Sunday, February 16, 2020

Trapping the Rich and Powerful

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a reminder to the rich and powerful.

So many of you out there, smugly think you are not like me, in a poor orphan girl, because you have money and connections, and if anything appears, you are going to be able to flee as your money will pay the way, and as your connections are with the powerful, you will have all doors opened to you.

I warned you several years ago to not be so Goddamned smug, but there you sit with your excuses for not donating, thinking you can hide and are safe from it all.

In order to get out of the United States, you need a passport. So you are locked in, but you have a passport.

Let us add Coronavirus. But your money will beat it you think, but once quarantine sets in, you think you can still flee, as you can go to France, the islands, Paraguay.............but you never conceive when the door locks it is not the lock in America that you think will open, but the shoot to kill orders in all the countries who do not want plague carrying Westerners in their lands.

I ponder the Mark of the Beast. That is a symbol on the head or hand, that no one will be able to sell, buy or travel, without an identification of the Roman Empire on their person to be scanned. I ponder Sebastian Kurz waiting until now to form his government, as the Matrix said something was out there he was waiting for. Yes you rich people can not get into Europe to save yourselves and no one else will want your plague carrying ass.

How long will it be, before some snot nosed mob appears, with nothing to lose, and you sitting in your lit up mansions and condos, thinking the police will save you, but the police are at home trying to save themselves and thinking, "Yeah that millionaire over there has everything and I have 50,000 dollars a year getting shot at to protect them.

I see great promise in Coronavirus as a teaching tool. I see the Chinese PLA General in 2005 saying China would use bioweapons to soften up the United States before invasion. Only this blog informed you that china is 3 months ahead of the United States. China can loose half it's population and still have more people than the United States has now to invade, rape you perfumed anus and cunt, and then there will be the real lesson of charity on God's record keeping.

People do not realize how locked into America and Europe they already are. One cluster and it will not be the United States with the doors closed, but other nations slamming the door shut on Americans with shoot to kill orders.

Arrogance, obstinance and pure unChristian selfishness. You did not want me as your parent telling you how evil you are, and now you will have the world passing Judgment. Do not think yourself smug in the event this is just another ruse to regime corporate control in America, because the events are out there, planned and are coming. This is your education in the cartel is coming to a point that it does not need you rich leeches around, as you are just a pompous problem. You are expendable.

If you rich non donors do get Corona, and you smugly sit in your hospital isolation, a bit afraid, but recovering, just remember the tens of thousands drowning in their own lungs, who you did not help in life Ebenezzer Scrooge, because their voices from the Altar of God, will be the ones testifying against you day and night and sending you to hell.

It is a different world when viewed not through portfolio coloured glasses.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Enjoy my favorite guitar solo from Rio Lobo. It is quite mournful, soul tearing mournful, the tears of the guitar.

If you need it bluntly put, every American will soon be trapped, in an ever constricting circle, even more than the freedom you think you have now.

Nuff Said
