Thursday, February 20, 2020

Remote Viewing Proves Coronavirus is NOT A VIRUS

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I preface this, in this that none of this is my remote viewing and if the FBI and Homeland Security are interested in follow ups, then they should speak to Dick Allgire, Edward Riordan and Daz Smith as their popular girls and not bother me, as they already have their files on me with pictures of our home.

The reason the Lame Cherry is featuring this from, is that in 2016 I inadvertently was having great success in keeping major events from happening which were harmful to the public. Dick Allgire was having some amazing results and quite cocksure for several months and was thinking that what he was viewing was written in stone, and then a popular girl started interdicting events, and suddenly they stopped.
After Homeland appeared here and stated it was up to me if I kept posting the blog or not, the reality was the intimidation had been received, and my focus shifted to the completing the time line of Donald Trump being President. For the most part, I have stayed away from posting things in public concerning future events.

That is why I was interested in Dick Allgire's work as with Daz Smith they are some of the best. Richard Allgire does not just view, he enters the space and which is an interesting ability.
What is always of interest to me is my flash reading in comparing to the detailed manifestations which the Remote Viewers compose. For example, I notice things and flash read. I noticed that the Coronavirus seemed to be two virus, in one had high fever and one was a Typhoid Mary type spreader without debilitating symptoms. In the following Remote Viewing sessions, they point to two separate incidents of the release at two different locations. While I have a different read, this does not mean their work is incorrect, it instead confirms two releases of two virus of "Corona Bat SARS". In an intelligence operation, one can not simply dump a virus into the human chain and not have a nation engage in repercussions. There must be diversions. I believe in what my flash read was revealing, that what the Remote Viewers were seeing in their channel, was a worn groove in the matrix for them to find. They were viewing the two diversions, instead of the main operation which was "accidental".
I would simply point out to the RV's group, what are the odds of two separate releases, in two separate locations, of the same virus type, in why was communist China creating vats of this stuff as a bioweapon, and it just happened to create a pandemic which Peking has been frantic covering up, and WHO has been engaged in spreading in the United States by infected human species dumps.

Dick Allgire's viewing brought something to my attention in Coronavirus Wuhan and Mirror, it loves sugar. Cancer's love sugar.

You have just missed something which Dick Allgire blundered into with his virus "loves sugar". A virus can NOT LOVE SUGAR, because a virus is not a life form as it is not alive. It is a set of genetic instructions designed to replicate itself. It is like an evil thought which comes into your mind and your body starts eating piles of chocolate making you fat.


In Daz Smith's work, what confirmed my flash reads were this was a Chinese who was not working for the Chinese communists. More to the point, great amounts of data are being collected on this outbreak and on the living human experiments taking place. This is already in place and it is not the communists of Peking collecting the data. That is proof of forethought, and proof of what this blog stated was a preplanned event.

Lastly is the work of Edward Riordan, from three years ago, having viewed this in the matrix stream as a future event. This was a major event and will be a major event which has not yet manifested to it's complete devastation for this to have appeared 3 years ago, and have manifested as it has.
What this translates as, is in 2017 AD in the year of our Lord, it had already been decided that a viral outbreak would break China and set the world in motion for events which will arise from this event. This was not by accident, but by design. This is not to state that China was a victim in this. China in 2005 began espousing directives to breed biological weapons to destroy the United States. This was a deliberate Central Committee and PLA policy in why China has never built thousands of nuclear bombs. China did not want to become a nuclear target, but knew that creating "pandemics" it could hide behind the real first strike using biologicals, and in that haze gain the upper hand against the United States using American pscyhology against Americans.

What Riordan came upon, was the first manifestation of this. He had discovered the planning phase of those cartel elite's response to what China was building, and in their minds what would manifest. From this Riordan viewed a future time line based upon these future actions.
He was witnessing the events and interactions in their early manifestation form. This was such a large event and will continue to be so, that it was producing a wave to be picked up by a Remote Viewer.


This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. The details are what interests me as this blog first produced the narrative that this was fecal matter connected as was HIV. What Dick Allgire reveals is they are collecting fecal matter. In medical terms, this is where the real gold is to be mined. These sick humans are production facilities and the concentration of this sugar attracted "virus" is in the feces and is being collected.

The reason a laboratory collects feces is not to contain contamination alone, but to collect virus for further splicing to create genus specific virus to eradicate specific groups of primate humans.

Nuff Said
