As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I am going to preface this with the Webster Griffin Tarpley reminder that the cartel decided before Hillary Clinton was defeated in 2016 that the Democratic party would be split into two factions, Nazis and Communists or National Socialists and Marxists, with the GOP relegated to a Green Partry position of irrelevance. Meaning the CCP or Christian Conservative Protestants would be disenfranchised and face thee American Genocide.
As we return to the story, Michelle Malkin, who is only getting hotter with age, has been banned by the Young America Foundation for supporting the Nick Fuentes agitators, who post the same Alt Right sensationalist debate points of 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.
Malkin who sold out Conservatives in Obama 2009, by telling them the "Czars were the way to go instead of Birther" and then was paid millions for her website as a quid pro quo, has been re employed as CoMILF, the Conservative Mother I'd Like to Free, to defend the Fuentes people against Young America Foundation. Malkin said she would not shout them down, and for that, YAF nuked the Filipino Mama as she is no longer welcome to speak at their events.
YAF's tolerance toward Malkin appeared to have run out three days later, when they tweeted a statement distancing themselves from her views without mentioning her by name."Immigration is a vital issue that deserves robust debate. But there is no room in mainstream conservatism or at YAF for Holocaust deniers, white nationalists, street brawlers, or racists,"
This has shaped up in that Ben Shapiro doing another pissing contest with the Fuentes people as he did AltRight, in Shapiro is funded by Texas Evangelicals to trash PNLB's, People not like Bush.
Shapiro lost all cred when that Nikolas Cruz in Florida was set up to take the fall for shooting up a high school down there, that brought out deep state Mike Bloomberg with that odd little fagsexual named Hogg who has thankfully disappeared. In this the ADL and Shapiro trashed Cruz as an "Alt Right", when he was not, and did they ever back off when they discovered Cruz was a Jew.
Nikolas Cruz was framed by all the evidence and this blog advocated for his fair treatment, but Ben Shapiro went on to do whatever little men do who are short people.
What YAF is complaining about in this "holocaust deniers", white nationalists", street brawlers and racists, is the modern version of the "John Birch" smear.
The holocaust did not take place the way the communist Jewish press in America stated it did. They built the false narrative to cause this challenge, which gives them the ability to play the Jewish victim. The fact is what started the holocaust were communist Jews advocating the genocide of Christians Germans. Hitler chose National Socialism to combat the communists to liberate Germany and set his sites on the Soviet Union which was the threat, created by Jewish Rothschilds and Schiffs to look Russia once they murdered the Christian Czars. It makes sense why Jewish elite produce smokescreens, because they are the ones responsible for the deaths of millions, including 11 million Germans which is being denied, created after the war by the United States and the Soviet Union.
The fact is, Hitler was right about the Soviet Union, and Hitler was right about National Socialism as that is what America was transformed into by FDR, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Dick Nixon, Bush 1 and 2, and Birther Hussein Obama. The only President who stemmed it was Ronald Reagan.
So this holocaust denier smear is cover and always has been. 6 million Jews did not die. The number was closer to 1.3 million, and most of them the Reich did not kill. Numbers died as they were Soviet soldiers and numbers of them died from typhus and being starved to death in forced labor camps the Elders sold them into, when Americans, Russians and Brits blew up the German supply lines.
As for White Nationalists, that is what America was founded on. There is nothing evil about it. It is the reality that people who worked hard, got to keep their wages. White Nationalism protects minority rights, but does not force the Caucasian to have their rights infringed. That is a Republican form of Government, and once again the creation of this is to genocide the CCP from America and replace them with easily managed Jesuits, Muslims and Hindu. If Michelle Malkin would have included the defense of White Nationalism as she owes all she is to this in Teddy Roosevelt leading the charge to free the Spanish colonies which the Philippines were one, she would have a complete potfolio.
As it is she just has that "Street Brawlers" which is a cheap shot as Nick Fuentes group are not Brown Shirts in the beer halls mixing it up in Munich as the Nazi did in Germany and the charge of "racist" is so overdone now, that it has lost all meaning. It is the new Nigger word just as calling Americans a Nazi was supposed to be the nuclear option to allow weak minds the victory in debate.
It was bright to raise up Michelle Malkin as the CoMILF of the Defenders of the Shin Bet radicals. (Readers will know what I mean by that.) as Nick Fuentes is Spanish and Malkin has that Island Girl Spanish going on. so there are no White faces in the leadership of the White Nationalists.
In response, Malkin tweeted: "The Keepers of the Gate have spoken. #AmericaFirst is not "mainstream." My defense of unjustly prosecuted Proud Boys, patriotic young nationalists/groypers & demographic truth-tellers must not be tolerated. SPLC is cheering."
I am pleased though that Malkin has been dusted off and come out of retirement as she is more entertaining to deal with than all this other refuse which are as about as interesting as Rush Limbaugh cancer cells.
See that is good script. No one would dare touch Stage 4, because it is psychological medical terrorism of the holy grail of untouchable. Me I have fun with it as Limbaugh is rich, will by the cure and the poor folks will die.
And as for the follow up, Jesuit Poper, Matt Walsh got himself mentioned in a story. Way to go Matt! This loser of fake bot projections I thought had gone into hiding under the Pater's dress, but Walsh came out swinging in misogyny to beat the hell out of Michelle Malkin.
Walsh repeats the Jared Kushner Shin Bet charges against Walsh, that Walsh is a race traitor, a faggot and these titles are because Walsh "works for Jews".
From having #NeverTrumper Walsh in 2016, the assessment I concluded of the Jesuit Poper was he was deemd a faggot as he got this pissy little 410 to defend his women folk, and was acting like he was Dirty Harry with a 44 magnum. The rest of it in race traitor, it probably was more gender traitor as they guy just drips cuck.
As for segregation, that is alive and is killing Americans off. That is why White Men were committing suicide under Obama in record numbers, because they are under constant terrorism in being blamed for everything.
Walsh ends this with whining about how Michelle Malkin feels, not THINKS about Walsh being a sissy boy faggot, and asks how protecting Christian Protestants, not being put into debt slavery by Jewish finance, criminalized by them for espousing the Right they have to protect themselves in the majority or minority, was answered by Malkin in some 10 million page speech she gave, which I was not about to read, as this all goes back to Webster Griffin Tarpley, and what his associates predicted has now come true, the Right has been balkanized into the fairy queen camp and the butch brawlers.
The spat drew the attention of conservative commentators including Matt Walsh, who tweeted: "Hi @michellemalkin. Fuentes called me a "race traitor" and "f*ggot" because I "work for Jews." He also said that black people who complained about segregation needed to "grow up." How do you feel about these statements? And in what way are they "America First"?"
Must be tough being Matt Walsh in you DuckDuck him and who comes up is a nobody comedian and not the Poper Boy.

I have not been doing a great deal of thinking on all of this, nor pondering, but it was Inspired by God these past weeks to contemplate that the 30 years that Ronald Reagan invested in his vision for responsible liberty and American freedom, has not evolved to the modern pariahs, which divert attention away from the real genocide facing America. I am being moved to construct more Lame Cherry policy statements to redirect the debate points, as it is necessary as all of this Mockingbird nitwit stuff is meant to divert and unfortunately there are not any great minds in the United States as Ronald Reagan was by necessity to bring for a more perfect Union. Reagan studied a great deal as George Washington did, to understand the framing of issues and human interaction.
That depth though does not belong here, as this is a diversion firefight, and while Michelle Malkin is attention worthy, her suitors in nameless YAF, short bus Jew Ben Shapiro and Poper Boy Matt Walsh provide zero attention as we all know Michelle Malkin is the she man in the room, and they are not going to get sex with her.
(For the record, the CIA in William F. Buckley, pulled this same Mockingbird diversion in his trashing the John Birch Society in the 1960's to gain control over "conservatism".)
Time ot move on, by the left flank and keep advancing to the real citadel.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said