Sunday, April 19, 2020

Without China

Ich geruch eine Welt ohne China

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Germany sends China £130billion bill for 'coronavirus damages' – sparks fury in Beijing

GERMANY has rattled China after joining the UK, France and the US in a rare attack, after Berlin called out Beijing's responsibility for the global pandemic and even issued a £130bn invoice.

China responded with University words, which could have only been learned in Western Universities who subsidize these slant eyed lying bastards too Mongoloid to get the lesson that you don't tell the people of the world in 2005 that you are going to launch a first strike biological attack, and then pretend your PLA never said it.

China responded by claiming the invoice "stirs up xenophobia and nationalism".

This will be your new home, you slant eyed bastard.


The Lame Cherry responds to the murderous communists of Peking.

Fuck you China!

To be more precise, China you are a pariah state. No one trust you. No one is going to do business with you ever again. You no longer have little girls to wear their hands out sewing clothes and your throwing them away, and you no longer have a future as Coronavirus has shaved the 2050 date of your population implosion by 25 years, as Coronavirus ate your slant eyed testicles and is your pandemic cancer.
You have zero resources. You are eating the world's food. Everyone hates you, detests you, and wants you gone!
The world has chosen India as your replacement along with the Indochinese nations.
The great satisfaction for the world will be when you are all dead from Coronavirus and the pigs you experimented on, eat your rotting corpses.
None of this stirs up xenophobia or nationalism, which you can not even pronounce correctly as it comes out weenafoebah and nashalizm. It simply taps into the healthy disgust the people of the world have for the Chinese. It is why they sold you opium and you slugged it back, as you are nothing but devious addicts with the morals of slug.
Coronavirus is the epitaph of the Chinese and the world awaits your demise like a serialized thriller. We have begun to imagine a world, an Asia, a China without goddamn filthy Chinamen. To finally replace you with the superior Mongols, Tibetans, Vietnamese, Koreans, Indians, Japanese and most of all lovely white skinned Russians. The world will celebrate this climate change, as it will be human change void of all you sinister, plotting, duplicitous Chincs.
Oh what a future the world has without China. China will be clean. The Yellow River will run crystal clear.  The air will be crisp and clean. The Gobi will become an oasis, as the world will simply celebrate when the last Chinese becomes a zoo exhibit, next to the orangutan and chimpanzee.
No more goddamn bowl cut, scowling, short, squat Chinamen with that dazed and always confused look. How glorious that will be. Chinese take out will for the first time be fit for humans to eat, as the Japanese will market the franchise. What a wonderful day in the world taking their children to the zoo and tossing a rice cake at a Ping Pong as a monkey steals it, because Ping Pong was too busy trying to get that thing between his ears to work while this century is still new.

When this is over China, you slant eyes will have wanted to have settled for 130 billion. The world is going to take everything in what you owe. You are a menacing, evil scourge on the planet, which has devoured the world in decades when it took the world 6000 years to build it.

So eat shit China. May you go the way of the dinosaur. May our peoples dig up your bones in a generation and contemplate  what kind of sounds you made, what kind of twig you ate, and if you were hatched or crawled out of the algae.  The world is ready to move on without China and nothing brings a smile to the heart more, that the phrase without China.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

