Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Moscow on the Donald

syn rus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Russian intellectual is enjoying the American theater which is taking place, in the vindication of Donald Trump, which they now warn will be a tyrant, and are delighted that Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff have so torn America asunder, that America indeed may become a one party state, and the state will be Trump State and Ivanka will Futurus inherit the nation in 2024 AD in the year of our Lord.

Some of the Russian is tongue in cheek, some hope that Donald Trump will reach out to Russia for better relations, to further cripple the United States in more Pelosi attacks, which will benefit Russian sphere domination, but in what the Russians are stating, there is a great deal of reality, that Russia needs the United States to unleash the bear, or the bear will continue to limp in hibernation.

These are state paid intellectuals, and they fully realize that Donald Trump is not every bit the equal of Vladimir Putin, but that Donald Trump is the 300 pound gorilla on the world stage who is going to have to be followed.

Egorchenkov compared the copy of The Washington Post that Trump held up for the world to see to “the severed head of his dead enemy.

The Russians are a superstitious people, and they fully realize that Donald Trump has become a mythical superhero. The Russians played a part in this by their ham fisted overtures to the American electorate to manipulate by Obama with Mideast bribes, Clinton with Uranium sales, and with Trump in mutual cooperation, but the world which they orchestrated well with Obama and Clinton, is not one which Russia can play with Donald Trump. Donald Trump holds the wand.

Pundits on Vladimir Soloviev’s show appeared practically giddy about Trump’s acquittal and the retaliatory onslaught that followed. “Trump pulled out a machine gun and started to purge everyone who ever said a bad word about him,” exclaimed Dmitry Egorchenkov, director of the Institute for Strategic Studies and Forecasts, “because in his mythologized world, he is now a superhero.”

Without going into details on Coronavirus and China in who did what, the fact is that Coronavirus benefits the United States and Europe. The more Chinese that die, the better the situation will be, as the consuming cancer of China will abate on world resources. This will cause Reagan type deflation which will make the West more wealthy and the situation for their people better in more money for them.

Russia though needs China as a card to play and a piece to check the United States. Remove China, and it is just Russia with it's borders closed, hoping to not have a Corona plague which will finish Moscow off.
Russia when she is a market for the west in Europe in energy and a marketer of firearms to the United States, is a perfect partner arming revolutions, but add China and Russia becomes an overt problem for Europe, the English and the United States.

That is the power of Coronavirus. A crippled China from Corona, cripples Iran, cripples North Korea and is leveraged out of Africa, which is what Europeans desire for their markets and exploitation. The world is simply a better place with Moscow, Vienna, London, DC and Tokyo guiding policies, and in all of this Vladimir Putin has suggested just that, but there may be a time in the next Trump administration in which Brazil or India, become members of the Big Five at the UN, with China being a rotting corpse.

For his part, Putin created an opening for mutual cooperation when he proposed during his annual state-of-the-nation address that the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council—the U.S., China, Russia, Britain, and France—start convening together “in order to prevent global conflicts.”

The world is a much more secure and pro western place with China removed, and India or Brazil both taking position.

This is where Russia is one dimensional in not seeing thee entire field. President Putin for all of his foresight, has missed that China is indeed doomed. The UN may be a reality of an Austrian German led seat, supplanting France, with England sitting, next to colonial India, with the United States allying with Brazil.
Russia sees totalitarianism in Donald Trump, but Donald Trump's system is not allowed for that. He wins Iowa with 97% of the vote, but the fact is the Webster Griffin Tarpley cartel members are engineering in America a Trump Socialism or Nazism to be nipped at by a losing Bernie and AOC communism.

On another gleeful note, political scientist Dmitry Evstafiev argued that “Trump might start to engage in McCarthyism, which will be the first step in the self-destruction of the American system.” He predicted the disintegration of existing political institutions in the United States, prompted by Trump’s outright rejection of bipartisanship, which will be replaced by the authoritarian system he is striving to create.

The McCarthyism which is spoken of is not this at all, but as this blog has stated, America is in a Mosaad Obama Marxism contending against a Shin Bet Trump Socialism. Those foreigners who installed foreigner Obama to the White House, are being removed by other leftists who came from London, Rome, Ottawa, Tel Aviv and DC. The American order is being returned to the socialism of the Reich and the well trained Shin Bet America.

Julia Davis of the Daily Beast is part of the Mockingbird play and is probably this deluded to believe what she closed the article with.


The Kremlin would undoubtedly benefit from America becoming an authoritarian regime, unconstrained by constitutional checks and balances, far removed from defending human rights or promoting democratic values.

The Kremlin would not benefit from a Dictator Donald. This is why the Kremlin preferred sops like George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama. Moscow is facing a coming reality that she either comes out to make war in Europe and is destroyed, or Moscow sits upon the Volga, joining the United States on an American future or joining with Vienna in a German future of the world. Russia does not possess the resources to supply the world of goods and money, nor does Russia possess the military to hold a conquered world. If Moscow chooses wrong as America is in economic and plague upheaval, Moscow will be lured out to a war which will shatter her.

So the intellectual on the Volga is gleeful, but has not assessed the diplomatic problems any more than Joe Stalin did in annexing all things connected to Moscow. The Soviet bloomed under American technology and later German Reich science, but it died in not being able to manage the empire, which the British were astute at, until they let the wogs go free.

Moscow can benefit greatly under Donald Trump's leadership. There can be a peaceful world, and an American, Russian, European move into space, with artificial wombs to produce the colonists and reap quadrillions in profits, if the financiers cease in the genocide of the Slavic, Germanic and American Peoples.

If Donald Trump goes to Russia in May in the communist month, that is his diplomacy in a resounding return to MAGA which his voting base desired in Peace with Russia. What would make this more likely is Coronavirus continuing to dispatch the communist Chinese in growing numbers, so the Presidents could discuss border stabilization and bring in Chancellor Sebastian Kurz as their buffer.

What Russians and thee failed American left need to comprehend, is that Donald Trump is now the mythical hero, and it is not Vladimir Putin riding shirtless on horses and fishing in icy cold streams.
The Trump era has been born, and the United States as much as the world needs a strong United States President, as the worst jeopardy of humanity is arising.

Russia needs American protection more than she ever has. That is the fact that Russians must comprehend, beyond the intellectuals. Does Russia want a German led Europe contending with her on her border again, or does Russia want an American contending partner oceans away?

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
