Thursday, February 13, 2020

Mary J and Louis

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Mary J the other day
Shared with me my cut
It is with thanksgiving in all this living
The kindness to get out of this poverty rut

I have not composed poetry of any sort of years. This blog takes too much energy, along with trying to pray God to move the wealthy to stop being so stingy. Maybe I should pray the rich should donate with a poor man's heart, and then I would be able to stop begging for money as poor people are always more generous and thoughtful as they remember what it is like to be poor.

I am writing this with another post on Gozan, that the Holy Ghost moved me in my Bible reading now twice. So it must be important in my Jerry Falwell Bible I got out of the thrift store.

I do pray that God blesses each of you who donate, with riches not to your hurt. Here am I, the shepherdess for the Good Shepherd, and it is my responsibility to tend this flock of each of you. I take it most seriously, even though most days it seems I need five of me for the things which come our way.

Enjoying your posts -- I wish that I was one of the rich that didn't contribute -- I'd try to make up for at least a few of them


I do enjoy having people read the blog, as honestly in my satire Inspired by God, I do enjoy composing it. I like giving the untouchable the business. I like appropriately slapping Stage 4 Limbaugh around, in he thinks like the President that cancer is a cover and no one can touch him. I remember though Limbaugh's betrayal of Donald Trump, his terming each of us like lab rats to be studied as the Trumpsters, who belonged in the Dumpster as it rhymed and I Trumpster was the Huckster of the Ted Cruz paid for Limbaugh, Levin and Hannity lines.
I remember that everyone got their rewards from Trump Trans, except me.I was kicked to the curb  and treated like a whore.
I'm not going to forget that and God is not going to erase that from the Book.

So billionaire plagiarist Limbaugh will get his rich man's cure for cancer, like all the rich do. Feign things about God, and go back to hording the cash and probably have some revelation like Hannity in pushing homosexual child molesters. The leopard's spots do not change.

As for us, thank God we survived and the animals survived the HAARP Vortex. This is was a nasty bitch as God never allows the wind to blow when it is past 20 below, but HAARP Weather Mods are pure evil and we had 50 plus mph winds, and this shack has me running a Mr. Heater on each side of the house to keep the furnace from getting too hot. The old furnace we had, before the cartel outlawed Warm Mornings had the thermostat on the stove, so it would shut off. This one which Richard and Stephanie own, has the thermostat installed on a far wall. If the fan does not run when the power is out, it gets too hot, because heat does not reach the thermostat. Just to show how odd it is, we have it set at 72 and it keeps it comfortable in here.
This is why one of the many reasons I am pissed off at the Uncle, as I intended to put in a mason wood stove, I was going to build in the basement, but that selfish old bastard delayed things until freeze up. This house the cold creeps in through the back plaster walls, and the ground. I figure a wood burning unit in the earth rock basement will do the job. I would rather God made me rich so that I could build an underground house and build hay sheds for the animals.

It is hard on things here. We are out of hay and will be feeding corn leaves. That will require a supplement and prayers to get things to thaw the snow. I saw in 3 consecutive days by the mailbox a fox track, a coyote tracke and a badger track, with a horned owl in the trees. They are starving and looking to eat my things, but I am praying to God they die by means necessary.

We had an early calf, actually two, but the one died as the mother is a ....never mind. Baby calf is in the porch, raises hell, but 3 times a day she gets powdered calf replacer milk at a gallon. She is growing well, bigger than Baby Moo. She likes going up to the Jerseys and Moo when I do chores. Am so pleased they do not bunt her. Daisy in fact mothers her closely, and will not even kick her when the calf bunts her.
This morning it warmed up to 5 below from 25 below, and baby calf was running like a puppy from the barn to the house, down to the mailbox. It is that baby I really adore, as she is attached to me as her mother, probably more than any calf I have ever raised. Was pleased she was a girl as she will be kept, but again God has to move to get us another place, as we need more land for these animals and to get feed.

Tomorrow it is supposed to warm up, above zero. That means we might be able to get our taxes signed, as this storm had even me not going anywhere. It is not that these ground blizzards are dangerous, it is just if you have trouble, you have to walk in 100 plus wind chill, and is not like the old days in the big farmers are never around, and the people who live on most places work in the city. So freezing all day compared to staying home and being grumpy was the wise choice by God.

I was baking sourdough bread at midnight to keep the house warm, and with running the Mr. H's things held pretty good all night. Only thing was I smelled poo at 5 AM and thought the calf had done things, and then I got up, went back to bed and stuck my hand in a Puntz accident, so was washing that blanket up this morning as a hand of cat crap is not the kind of blessing I am looking for donations for.

I probably should close this out, as I need to work on the the Gozan post done, got to see what CNN and Corona are revealing for the reality of this plague, and have to bake bread for subs for supper, do chores at 4 and then hopefully have a more pleasant night in God surprising with not so much cold. God I want bare ground to walk on again, instead of these glaciers.

God bless the good of each of you and thank you for being a part of the Lame Cherry family on the blog.

