As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I really think my sisters, and come to think of it my brother, should be banned like most people from owning cellphones as it is above their mind grade.
The one had a problem of phoning me by accident and then leaving minutes long messages with her sounding like she was senile in her kitchen making sounds to herself. Her husband once left a message too which was bizarre.
A few weeks ago my brother left me a message after not saying anything to me for months. He texted about fishing, and then seeing he made a mistake, said so. He then appeared later with another text knowing I get pissed off about disrespect in people using me and then ignoring me.
Today though at 10:10, I turned on our phone and there was a voice mail from the other sister. I told TL that I did not want to deal with it, as if someone died, I would find out later and I was in no mood for any of her, as both my sisters are listed as DO NOT ANSWER when their numbers pop up.
It is not like we ever answer the phone anyway. People can leave a message and I will get back to them.
Today though, TL did listen to the message and I actually listened several times in trying to figure out what was taking place. The message began in mid chatter with something about a medication, and things.
Then it went into the condition would peak in 5 days, "she" has had it already 3 plus days, was in the hospital receiving fluids, and then could "work back to recovery".
It sounded like she was reading a text, which made zero sense, because how do you not know you dialed a number with the thing ringing and a tone to leave a message?
Anyway senile sister two was saying something about prayers would be helpful and then I think her husband mumbled something that came in as gargled stuff, and then later I heard MOM, and then the message ended. The MOM was her daughter, who must have discovered "HEY YOU DUMB BITCH YOU DIALED SOMEONE AND THE PHONE IS ON!!!" That was the tone of the MOM.
I have thought a great deal about this, not a great deal, but have amused myself in wonder who the "she" is, as anyone who associates with my sisters is someone who deserves to shit themselves to death.
The candidates were her daughter in law, my sister the Pope, the Stage IV and my old Auntie. The reason I figured it has to be close as she knew the name of the drug being administered and it seemed to be for an inflamed bowel.
It had to be someone older as a kid would not be working back to recovery. I honestly hope it was not the daughter in law, as I do like her, as she seems to hate her inlaws which I can agree with.
I do wonder though it is Stage IV as this her second round of mutant cancer treatments, and that hinders the immune, so California would be a place to get sick. As for the pope sister, it could be her too as she looked like hell last time I saw her, so I could see her at death's door.
Thing is it just occurred to me in our cats. It tell you if a cat looks like hell, something is wrong, and if they get sick, they got other things going on, so whoever is working on a viral infection that peaks in 5 days and you have to give fluids, is probably someone who is going to be find a hole in the ground in the near future as that kind of audition means time has run out, and nature just tried to bury you.
So that is the phone call today. I would have been more pleased if my sisters were terminal or the bro law stroked or someone I detested died. That would have brought closure and no more idiot calls from idiots who are not bright enough to not dial a phone while looking at it.
My beloved Uncle always said it was not that easy to die. I regret he was right about that.