I have ordered the PLA to have the plague carriers spit on every
package delivered to the United States.
COVID-19: Experts warn coronavirus likely gathering steam – could hit the U.S. hard in 2 to 4 weeks
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry was the first to expose that the CDC in the United States and Donald Trump's
experts, including the Pentagon are in criminal mismanagement, deliberately of the Coronavirus, as this blog has stated the incubation time is longer than 14 days, as the United States began releasing exposed individuals into the general population.
The above numbers are factual and chilling. Corona is not going to begin hitting the United States until March or early April. This has not yet begun. The fact is China began slow and the numbers keep exploding daily, as propaganda posts articles that numbers are falling when it is proven they are not.
Leading health officials expect to see a significant uptick in coronavirus cases nationwide. “We’re going to start to see those outbreaks emerge sometime in the next two to four weeks,” said Scott Gottlieb, former Food and Drug Administration commissioner.
There is something in this, which indicates that this lab generated bioweapon has "tastes" in humans. The CDC has been looking at the infection rates and believes the cases are not being reported from Indochina, but it may be that Indochinese and Cambodians, have a DNA genetic resistance, not being of the "Chinese genus group". That is something to watch in this as other groups are being infected.
We’ve released a pre-print that we’ve been discussing publicly — and trying to get peer reviewed in the meantime — that looks at the numbers internationally, based on how many cases you would expect from normal travel volumes. And a couple of things are striking. One is that there are countries that really should be finding cases and haven’t yet, like Indonesia and maybe Cambodia.
The numbers though do not lie. Chinese are dying in more numbers and the infection rate is still climbing. No matter what the United States is engaged in, in dumping exposed Corona carriers from Wuhan into Texas, California and Nebraska, where two have now come down with the plague, others who are exposed are now not being allowed back into the United States. Those Americans are under no travel orders and exiled to Japan.
The fact is that China reaching to draconian measures. Gone are the smudge pots of England, as China has gone to full gassing of Chinese in fumigating them with deadly measures. People are being forced into tunnels and sprayed in mass like holocaust Jews, and daily plumes of sprayers dump chemicals in China, as sprayers in hazmat suits spray buildings.
A company in the southwestern Chinese city of Chongqing has built a tunnel to spray employees at an industrial complex with disinfectant before they begin work, according to a local media report, as the country battles a coronavirus outbreak.
It is of interest that all of this began after Sebastian Kurz did not form his government and was waiting for an event as this blog reported and as Huawei had begun muscling the United States out of Europe.
US Delegation to Give 'B*****king' to UK Officials
Over Huawei 5G Decision
I would suggest again, as this blog has previously, explained, I would purchase bleach, peroxide, soap, and have flour, sugar and things to eat on hand, and that includes toilet paper, as the CDC is examining data projections and expecting Coronavirus to hit the United States as all of this builds.
largest study so far - COVID Could Take Up To
24 days AFTER exposure for symptoms to show
And An Infected Person Could Be spreading Virus
For A Substantial portion Of That incubation Time
Singapore which has proven an outlier, as an apparent specific site of spread or susceptibility has cluster exposures to Corona which it is tracking. The problem is some people are being infected from zero exposure. Again that points to a deliberate planting of the virus, or something coming out of China was soiled, which these people have in common. It indeed could have been bottled water as the Chinese are filthy people who have absolutely no quality control.

It is absolutely foolish of Donald Trump to be taking victory laps over Coronavirus. His handling of this was late in assembling a committee. His Pentagon began dumping exposed people into the United States in areas which had zero treatment. His Pentagon should NEVER have brought these people into the United States, but quarantined them offshore.
Donald Trump has not made an issue that this is a lab generated biological weapon. China stole it out of Canada, as it was created in the Mideast to kill Sunni Muslims. This virus was stolen by China to kill Americans, Indians, Russians and Japanese as their first strike weapon.
On Coronavirus, Donald Trump's handling of this by his advisors has been inept, incompetent and immoral. None of this would have been allowed to endanger Americans in Administrations like Ronald Reagan, Teddy Roosevelt, as people were quarantined.
If this virus breaks out in the United States, Donald Trump will be booted from office and democrats will rightfully indict him on criminal charges of incompetence over mishandling Coronavirus.
Trump takes victory lap over handling of coronavirus - Washington Times ∞ times
Perhaps this President needs to focus a bit on actual history or have Futurus read the Rense list of articles posted to bring Donald Trump up to speed, and not be like George Bush in declaring Mission Accomplished, before the plague has even begun in the United States due to dumping infected people into America.
China Defense Minister Speech 2005 Speech
Bio-Weapons Will be used to prepare America
for A Chinese Invasion