reagan le moins
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Before the days when Americans had an English king, there was a king over the Americans in the Israelite tribes, whose name was Hezekiah. He was a good king and God was good to him. The problem with Hezekiah was not him, but a prayer he had to have a son, as Hezekiah was going to die, and he was upset he would not have a son to sit on the throne, so he prayed to God, and God healed him.
To this Hezekiah became vain in "God had answered his prayer", and he produced a son named Manasseh, who God would blame for the Judgment which came upon Israel, as he was so heinous, rebellious to God and he was the king who sawed the most poetic Prophet the world has known in Isaiah, in half upon the altar of God.
For some reason, it rarely happens that a good leader, seldom produces a child who is a good son or daughter. Bad people do it all the time, as the children grow up swearing to never be like their parents. Here am I a prime example of this, The John Quincy Adams though are the exception to the rule and that is the loss of the people of this world.
I think of President Ronald Reagan a great deal, as I am forced to write of political covenants in America, and consider Ronald Reagan the waymark of modern American Presidents. Rush Limbaugh was wrong when he stated that Ronald Reagan based his economic tax cuts on John Kennedy's tax cuts, because Ronald Reagan stated plainly, that it was President Calvin Coolidge who inspired him. It was Coolidge whose portrait was in the Oval Office, not John Kennedy's.
The fact is, Ronald Reagan despised the Kennedy's as Bobby was the little thug who threatened General Electric that they would receive no government contracts if Ronald Reagan continued to host General Electric Theater on television. That job paid Ronald Reagan 125,000 dollars a year and saved him as he could not get another job, and was working in Las Vegas. Much is whined about by liberals over Donald Trump making a Ukrainian phone call and asking about corruption which led to Joe Biden. For that the democrats impeached Donald Trump, yet Bobby Kennedy blackmailed General Electric to destroy an American Christian Conservative in Ronald Reagan, and no one says a word about that.
Ronald Reagan was a man of his times. He was self assessing. Did not burden others, Kept his inner thoughts to himself, as all men did. For this his son Ron jr. often complained his father would not open up to him. No child's father of that era ever opened up to anyone, save a trusted friend when perhaps drinking, as men deemed it weak to sob in their easy chair, as everyone had a damned hard life.
Unfortunately Ronald Reagan jr. was a man of his times too, as his sister was a woman of their times. Raised in wealth in liberal California, both were weak, and instead of moulding themselves into a pleasing image of their parents, both went out of their ways to be deviants. Patty reacted as such in anger in not being able to be central to her parent's lives, so she rebelled and her herself time and again.
Reagan the less, though wanted attention from his parents, who often kept Ward Cleaver calm on Leave it to Beaver, which caused this child to act out in ways to just get his parents attention, even if it was bad intention.

The most notable and dispicable of Ronald Reagan jr's early actions was at 17, he seduced the drunken and drug addicted wife, who was lonely; of early rock star Ricky Nelson, while he was away at work.
It was not enough for this walking erection to defile someone's wife. He had to take her to his parent's home and debauch their marital bed. His Mother was furious and his Father was absolutely without comprehension what was taking place. It would be the step brother, Michael in trying to comfort his Father with, "At least you know he is not gay", and to this Ronald Reagan, replied that he would tell Nancy.
Reagan the less was already operating as a child in that nether world of California fag, which would allow him to get away with things, as his Father was Governor and it meant this child was untouchable.
What amazes me in that year of 1969, was that Ricky Nelson did not beat the balls off of this little pervert or Michael did not come over and slap the kid around, but that is trademark of these passive aggressors. They know who to antagonize and who to leave alone.
As the years went by, Reagan the less, turned to ballet, which again was a faggot realm, which was embarrassing to his parents, but they once again supported the child pimping their place in life. That is what Ron jr. has always done, he has waited and pimped Ronald Reagan for every job he has been offered in life. With the President dead, Ron jr. could come out of the closet and become a dripping pinko liberal, first appearing at the DNC for John Kerry, and to advocate butchering children for stem cells, and later he would announce he was an athiest and not afraid to burn in hell.
The reality is with these psychosis types, is that this is indeed what they fear most.
So why burn down Jesus the Christ? Reagan the less was facing the same problem he had with his father, in Ronald Reagan would not mould into Junior's grandstands for attention, to become what Junior wanted him to be. The tantrum against God was begging God to appear before the great Junior Reagan and prove God existed. Yes God must lower Himself to this psychosis, as these deluded can not humble themselves for years, and patiently await for God to reveal Himself to them when they have grown enough to accept the responsibility of such a relationship.
I can understand Reagan the less not liking the Bush family. He had a first hand view of their kinder and gentler, and how everything that fell apart for Ronald Reagan was this fake Bush religion from Iran Contra to the Reagan Legacy.
Still Junior Reagan was busy trying to subvert Ronald Reagan's legacy and make it liberal, as Reagan the less could not have accomplished this in bravely facing his Father in life.
Ronald Reagan jr. can be quite disarming when he is among those he wants something from. He was a cordial genius at his Fahther's funeral. He was every bit his Father that day, but after he was every bit nothing Ronald Reagan ever was.
Fittingly, about the only thing Junior Reagan ever agreed with his step brother, Michael on, was both were mistaken concerning Donald Trump. Michael was upset that Trump was not a neo con and Junior was upset in condemning Trump for being a better political actor than his Father.
What do Ronald Reagan's children think of Donald Trump ...
None of them like Trump. Ron Reagan is an ultra-liberal, atheist Democrat, and hates all Republicans, and is on record as disliking Trump: Ron Reagan Shreds 'Charlatan' Trump For Running a 'Scam' Campaign Patti Davis put him on blast for the way h...
In all of this, the Reagan children have blown up the one thing Ronald and Nancy Reagan desired, and that was Ronald Reagan's legacy to endure. Children pimping their accomplished dead Father did more to destroy his legacy than Reagan's enemies ever could.
I honestly hope and pray, as I do all Christians do, that Reagan the less be brought to repentance and accept Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior, for the real reason of what is coming upon America. If the Reagan children had read this blog, they would have known that Jehu would come, they would know a blow is coming to America. They would know that Ronald Reagan jr. as an American is what the presidency of Donald Trump could best utilize as a special Ambassador to Europe. Junior has in him, the quality of his parents in he could stand on the stage with Sebastian Kurz and Vladimir Putin, reminding the world of Ronald Reagan's strength, lust for responsible liberty and genuine peace.
For over 30 years though Ronald Reagan jr. has squandered that position in life, when Americans will need it most. Donald Trump simply could not trust or entrust Reagan the less to represent Donald Trump, any more than Ronald Reagan could trust his own son to represent the best of him.
The Reagan children should have listened to their Father, as it was Ronald Reagan who first urged and noted, along with Richard Nixon that Donald Trump had something in him, which aspired to the Republican presidency. Donald Trump is not a Republican, but Ron jr, never was a Republican, so what was God to do, chose the rebellious son to raise up, or the son of Fred Trump who would get the job done in ways it needed to be done.
In dating this, Ronald Reagan jr. would best be defined to stop prostituting his Father for position and changed his name to his closet political parent in Senator Willard Mitt Romney who America rejected too for not be Reagan enough, as Birther Hussein stole the election from Romney as Obama did John McCain.
What can be a better summation for Reagan the less, than the delusion of Mormon Romney in why he voted to impeach President Trump on zero evidence.
“He went to Washington to do this,” a former longtime Senate communicator said, referring to the impeachment vote. “Mixture of anger and delusional self-righteousness. Funny thing is he probably thinks this will make him a more notable figure in history. Instead it just looks petty and makes him more of a footnote in political history.”
From the standing of Reagan the Great, comes the reality of Reagan the less, in all he has done to chisel his Father into his own image, has instead cut the child down to be a droopy eyed old man, who his Father would not react to, and God will not bow down to.
Such waste, Mormon Romney will not free himself from the cult with imprisons him. I hope the prayers of Ronald Reagan will have Mercy from God on his son, so this child becomes a man and leaves the politics his Father rejected as failures, and comes to a Jesus his Father trusted in.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said