As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry will make the point again and again that China stole a weaponized SARS virus, most like created by Iran, to slaughter Saudi Sunni. This virus was sent to Canada, where shoddy Canadian labs allowed PLA agents to steal this bioweapon.

What China engaged in, was of the most heinous crimes against humanity in world history. China has not just Coronavirus, but we know it has SARS as that was released. We know it has a weaponized version of the plague as that escaped. With China having these bioweapons, it has more, and the reason we know this, is because plagues keep appearing.
The reality is China belongs before the World Court to answer for Crimes Against Humanity. The United Nations should force a vote to remove China from the UN Security Council, because China is building first strike biological weapons of mass destruction. The concluded target for Corona was India, the nuclear neighbor to the south of China, which China sought to eliminate in their long range policy of destroying the United States and dominating the world as the only superpower.
China is a nation that does not belong as a permanent member on the Security Council.
The fact is Dictator Xi from atrocities in Hong Kong, to the support for North Korean nuclear weapons, to the support for Iranian terrorism, must be indicted by the World Court, along with the rest of regime and PLA leadership, with the directors of this murderous bio weapons program, and prosecuted as global criminals.
China has cost the world a fortune and must be held accountable in the Chinese gold reserves must be seized and in reparations for Coronavirus paid to the world community.
Everyone reading this could be dead now, if not for God's Grace, and we still do not know how this will play out. We do know that the world should be furious from Moscow, to London, to DC to Tokyo, in China was making these biologicals to slaughter millions of Russians, Europeans, Americans and Japanese as that is what these ghastly weapons are for. China is so far getting away with this genocide guilt as the chorus has not been made exposing this, save for this blog.
Chinese slave labor and Jewish finance are not equal in the balance to the world population being bartered to cover up these Chinese crimes against humanity.
It is time for President Donald Trump to show global leadership, and demand that President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Boris Johnson and President Mannie Macron appear at the United Nations as the Security Council, excluding China on this issue, as China is a criminal state, and mandate the following demands to be voted upon by the entire body:
China will divest itself of all biological, chemical, nano, cyber and nuclear weapons immediately.
China will allow UN weapon's inspectors to verify the destruction of the Chinese arsenal.
China will hand over it's entire gold reserve as reparations to the world.
China will hold United Nations monitored democratic elections for all parties.
China will free Tibet.
China will recognize Hong Kong as autonomous.
China will recognized Taiwan as the Chinese Republic.
China will allow freedom of commerce in industries can remove their profits from China.
China will end internet censorship.
China will end travel restrictions on it's citizens.
Failure of China to comply immediately will bring global sanctions on China as China is a pariah state.
For those who are so naive, the United States and other nations were suckered out of 100 million dollars by these Chinese plague producers, and no one has noted save this blog, that the Chinese PLA is collecting data on all of this, on how to effectively use this weapon to slaughter in mass the enemies of China from India, to Japan, to Russia to the United States. While humanitarian aid flows in. the PLA is assessing how to deploy this more effectively so no containment would be possible.
The world is now in the balance, and the world has not exhibited the leadership of a Ronald Reagan facing evil or the resolute nature of Margaret Thatcher in denouncing naked aggression. China is evil and it's vials flow with the naked aggression of plague.
China must be stopped or the world will be lost.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said