Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Trumpocaust

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Yes the refrain has started in good Jews and bad Jews, debating TRUMPOCAUST, the holocaust of the 21st century, which will replace the fictional Jew holocaust of 6 million dead with, no one dead, but a bunch of rich liberal elitists, getting book deals or retiring in luxury as Americans are facing financial genocide.

The writer of the piece , had family in Hungary, and now he works for a CIA publication, but he must have had his people shipped out by George Soros, who really enjoyed looting rich Jew homes and making fake passports and turning Jews over to the Nazi.

Being Fired by Trump Does Not Make You a Holocaust Victim

We do find in the Jews though an interesting psychopathy, that if you are upset that Hillary Clinton did not steal the election, because Birther Hussein botched it, it is ok to have the people you blamed destroyed like James Comey.

It’s wouldn’t be a huge deal, except that this kind of hysterical reaction has now been normalized in American discourse, illustrating that once-rational people have either lost all sense of history or are willing to belittle the past for short-term political gain. My bet is on the latter.

Here’s how Wittes begins his updated version of Martin Niemöller’s famous poem:

I don't really care about any of this Jew stuff cheering on 9 11 as the Towers were brought down or cheering James Comey getting fired, I am trying to be a real Jew in looking for the financial angle in this, and it seems to me that the moneymaker in this is TRUMPOCAUST MUSEUMS around the globe. See they can't be in the Untied States, because Jews have all of these moneymaking holocaust shrines up, and no Jews were led away in the United States to work camps.
No the Trumpocaust Museums must be built where the money is, and I figure a branch in Japan, Australia, Europe and Russia is the way to make a few million for myself on stock dividends.

As the White House is the scene of these crimes, we just put up White Houses and paint them black around the world. Could have like wax figures of Donald Trump firing people, and Melania not wearing fur. I don't know what they have in Jew museums, as it is not like they have a tattoo parlor or you can take a shower in Zyklon, but I would use the Jewish model and make out like a bandit in Trumpocaust.

The problem is in the list below is that Donald Trump is a National Socialist and has nothing but socialists in his White House. He is always meeting with leftists, like union folk, black folk and he has more Jews around him than Tel Aviv.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out —
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out —
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out —
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me —
and there was no one left to speak for me.

One savory Jewette who did not remain silent ever was Joy Behar. I think she should head the Trumpocaust Committee. I don't think we should have any more trials as democrats keep letting Trump get away, but if we build the museums, we will get what really matters in the money.

Yes all the victims of Donald Trump should pussyhat get together, I think it should Gold Star Breast Lights though, and proudly display them to illuminate the atrocities of Donald Trump, which he can not get convicted on as he never broke the law, he only kept Obama and Hillary from stealing another election. So the Trumpocaust Museums answer all that, around the globe, where we can make money off of this.

 I really don't think this needs much more thought or planning. Just put the guy who is impersonating Obama as the chairman, and line up some of these Jews for cover, and then put all of these people who should be in prison like James Comey, John Brennan, Susan Rice, Peter Strzok on the committee. I would have the pretty Lisa Page though design her own line of Trumpocaust Lingerie, maybe something that Peter liked when he was committing adultery and they could be in all of the Trumpocaust shops. Andrew McCabe could have a line of anal suppositories as dude looks like he sits on a cigar size one, and I am sure John Brennan could have a Buddha type doll you could pray to and maybe Obama halos. Joy Behar could sell comedy DVD's as I am sure she has lots of them which go unpurchased in the real world, but people want memorabilia when they are out remembering the suffering of rich people who gave us the Patriot Act and things like that, like droning people in their homes.

As I said, I think this is my investment. I should get like 100,000 bearer bond voting shares for designing the Trumpocaust, the NSA could fund it like they did Facebook and Google, and I would be a billionaire, living off the dividends as of course I would never profit from such a tragedy of coup plotters being fired, as they have suffered enough.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
