Thursday, February 20, 2020

Obama Pinkos after Attorney General William Barr

Pinko is a pejorative coined in 1925 in the United States to describe a person regarded as being sympathetic to communism, though not necessarily a Communist Party member. It has since come to be used to describe anyone perceived to have leftist or socialist sympathies.Wikipedia

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Do you even know a thousand people? Seriously, do you know thousand people who would put their names on a paper attacking the Attorney General?
Do you even keep in contact to ask people to sign something, in those you once worked with, to even know how to contact them?

When it comes to Attorney General William Barr, there were over 1000 Department of Justice employees signing a paper demanding he resign.

Seriously, what is there some club none of us know about in former DOJ officials who hang out together every Friday night and do DOJ things? Apparently there are numbers of these clubs as awhile back the State Department was signing something on a Trump official, and you remember those "intelligence folk" signing something about Donald Trump.

Why is it that you never have normal people signing things like, Prosecute Hillary or What about Obama leaving Americans to die in Benghazi? You never see things like that, but time and again there is some kind of tenticle groups out there who drop everything and scurry off to some meeting where they all line up with pens in hand to sign things demanding some America losese their job.

When I have a problem with William Barr not prosecuting Andrew McCabe and other crooks, it appears here, demanding he not resign, but do his job that Americans entrusted him to.

The point in this is, I know the answers to these questions in who these liberals are. They are hired minders who have to stay in touch, because to get their job they sell their soul, and when they want ot keep their cushy job out of the regime or get back into the regime, they get herded up like Philistines in Gaza to riot, or they lose their positions.

These are the Obama Pinkos, the real reds of the red states which heroes like Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan railed against. They are the ilk who started calling Republicans Red States and all of the CIA paid minders in the right fell right in line, and that includes Stage 4 Rush Limbaugh.

The Lame Cherry is not going to fall for this. The Lame Cherry is going to one against note the TRUTH, and the Truth is President Donald Trump and Attorney General William Barr have over 1000 names of subversives in positions of high power, who just signed a document for the overthrow a branch of the United States Government to keep control of the swamp state.

We know these 1000 Pinkos obtained graft, are selling their positions for influence to get Barr and they are an organized conspiracy against the People of the United States. That is High Treason and this requires a competent US Attorney to indict every one of them, haul them before a Military Tribunal in Guantanamo Bay Cuba, and when guilty verdicts are handed down to render the sentence with extreme prejudice.

It is time this gets called out, and each of you ask, why it is only this blog which has stated the fact staring each of you in the face, that over 1000 Pinko fellow travelers, like cancer sucking the life out of the American Body Politic are allowed to opening subvert the workings of the American law enforcement division to intimidate and imprison the entire American People while they let their criminals skate.

What are you going to do about this Mr. President. You stated you have the right to direct the Jsutice Department, so why are you not demanding prosecution to save your Attorney General?

Where is cuddling George W. Bush in defending his father's former Attorney General William Barr from these attacks? What hand did George W. Bush give Barack Obama in this coup against thee American People?

If you are not a Goddamned communist, then why in the hell have you allowed yourself in Reagan Blue State America, be called RED STATE?

- Lame Cherry

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said.

