Innocent after Framed Guilty
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
With the news that Roger Stone was Obama Lynched, in the Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch corrupt injustice system, it was commendable that Attorney General William Barr, once again rose on the side of Justice of the People, as he tried to keep Jeffrey Epstein from being murdered in prison, and did keep Paul Manafort alive.
The Attorney General rightly dismissed the death sentence on Roger Stone of 9 years in prison for this elderly American, who as the Attorney General noted, was convicted on threatening a witness, who testified HE DID NOT FEEL THREATENED.
This Obama judge at the trial, has been coated in Obama musk, in destroying innocent Americans, and now evidence has arisen that the Obama prosecutors have all resigned from this case, and had seated a juror who was the equivilent of a KKK skinhead at a black Obama trial.
This Obama woman hated Donald Trump, loathed Trump Americans and was seated as the jury foreman. The judge should never have allowed this juror to be seated and it is one more travesty of injustice against so many Americans.
Social media posts resurfaced from the left-wing, anti-Trump activist who was the foreperson of the jury that convicted Stone last year. Former Memphis City Schools Board President Tomeka Hart posted about Stone’s case before she had even voted to convict him on obstruction charges.
Hart, who ran unsuccessfully for Congress as a Democrat in 2012, had lauded Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation which led to Stone’s prosecution and had even accused Trump supporters of being racist.Juror on Roger Stone case:– Democrat candidate for Congress
– Despised Trump and his inner circle
– Far left wing activist
— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) February 13, 2020
This blog has called for the pardon of Roger Stone, but in light of the Attorney General's recommendations of only a months long sentence, and the calls for Roger Stone to have a new trial, this blog advocates for the dismissal of this case with the Justice Department not retrying it ever again.
The simple glaring fact in this, Roger Stone was investigated by Robert Mueller for Russiagate. THERE WAS ZERO evidence found in any Stone connection. The reason Roger Stone was targeted was Robert Mueller's Obamacrats were looking to protect the MISSING LINK, and when Stone did not know the name, and Jerome Corsi's lawsuit threatened to expose that person, Robert Mueller ended his investigation.
In all of this Obama lawyers indicted Roger Stone on lying to Congress which had nothing to do with Russia, and can just as easily be entrapment of a Citizen as people's memories fade with age.
To the point as Roger Stone was indicted for lying to Congress, then why in the hell is not Adam Schiff who has been a ring leader in this anti Trump witch hunt and framing, based on Obama leaked information to Congress, not being indicted by the US Justice Department as Adam Schiff has done nothing but LIE, LIE and LIE.

I don't lie, I just present an untruthful fiction to destroy people.
Adam Schiff Presents His 'Evidence of Collusion' - Rolling ...
Adam Schiff Presents His 'Evidence of Collusion' ... is over 300 pages long — proves that the Democrat knowingly lied about Trump's unscrupulous relationship with Russia. Congressman Adam ...
Schiff's false claim his committee had not spoken to the ...
Oct 4, 2019— Rep. Adam B. Schiff ... this was the first whistleblower complaint provided to the Committee this year that the IC IG determined to be of 'urgent concern' and 'credible,' and Chairman ...
There are around 20 counts of proven lying to Congress as Adam Schiff subverted the Legislative and Justice branches to attack the Executive Branch. The Lame Cherry calls upon the ending of this framing of Roger Stone and all Trump supporters release, including General Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort and the beginning of wholesale indictments, with Congressman Adam Schiff.
Roger Stone received from Obama Lynched InJustice 9 years in prison. Adam Schiff on the same recommendation should be sentenced to 180 years in federal pound him in the ass prison.
It is time to Free Roger Stone and put the real conspirators behind bars!
Nuff Said