Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Department of Cover Ups

McCabe's lawsuit against DOJ for wrongful termination is pending before a federal district court in Washington.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry honestly takes back everything positive it has posted on supporting Attorney General William Barr, after the Department of Justice, dropped charges against multi felon, Andrew McCabe today. William Barr is the same slimy attorney of the croc swamp who got off the mass murderer of Ruby Ridge who blew off a mother's head while she held her baby, and was left to rot for days on the floor as the FBI attempted to slaughter the rest of the Weaver family.

There is a long history of massive criminal abuse from the Mueller and Comey police state, allowing criminals to go free, while from Plamegate to Pissgate attempting to subvert the electoral process, but with the ruling on Andrew McCabe today, William Barr has proven he is just another Jeff Sessions and Rob Rosenstein who have turned the Department of Justice to the Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch Department of Cover Ups.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) will no longer pursue criminal charges against former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, closing a high-profile case against the former official whose conduct during the 2016 election came under intense scrutiny.

Faith is all William Barr had, on the shattered ground of the DOJ which Ashcroft, Holder, Lynch and Sessions repeatedly betrayed America in not prosecuting confirmed criminals as Hillary Clinton or now Andrew McCabe. Time and again the Inspector General would issue a report citing evidence and recommending prosecutions, but the Department of Justice refused to prosecute and instead protected criminals.

McCabe was fired from the FBI by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, after DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz provided a recommendation to an internal FBI office that said McCabe was not forthcoming during interviews with federal investigators and that he "lacked candor — including under oath — on multiple occasions."

The little that Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray did do in firing people, has now been set aside by William Barr, to the disgrace of the Department of Justice and the betrayal of thee American People.

Trump: I Have 'Legal Right' to Tell Bill Barr What to Do   max 

Literally William Barr has set the reality of President Donald Trump on being framed by Adam Schiff twice for the Obama White House and being acquitted on the same level as the criminal acts of Andrew McCabe. Trump got off, because he was innocent, but McCabe got off because he was a connected insider criminal.

Andrew McCabe took bribes from Hillary Clinton while investigating her and moving to frame Donald Trump. That is 20 years in prison, but the DOJ could not find anything to prosecute Andrew McCabe on.

It has literally come to the point that as Attorney William Barr whines about not being able to do his job when the President is exercising his Presidential and First Amendment writes in speaking that Donald Trump must inform the Attorney General, that as he is not doing his job, perhaps he should resign and go back to what he was successful at in getting police state murderers off who blow off innocent women's heads on their front porch.

Barr told the New York Times in 1993 that he was not directly involved in the Ruby Ridge operation. Two years later, the Washington Post revealed that “top officials of the Bush Justice Department had at least 20 [phone] contacts concerning Ruby Ridge in the 24 hours before Vicki Weaver was shot,” including two calls involving Barr.

William Barr's Connection to Ruby Ridge, Defending FBI Snipers   theamericanconservative 


Frankly all is lost as the Department of Justice is being sued by Andrew McCabe, and by not prosecuting, this provides absolute proof that the DOJ was wrong in firing this criminal, so McCabe will receive millions of our money, get his job back.........hell, President Trump should just appoint Andrew McCabe as Coup Plotter Director and have him elect Bernie Sanders and a complete 435 communist stooges in Congress, as America is finished. There is no law a the DOJ and there is not Justice. All there is, is protecting deep state stooges, while making criminals out of Americans.

William Barr was showing promise, but he is the same proxy of the deep state which protects and rewards it's own. Andrew McCabe has a real horse in this race as the Mosaad would say of agents who get away with murder.

McCabe's lawsuit against DOJ for wrongful termination is pending before a federal district court in Washington.

The definition of insanity is expecting a different outcome than what can not be changed. I will never expect the Department of Justice to serve thee American People ever again as the proof is Andrew McCabe protected from prosecution for his multiple felonies.

This simply becomes easier all the time to write this blog as the rich do not donate to support the work here, thinking they are immune to what is coming, and they are not. I have zero interest in any of this in propping up this kind of fraud. I will retreat into my Faith in Christ, be peaceable and not upset and know that this kind of absolute corruption could not stand in the latrine of Rome or the cesspool of the Soviet Union.

This Department of Justice has confirmed the People have nothing in it to trust.

Hold your breath if you believe William Barr is going to do jack or shit to John Brennan. Barr and Brennan probably share the same soap.

John Brennan Under DOJ Scrutiny, As John Durham's Criminal Investigation Expands - Sara A. Carter   saraacarter 

PCC, Protestant Christian Conservatives do not have jack or shit in this cult, all they have to trust in is Jesus.

Several of the members that I flew to this meeting in El Ocatal – here are the people who were there: it was General NoriegaMike Harari, who was a retired Mossad agent assigned to Gen. Noriega, Felix RodriguezJoe Fernandez, who was the CIA station-chief in Costa Rica, Gen. Gustavo Alvarez, who was the U.S. – or the Honduran Army chief of staff, and a guy named William Barr, who represented the assets of this enterprise.

Nuff Said
