Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Homeless of the Free.........

Arnold Schwarzenegger Thanks Trump for Tackling Homeless Epidemic

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Governor Arnold Schwartzenegger recently complimented President Donald Trump and Secretary Ben Carson on their focus on homelessness in California. The Lame Cherry greatly appreciates the civil response from the Governor, compared to the antithesis previously.

The issue though is again is 20 million dollars to construct housing for the poor. The issue is that is not going to solve the problem as people who are homeless are not homeless because they do not want a home.

I usually write extended treatises of PHD quality here, but I am not going to bother as the pay is next to non existant and perhaps readers are lost in the words.

The problem with California is as all America, and that is there are too many foreigners which the nation has not had time to absorb. In the history of America, immigration and invasion were curtailed for decades to give people time to assimiliate and for jurisdictions time to deal with building homes, creating jobs through commerce of people having jobs, the tax base increasing so people could be educated and care for themselves in health care.

California has homeless people, because there are too many people for the state to deal with, and the surplus or California rich refugee who created this mess by voting for it, now pollutes other states with high tax and high exploitation of foreign slave labor.

All of this revolves around the Franklin Roosevelt city state welfare money laundering exchange. It is in cities interests, schools interests, politicians interests, conglomerates interests to have people given money for not working, as they spend it and the institutions are rewarded with greater Nazi or National Socialist grants and dispensations to have more rats in their maze.

Added to this are the absolutely corrupt real estate agencies who have inflated with the Bush Obama Fannie and Freddie housing plantation, where banking masters did not allow market place defaltion in crises to provide starter homes for families.

It is akin to Obama having that bawling woman from Minnesota on television stating he had helped her. No Obama had put her into massive debt in charging her to go to school tying her to a huge mortgage, forcing her to work instead of being a mother, and the endless money sucking leech of buying expensive cars for transportation to inflated food, fuel and Obamacare mandates.
That poor woman had around 350,000 dollars in debt piled on her by Obama. Of course the colleges smiled, the realators smiled, the bankers smiled, the gas companies smiled, everyone smiled becaues they had another work to death woman signed up for life, as that is what she would do is work her entire life to get out of debt, and then have Medicare steal her home to pay for her rationed deathe when she could not care for herself any more.

That is the problem in that Governor Schwartzenegger should be addressing in the human trafficking which is wholesale exploitation in the United States. America needs a period of DEFLATION, which the banksters will not allow, but it is necessary, and the biggest necessity is not bringing in foreigners, and allowing the baby boomers to die off, produce available assets, and a natural deflationary cycle will rectify all of this.

The system is broken, because it is rigged for economic rapine of the many by the few. Peopl are homeless in California, because they can not afford 50,000 dollars for a lot, more money to build a house according to environmental regulationsm, more costs as China buys up all of America's wood and a reality that to live in your own home in California, the state charges you thousands of dollars in real estate taxes, which no one can afford on these horrific inflationary cycles which never deflate.

The Lame Cherry commends the Governor reaching out to the President, but it is the deliberate mass importation of foreigners, and not allowing the system to adjust which has caused all of this.

I would that Governor Schwartzenegger were made a special envoy to German Europe, as his good friend. Chancellor Sebastian Kruz leads Europe. In a Trump second term, it is a necessary reality that Vladimir Putin of Russia and Donald Trump of America, have a buffer in Sebastian Kurz of Austria. In this Governor Schwartzenegger is a very good choice for this time of transformation in Europe.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
