As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry would like to address all of these rich assholes who never gave a damn about the FORGOTTEN MAN, and have been living the life of Obama in luxury, and taken jobs in communist China, stealing more jobs from Americans and going on cruises, and now this entire septic bunch, expects to make American taxpayers pay for returning them back to the United States in ORDER TO INFECT US WITH THE PLAGUE, as none of these rich assholes give a damn about America or Americans.
Imagine rich people, taking luxury cruises and being upset that the Japanese do not want their plague asses in Japan, and then upset that the United States Government is finally getting it's head out of his Goldman Sachs global ass in figuring out that the CDC and WHO were lying to them, like the communist Chinese as they are only interested in making money and not about Americans drowning in their own lungs.
Once in America, another 14 days of mandatory quarantine would begin. Anyone who chose not to get on the flight would have to wait another 14 days in Japan to ensure they were symptom-free before returning to the US.
That decision has prompted anger among the American passengers, with many demanding answers to two simple questions about the US response: Why did the American government wait so long to make the about-face decision? What prompted such a dramatic shift in US policy?
But this just in........the media is catching up to what the Lame Cherry has been reporting.
Report: Coronavirus Could Be A Bioweapon That Only Targets A Certain Race - Conservative Choice Campaign ∞ conservativechoicecampaign
And further proof of this? China has not allowed in United States personnel. The Chicoms are hiding the massive deaths and contamination in China, and more to the point, Peking is hiding that this is there bioweapon, they built to slaughter Americans, Indians, Russians and Japanese.
The assignment comes as China continues to block teams from the WHO and CDC from traveling to China to join the campaign against the new flu strain.
The Coronavirus IS a pandemic in China. It is in the incubation period of becoming a pandemic in the United States. That is why the White House has began finally cracking down and not allowing Goldman Sachs to dictate policy on this for profits. The incubation period for Coronavirus is 4 weeks not 2 weeks. The united States is projected to not begin experiencing the full effect of Corona until mid March or the beginning of April.
NIH Official: New Coronavirus On 'Verge' Of Pandemic If Not Contained ∞ max
The United States is preparing. There are concentration camps and new protocols for the military to seize people off streets and throw them into detention camps with infected people.
There are patterns finally being reported which first were progressed by the Lame Cherry. Certain groups seem to not be contracting or contractions are not reported. There is zero reporting of ethnicity in the infections, but it does conclude that Chinese and Chinese crossbreeds are at premium, as was with SARS.
People of Indonesia and Cambodia appear at this time not contracting, as are South Americans. Singapore and the Philippines having a higher percentage of Chinese blood, are reporting cluster outbreaks.
Coronavirus, when treated with HIV medications, weakens the heart, and when a reinfection occurs, the sick die of heart failure. Recovery is not a cure. Corona is already mutating enough or has enough outliers in the virus that it out maneuvers the human immune system. It is the Catch 22, in use HIV drugs to suppress the immune system, that the cure kills, and leaves the door open for contracting the plague again.
Bill Gates projections are 10 million dead, down from his hope of thirty million, but Peking just ordered full lockdown of Hubei province, because the PLA's draconian measures are not working, in the virus is spreading and killing more people daily, as dicator Xi hides in the bunker behind his peeking mask.
The Chinese were working toward opening Hubei province to open 3rd week February. It has gone into full lockdown as it enters week 3. On this data, the Lame Cherry projects that China will not benefit in a United States pandemic, as it appears that China is not approaching recovery, but that the pandemic is deepening there.
Coronavirus is so engineered that the test kits are not picking up numbers of infected people.
By 29 January, the virus had been spread to all provinces of Mainland China
January 23rd, 2020
Coronavirus in China: 23 Million QUARANTINED, 2.8 Million Infected; 112,000 DEAD
This explains the early US reaction to evacuate, and the current US action of facing reality that what is making China into a grave, is about to make the United States a crypt.
China Communist Party Orders 1 Million Body Bags from Outside Country; Shifts Multiple Factories to Body Bag Production
The outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan has greatly increased the number of infections and deaths. How serious is the epidemic? After a Wuhan Funeral Home asked for help from the society to transport the body bags, more industry exposures were revealed.
For those of you who thought I was joking about Coronapenis, this bioweapon is a sterlization weapon as Mumps sterilizes men by making them infertile.
"The protein and mRNA expression of ACE2 in the testes is almost the highest in the body. Moreover, both cells inseminiferous ducts and Leydig cells showed high ACE2 expression level. These results indicate that testicular cells are the potential targets of 2019-nCoV."
"due to the potential pathogenicity of the virus to testicular tissues, clinicians should pay attention to the risk of testicular lesions in patients during hospitalization and later clinical follow-up, especially the assessment and appropriate intervention in young patients' fertility"
China though appears to be in the death throws. It's major container shipping ports as in Shanghai have faced martial law. China has zero economic growth and production. As a nation, China is dying. All it has are the gold reserves and American debt, to trade for products, but the imports are not being offloaded in ports.
Beijing and Shanghai LOCKED-DOWN as Coronavirus Spreads Uncontrolled
After Beijing announced it was going into lockdown to try and contain the Wuhan virus on Sunday (Feb. 9), Shanghai on Monday (Feb. 10) followed suit and said it is also implementing "closed-off management" measures for communities in the city.
ZERO Percent (0%) GDP for 6 weeks - China
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of China is at ZERO PERCENT (0%) and will remain there for at least 1.5 Months. The output of manufacturing in China is now almost zero. Supply-Chain disruptions are already taking place; Hyundai, KIA, and Nissan have all had to stop several auto-assembly plants for lack of parts. Other companies are now beginning to feel supply disruptions. The USA will be hit very hard by this . . .
I will have another exclusive tomorrow on the origins of Coronavirus in forensic terms.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said