Monday, February 17, 2020

The World Should Prepare for the End of China

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With over 60 million Chinese under quarantine, and this is self imposed as most are locked behind their doors, in other words with zero direct to human to human contact, lasting 2 weeks, the Coronavirus is being bragged about having peaked, and will be over by April.

China’s senior medical adviser, Zhong Nanshan, suggesting the coronavirus outbreak may be over by April. 

Do not lose sight of this, there has been no one working. No one going out. People have stocked up on supplies or fled and still this pandemic is out of control. Corona has been incubating for 2 weeks in these sick, which projects this back and reveals the spike. Fewer people dying, does not mean less deaths, but factors in the use of auto immune drugs and better treatments to arrest the deaths. A 22% drop is not an appreciable drop, and fewer cases, projects not to containing the disease, but once exposed nothing can be done to stop it's infection.
In effect, people have been in isolation and still the Corona is spreading.

All of this projects that this was never human to human. This was not eating bat shit or anything else. This is a virus, which is smaller than latex pores in gloves and masks. This is a virus which was being deliberately spread by oral means, meaning ingested.
This appears water or food born from human fecal matter.

  • There were 95 deaths reported overnight according to health officials and Chinese news sites. That’s down from 116 reported for Monday - a drop of 22%.
  • New cases reported for the Chinese mainland on Tuesday is 1,696. That is down from a peak of over 3,000 new cases on 4 February and the lowest number of new infections since 1,347 were reported on 31 January.

The Chicoms lie. They knew this was an epidemic when it appeared and hid it. In this, we do not know if it is was the original bio weapons lab which sold dirty plastic bottles and some Chicom food handler used them and that is what set this off, and a few of those bottles are sitting in Walmart in Los Angeles.

As this appears a deliberate out source spreading, as foreknowledge was displayed by Europeans, then this was an act to bring about definitive results, and the Peking propaganda is not going to alleviate the pandemic.

95 x 39 days =  3705 dead
1696 cases x 39 days = 66,144 cases

China at this death rate is not in danger of collapsing, as it will require over 50 years for the pandemic to kill all the Chinese. What is the problem for the Chinese and their dictator is manufacturing. Xi has urged local production of goods, but the reality is Xi bunkered up when this pandemic broke out. He knew damned certain how contagious this virus is. Xi's mask and actions all indicate the communists were terrified of airborne transmission.

Let none of this mask that the Chicoms are breeding these bio weapons to use against the United States and India. What happened in Wuhan was an act of war against India and the United States. It simply was contracted first in China, instead of Bombay or Los Angeles.

The Chinese have turned to bio weapons, as they claim they only have a limited number of nuclear weapons.

China is the only NPT nuclear-weapon state to give an unqualified negative security assurance with its "no first use" policy. China signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1992. As of 2016, China fielded SLBMs onboard its JL-2 submarines. As of July 2019, China has an estimated total inventory of 290 warheads

The reality is the claim falls short in Peking has tons of uranium and the far worse plutonium, which is far worse in human contact than a nuclear bomb. Breathing plutonium will kill you faster than Corona.
So to not make itself a nuclear target, relying on a 200 million man fodder PLA to ward off Russia, India and the United States, China has been implementing WMD's of nano, cyber and biological weapons. China has been at war with the United States for decades.

Currently, Beijing is estimated to have between fourteen and eighteen tons of highly enriched uranium and 1.3–2.3 tons of weapon-grade plutonium stockpiled. This enough for anywhere between 750 and 1,600 nuclear weapons—

The question in this is, as the markets pump money and hold commodity prices, is how the world will prepare to be the world without the cancer of China consuming it. This all began with HW Bush money pumping into China to create this massive slave market, which has driven down American wages.
Bill Clinton destroyed American unions and shipped all the jobs to Asia. George W. Bush oversaw the expansion of China which his father created, while Birther Hussein Obama went orgasm over his favorite regime.

Donald Trump drew an economic line in the sand, and China attempted to use North Korea as a weapon to break the United States. That line in the sand has become a red line, as the United States was infected with the Chinese plague and China said absolutely nothing about it, and Xi speaks to President Trump weekly.

China is a festering sore and the warning is, when will terrorists figure out that they can bottle Corona from the infected and use it against the West. Will Chechens us it in Moscow? Will Iran which originated this place it in Saudi Arabia again, move to Tel Aviv or this time mass infect the United States?

This is a sands in the hour glass moment for the modern world. Will China in it's first bio weapons strike destroy the world, will terrorists use the Chinese Corona or will the Corona produce a world which will be freed of the cancer of China?

A world without China is a world without Iranian terrorism, North Korean nuclear arms or Venezuelan rapine.

Before George HW Bush created the cancer of China. the world had mass production of quality goods from Japan, South Korea and the United States. If one ads modern India, the modern world would in short order return to prosperity, because the massive debt of the West all began with the rise of China, consuming all the resources.

The world should begin preparation to a world without China. China in population will implode by 2050 AD in the year of our Lord. Coronavirus has been a blessing in moving the time table up 30 years.  A world without Chinese communists is a world less likely to resort to nuclear terrorism or nuclear war. Russia will not become combative without the China card. Iran without Chicom black markets or Russian backing will not venture into nuclear terrorism. North Korea will moderate without China.
With China Balkanized, and returned to an agrarian society of 350 million aging Chinese, the world would be a safer place. The people of Tibet and south China will be free from annexation and threats. In short, the worst situation which could happen for the United States and the rest of the world is if the Coronavirus does not do it's Bill Gates duty and bring down the great wall of China's cancerous threat to the world.

The salvation for the world lays in the Corona mutating to vermin populations and quintimating them. Quintimating is the reduction by 50%, instead of the ill used term of decimating which is 10%. China must be crippled in population, production, debt holdings and gold. It must be put back into the jinn bottle that George HW Bush rubbed and produced this monster.

The Chicom will not stop. If this Corona had been released, Peking would have placed it into India, and India would be dying not in thousands, but in hundreds of thousands daily, as China waited to annex India as it has Tibet, before moving into the Mideast.  Those are the hard facts in this. China stole this virus from Canada, from Iranians who built it for the genocide of Arabs Sunni in Saudi Arabia. China developed it with intent of killing off the Asian subcontinent. If the opportunity arose, the PLA would have released it to Russia and the United States, for a Chinese global domination, because China with 1.4 billion vermin is enough of a super state and breeding the raped women they acquire, to be it's own global order.

The world should prepare for a world without China, because China has been preparing for a world without you.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
