Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Does Rush Limbaugh Really Have Stage 4 Cancer?

"well those trumpsters just are fans and have not thought this out"

4 days ago - Rush Limbaugh was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Tuesday as President Trump recognized him at the State of the Union and ...
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I really want each of you to read this, so the title of this expose' is "DOES RUSH LIMBAUGH REALLY HAVE STAGE 4 CANCER?"

 You will decide as the evidence is presented, but the purpose of this article is to take you back to 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, and show each of you that Rush Limbaugh was a #NEVERTRUMPER, and did his utmost to sabotage Donald Trump. I know the facts of this story as I was there on point, and I knew who was against Donald Trump and who was for Donald Trump.

I will name the 4 media platforms who were carrying thee entire load for Donald Trump, when the media black out hit, in refusing to carry any stories about him. It was Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit, Jeff Rense, Ann Coulter and myself. Save for the content I generated daily for those two months, Donald Trump had zero stories about him in the mainstream media, as they all combined to sink him.

This is what incenses me and it irks me in President Donald Trump awarding Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Freedom Medal, in Rush Limbaugh was on a deep state mission to destroy Donald Trump.
Up until the time of the nomination, Donald Trump was ostracized by Sean Hannity, Bill Krystol, Erick Erickson, Matt Walsh, Glenn Beck, Mark Belling, Jonah Goldberg, Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, and Rush Limbaugh. In this scheme, money was being funneled by Ted Cruz's campaign to most of the above, and it was wall to wall support for the Canadian Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump was either openly attacked or mocked.
It was Sean Hannity who brought the deranged Mark Levin into the Trump fold for 30 pieces of silver. Mark Belling was hating the idea, but came on board, but it was Limbaugh who kept giving Donald Trump the cold shoulder.

Every single day, Rush Limbaugh went on air for 3 hours, deriding Trump's supports as mindless, fawning imbeciles with the use of the word TRUMPSTER, as in Trump was a HUCKSTER, and his voters were dupes.

"well those trumpsters just are fans and have not thought this out",

Trump's voters according to Rush Limbaugh were half wits who had not thought this out, because Donald Trump COULD NOT WIN.

It became so intense in May as Barack Obama was framing Donald Trump for Pissgate, that Rush Limbaugh made certain to keep repeating on air, that liberals just had to call Donald Trump a LOSER in order to bring down Mr. Trump.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Cockerboy Limbaugh

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Rush Limbaugh told every enemy of Donald Trump, as in Chicoms to Islamocommunists, Cruz boogers and Hillary Clinton trolls, how to psychologically assault Mr. Trump today, and Limbaugh's treachery stated that all you had to do was call Donald Trump a "loser".

What set the Lame Cherry off on this expose' was not Limbaugh receiving the Presidential Freedom Medal, but the monologue he produced on his shown and posted on his internet site. Limbaugh wiped away his past attacks on Donald Trump, and announced that I knew Donald Trump was going to win all along.
That is a damned lie. Rush Limbaugh did everything he could to sink Donald Trump, because Limbaugh thought Donald Trump was going to lose, because his Big Koch backers who had him attacking American farmers, were at odds with Donald John Trump. 

 I know Donald Trump — when I saw him come down the escalator. I’ve known Donald Trump from the moment he got into this, and I knew he was gonna win two weeks after he got into this, and I never had any doubts about it.

So Rush Limbaugh is a liar and is attempting like Joseph Goebbels to form a new narrative, void of his treachery against Donald Trump. I fully understand President Trump handing of the shining medal to Limbaugh, as it is cheap ad time for the 2020 elections, as Mr. Trump has booted to the curb, his original four platforms, with only Gayway Pundit hanging around the closet door.

What is part of all of this irksome fiction of Limbaugh is he denigrated the most sacred medal in America in the Congressional Medal of Honor, by stating Trump's medal is the same thing. NO IT IS NOT!!!!!!

It’s the exact same award that Congress gives, the Congressional Medal of Honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, it’s the exact same thing.

For Rush Limbaugh to state that he, and Obama's nominees of foul mouthed Robert DeNiro and basketball boy Michael Jordan are in the same category of Tom Custer, brother of General George Custer who was severely wounded in the Civil War and the PEOPLE awarded him twice the Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery is an absolute slap at thee Americans who are America's finest.
You have to be a Hero to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor, which comes from both Democrats and Republicans, For this Presidential medal, you have to be a Limbaugh or DeNiro type good at play acting.

As evidence of the vitriol of Rush Limbaugh against Donald Trump, these are posts from his webpage not yet whitewashed. In them you find Trump voters are called faggots hiding in Ted Cruz's closet, to the continuous barbs of Trumpster the Huckster is duping the Republican Party.

Jan 15, 2016 - Rush Limbaugh, America's Anchorman and Doctor of Democracy, is known as the pioneer ... Trumpsters: Come Out of the Cruz Closet, Rush!
Trumpster: What He Says Doesn't Matter. Feb 26, 2016. Listen to it Button. RUSH: Jeremy in Phoenix, you're next on Open Line Friday. Hi. CALLER: Dittos ...
The Trumpster is artfully denying them that which they love.

Yes Donald Trump, the Trumpster, the artful Dodger, from Dickens Jew den of criminal thieves, that is the image which Rush Hudson Limbaugh III was brainwashing voters to believe.

Ted Cruz would have lost by a landslide to Hillary Clinton, as he could not stand up against the Donald Trump campaign. America would not have President Hamrod Clinton, if it had been Rush Limbaugh!!!

I do believe though that God is a Just God, and jealous of avenging Himself. This has nothing to do with Limbaugh having "stage 4" cancer, that I know of, but something which jumped out at me from Limbaugh's own monologue.

For those who did not hear it, Limbaugh for almost 2 weeks knew he had cancer, but did nothing for treatment. He sat on the story and only came out with it, as he knew when he disappeared, the rumors would destroy all of his sponsors and listeners would fade away. The Limbaugh Show would never recover.
So Limbaugh drops his last minute bombshell on Monday, and we were told he went to a cold area of the United States, was in a hotel room with Cathryn, preparing for treatment for "state 4" when the President called, and asked him to come to DC for the State of the Union.

Let me repeat in this, this is Stage 4, a cancer which has metastasized and spread. I know what this cancer is in the lung, as I have a horrid rich relative with it, and have been kept up to date on the treatment. Again, put yourself in this position, and your loved one has this, what is your response going to be to delay treatment?

Read what Cathryn Limbaugh's reaction to her "husband".

Kathryn’s saying, “You’ve got to do this! You can’t not do this.”
I said, “How are we gonna do it?”
She said, “Leave it to me.”

Look at that botox babe's face. This is not a happy camper. She "allowed" Rush to kiss her cheek, Michelle Obama style for Barack, but that is all the connection there is. First Lady Melania Trump had more connection in this, as Rush Limbaugh did a horrid acting job of trying to appear overwhelmed, in lions and tigers and bears oh my!

So instead of getting cancer treatment, Cathryn Limbaugh's reaction is to not get treatment, but get that reward as it will be good for Widow Limbaugh's bottom line. Yeah, God does avenge Himself, and this is about as bad as it gets in life.

Would you put off cancer treatment for an award or would you want people around you, who told you to put off cancer treatment for an award when it was Stage 4? It begs the question of Limbaugh having Stage 4, any more than the suicided and recovered John McCain still had brain cancer.

For those who do not remember the blissful Limbaughs when Rush married his daughter and she married her sugar daddy, it was not that long ago, that confirmed reports had Cathryn Limbaugh flying around committing adultery on Rush's plane, and using her mother as cover.
Limbaugh hired private investigators for the following his slutty wife around. Which makes the lovely Cathryn's expression and actions more fitting, in her expression is one of she wants her bank accounts free, her vagina open and the title of widow on her manifest to Carnival Cruises.

Nov 2, 2017 - Rush Limbaugh has hired a team of investigators and high-powered ... “Kathryn was due to travel from Las Vegas to Hawaii to visit her mom ...
Apr 17, 2018 - Rush Limbaugh Married to Fourth Wife Kathryn Rogers Limbaugh since 2010. ... He married Kathryn Rogers in 2010; She was reportedly cheating on him with a lot of young ... Know about his Net Worth and Salary; Also, see. ... He appeared as a judge for the 2010 Miss America pageant held in Las Vegas.

The liberals attack Rush Limbaugh in ways which never expose the fraud of Limbaugh. They heap on the racism or try to say the Traitor Vindman Twins should have gotten the prez medal, but this blog is different as here am I, a poor orphan girl whose content was plagiarized by Rush Limbaugh, and who was left in the wilderness in exile by Donald Trump after writing the time line which put him into the White House by God's Grace.

In knowing Stage 4 lung cancer from my horrid relative, she was given 3 months and has been alive 2 years and 3 months. When you have the money you get cured, so the Truth is more important than a fiction Rush Limbaugh is creating in his 2016 Benedict Arnold treachery, as he made Donald Trump kiss the ring, and the President became a golfing buddy, knowing Limbaugh would help with free ad time as Limbaugh did with Ted Cruz.

Limbaugh does not act too worried as he delayed treatment as business in using a Presidential medal for publicity and cancer for sympathy, as his wife is looking at the payday door. So whether he has Stage 4 or not, he is not that concerned, as he is more concerned about paying off the bribe that Donald Trump gave him for that award.

In all honestly Sean Homo Hannity and Tucker Carlson have done more than Rush Limbaugh ever has, and in fact since Mark Levin got his 30 pieces, he has been on a tear for Donald Trump and should get two medals.

This Donald Trump voter though did not appreciate being denigrated by Rush Limbaugh as I had thought this all out. I was stalked, I was harassed and the SDNY FBI of New York sent Homeland Security out to the brier patch to intimidate me and shut me up. I was placed in absolute jeopardy to put Donald Trump into the White House and I was frozen out. The people who used me, all disappeared and have cut their ties. It though a fraud like Rush Limbaugh without any truth or moral standards who receives the millions and the medals.

President Trump as of May 5th, 2016 AD in the year of our Lord

Personally I am offended for the Cruz boogers. No not offended by them, but offended for them, because either they were the paid MOG's who were these quasi intellectuals doing the Limbaugh talking points of "principled, only conservative Ted Cruz" with, "well those trumpsters just are fans and have not thought this out",

The Lame Cherry is a Christian Conservative. I am a party of one in a Continentalist. I have for the most part selfish readers who think God does not see and this is all for free. I am not an agitator like Jeff Rense, but just a  voice in the wilderness moved by the Spirit in not allowing untruths to become the propaganda to brainwash the world.

I would contemplate that Rush Limbaugh would not have Stage 4 if he had paid the 13 million and change for plagiarism, as now the billion dollar Limbaugh, has just the lies of a prostitute that he once loved Donald Trump, when it was all Ted Cruz's money, and he has a botox blonde, who is giving him, 'If looks could kill" expressions. That is one billion dollar poverty. Then again it is the poverty which awaits most of you.

Wouldn't it be funny if after this Medal, that Rush Limbaugh came out of the closet, was really getting a sex change operation and is now Ruthtilda, and will be the featured speaker with Ron Reagan jr. when Bernie Sanders gets the communist nomination at the DNC.

The ghosts of Barry Goldwater whisper.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
