Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Nazi Lurch Left on Coast to Coast AM

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the days of Art Bell, Coast to Coast AM was fringe right wing, meaning the people involved in the program tended to be center right, than leftist. Something changed though with the closeted George Noury as he was enlisted to become an Obama cheerleader for Mideast slaughter of Muslims, as Obama via Danion Brinkley awarded Noury an Obama award, which was never mentioend again, and that was Coast to Coast AM began shifting to the left, and it is the BORING left.

I am not going to feature the "doctor" who  Noury had on the last week of Januaury, but when one considers that he has nutriiontist salesmen who underwrite the program for free ad time twice a month, this geezer doc was spitting in the face of the sponsors.

He wsa all global warming, and wanted to get rid of the livestock industry, or American stock people who raise cattle, pigs, sheep and chickens, as they were all farting too much. Noury chimed in that he saw cattle in a pasture and knew he was eating them, so he started eating less of them as they were animals who were alive.
Never mind if people stopped eating animals, they would not exist at all, because animals must make some kind of profit in order to have humans invseting all thas time in them.

What blew my mind was how lefist stupid this codger was, and I think his last name was Cooper.He was advocating that everyone ate mashed potatoes daily like he and his wife did. Yes mashed potatoes morning, noon and night, but in his dictatorship, cows are bad as they fart, so that would mean no cream or butter. I have no idea what kind of anything he puts in them, but theye would be tasteless starch as this is what he was all about was STARCH.

The geezer did mention though how wondeful mashed potatoes were with gravy. Again GRAVY IS FROM ANIMALS. So unless he is making some satan awful tofu gravy, and putting soy milk in his awful potatoes, what he was advocating was something that tastes like starch, which is bland and makes you frown in revulsion. It is why Americans started putting things like butter, creamn and animnal fat onto potatoes as they are repulsive without them.

He used the example of the Irish ate potatoes all the time. NO THE IRISH did not eat potatoes all the time, what the Irish did was they raised potatoes, when out and milked their cow, and then ate POTATOES AND MILK.

He went on to incorrectly state that some people did not like ethanol as it took all the food out of the corn in producing the alcohol. Again, this head up his Noury ass guest, is wrong on the reality and the science. Corn has removed in part the starch or the sugars in making ethanol. What is left is a more readily digestable food product for livestock to eat, as it leaves the protein and carbohydrates. Iti s just like sourdough bread is better than normal bread, because the souring breaks down the carbohydrates and starches into a more digestable food source.

Those are the facts and George Noury allowed his audience to be brainwashed with lies.

Dr. Wallach states the human has to eat a high protein diet, that is eggs, and means animals as your brain is fat. This Cooper slaps Wallach in the face with George Noury, in stating STARCH is what is supposed to be eaten.
When cults brainwash people, they do not allow protein in the diet, so Cooper's diet will dumb down people and make them easily managed. It is why the cartel pushes the no meat diet.

The human diet in the Bible began with fruits, nuts for meat, and vegetables. As people learned that concentrated food in meat was the milk beyond the nipple, people began eating breads, milks, meats, cheese, olive oils and fruits.

The American diet which built a robust people was bread, potatoes, eggs, meat, milk and fruits and vegetables.

Those are the facts and people were healthy eating this diet.

The question is as George Noury goes all Nazi or National Socialist leftist in featuring these leftwing shit for brains, is how long will the Dr. Wallach's be around to be stabbed in the back by Noury, as Dr. Wallach can not exist in the Cooper world, as Cooper wants to by government erradicate the Dr. Wallach diet by force.

Just a question.

Nuff Said

