Saturday, February 15, 2020

Vice President Hillary Clinton

Me be second to a Jew? You're joking Hymie right?


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Michael Bloomberg is the biggest rag trade fool on the planet in his stunt of mentioning Hillary Clinton as his Vice Presidential running mate to grab attention.

Drudge: Michael Bloomberg Considering Hillary Clinton as Running Mate   breitbart 

SHE’S BACK! Hillary Accuses Trump of ‘Using the Powers of the Presidency Like a Tyrant’   hannity

Hillary Clinton has already been CO President with her husband Bill Clinton, so she is not eligible to serve as President or Vice President,
Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State under Birther Hussein Obama.
For Michael Bloomberg to lower a woman of Hillary Clinton's accomplishments is a slap in the face degrading her.

It is also an assassination reality as the minute Hillary Clinton is sworn in, Michael Bloomberg would have the Vince Foster effect taking place.

Hillary Clinton stood down when Al Gore was going to try and be President. She did not have the moxy to deal with a man. Hillary Clinton could not stand up against George W. Bush nor John Kerry in 2004 in the presidential elections.  Hillary Clinton lost to Barack Hussein Obama for the democratic nomination. Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump for President.
There is a pattern in this, and a real sore spot for women, in Hillary Clinton can not defeat a man for President. She has spent her life under the "I slept with Teddy Kennedy for Watergate positions" and she held onto Bill Clinton's shirt tails for her political rise and power. For Michael Bloomberg to suggest the second position to Hillary Clinton reinforces she is a loser and she needs a man to win things for her.

That reminding the voters of Hillary Clinton's loser status, only provides the worst stink on the Bloomberg ticket. "Vote for me you leftists who hate perv Biden, are afraid Bernie will die before November, do not like horse face Klobuchar or Granny Warren for lacking everything presidential, because I am putting Hillary Clinton on the ticket, because she had to steal it from Bernie Sanders last time".

Hillary Clinton is an international leader. Michael Bloomberg is a city mayor who liked roughing up ghetto hoods to bring down crime. The last thing Bill Clinton wants his legacy associated with in Hillary Clinton is the Nigger Knocker Michael Bloomberg.

There are many last things Hillary Clinton wants as her time runs out in life, and that is dying in the office of Vice President from a brain clot, carrying water and taking orders from the Jew Bloomberg, who no one in the democratic party wants, likes and that means WOMEN and BLACKS in why he is playing the Hillary Card.

Hillary Clinton should make her move now. She should answer Michael Bloomberg with a coy response of, "No I was thinking that Michael Bloomberg would be best as my Vice President".

.......and then smile and keep her mouth shut, as her announcement blows up the Democratic Primaries. It negates Bloomberg to his only position of worth in having a billion dollars to donate to Hillary 2020. It wipes Joe Biden from the race. It neutralizes Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar, and it whispers to Bernie Sanders and the entire DNC, that a brokered convention will take place and Hillary Clinton would be the nominee.

This announcement would put the focus of President Hillary back, as this time she would be setting foot on a presidential stage with President Donald Trump.

James Carville has been doing his Clinton surface in calling Bernie a communist, splitting the party for Donald Trump, and now it is time for Hillary Clinton to remind voters she is there as President, not to prop up a Nigger Knocker in Michael Bloomberg.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
