operations funding in south Asia in the Golden Triangle of opium, was cocaine from Colombia in drug cartel members were funding the Contras, in exchange for their coke being flown into Mena Arkansas, where future President, Bill Clinton was snorting coke, and hiring hookers in Arkansas.
The reason Barr was called in, was someone was skimming coke profits. The lynch pin in this was Panama in Manuel Noriega, with the Mosaad dumping their coke into the United States. Barr uncovered for Bush that the skimming was Manuel Noriega and Contra CIA flyer, the infamous Barry Seals who had a tape of George W. and Jeb Bush in Miami offloading their share of coke. Seals attempted to blackmail HW Bush to save himself, but was murdered by "Colombian's in Louisiana to silence him.
Seals wife later received a phone call, informed she had just received over 1 million dollars and the smart thing would be to shut up and live out her life.
With HW Bush securing the presidency, Bush41 brought back in William Barr, the Fixer, to deal with an old score, and that old score was Manuel Noriega. Bush41 would settle another score with an oil competitor named Saddam Hussein in a deal that went bad. Both the invasion of Panama and Iraq, were HW Bush settling scores and had nothing to do with US policy.
In 1989, at the beginning of his administration, President George H. W. Bush appointed William Barr to the U.S. Department of Justice as Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel, an office which functions as the legal advisor for the President and executive agencies.
Barr was known as a strong defender of Presidential power and wrote advisory opinions justifying the U.S. invasion of Panama and arrest of Manuel Noriega, and a controversial opinion that the F.B.I. could enter onto foreign soil without the consent of the host government to apprehend fugitives wanted by the United States government for terrorism or drug-trafficking.
By mid-December that year, ties had deteriorated so far that President George H W Bush launched an invasion, ostensibly because a US marine had been killed in Panama City, although the operation had been months in the planning.
William Barr crafted a legal finding, which is against ever international and Constitutional Law in American Thug Democracy, which stated foreigners could be charged with crimes in their own nations, having broken American laws. It was that guise which Bush41 used to invade Panama to even the score with President Noriega. This is the most unAmerican law ever created and without any legal precedent in history.
There was a problem though in the Barr finding, and that was when President Noriega was kidnapped and brought to the United States, after the deaths of American Soldiers in this invasion, the case was so weak, that Bush41 and William Barr, had to bring in a legal thug, named Robert Mueller, in order to so manipulate the case that the jury would have to return a guilty verdict, which it had zero authority to do. The Mule was brought in and Noreiga was framed, which Robert Mueller has had a hand in, in numerous railroading of Americans in using the system against them.
The Mule,
Gene "Chip" Tatum a native of St.Petersburg Florida, was a Vietnam Special Forces Air Combat Controller, Defense Intelligence Asset, and US Army special operations pilot flying classified missions during the US invasion of Grenada, Tatum was also involved in the Nixon Administrations relations with China, NASA's Apollo Program, the Iran-Contra Affair, and several other classified intelligence operations dating through through 1992 . Working directly for the sitting Presidents. From sensitive and highly secret - and hitherto largely unknown - Special Forces covert operations in Cambodia, to wandering CIA asset, through to "black ops" activities in Grenada and Oliver North's Iran-Contra "Enterprise." Tatum knows where the skeletons are buried.
The Fixer would not be finished, as a mother and son would be murdered by the FBI in Idaho, at a place called Ruby Ridge. Barr would appear pro bono, presenting to the courts another legal finding that the courts could not indict FBI snipers, because doing so would prevent future Attorney Generals from sending them out to murder Americans in other special operations.
The FBI murderers, in the sniper and the head agent were never brought to justice for blowing the head off of Vickie Weaver as she held her infant daughter in her arms at Ruby Ridge.
Thanks to William Barr though, FBI Director James Comey would unleash Special Agent Gregory Bretzing, using FBI moles to stampede the Bundy Group off of the Malheur Refuge in Oregon, in order to murder LaVoy Finicum, where an FBI tac team, opened up on an unarmed LaVoy Finicum, in order to have him assassinated by snipers on scene.
Unarmed is an exact defintion, as LaVoy Finicum in reverse speech recordings before the shooting, says I AM UNARMED. His handgun was back at the refuge, and that handgun after 2 hours appeared from the refuge and on the frozen body of LaVoy Finicum.
Now you know why Robert Mueller and William Barr appeared. They have a long deep state operational status run out of the CIA, in fixing things and making certain that things go the way the agenda states. It is why charges were dropped again Andrew McCabe by the Department of Justice and why Barr is immune, and why Robert Mueller could play the doddering fool before Congress, as his assembled team was meant to herd Donald Trump into the lion's den and put Donald Trump on a leash. Sessions brought in Mueller to herd Donald Trump, and Donald Trump appointed his protector William Barr, who was the same bad cop.
None of this was about Donald Trump, it is the Missing Link, it is the protection of operatives involved in this in setting this all in motion, and protecting the Obama conspirators.
William Barr is Attorney General to once again direct the cover up, so it does not link back to the Bush family, and their extensions of Bill and Hillary Clinton, and that image of Barack Hussein Obama.
Never forget in this that John Brennan worshiped George HW Bush. Do not be suckered into believing the Sara Carter exclusives that indictments will come from John Durham. Andrew McCabe proved that William Barr is at the Department of Justice to protect the very conspirators, who were hired to those positions to bring about this conspiracy.
This is information which is all out there, if you just assemble it in order, it all proves what the jigsaw fits together.
This is the group which deliberately undid the legacy of President Ronald Reagan by design.
The police took him into custody at the School Book Depository, he was there when Nixon was brought down, there when I was shot and gave the throat slash to Donald Trump.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said