Sunday, April 26, 2020

A Slice of Life


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I listen to people tell stories.

That is what I enjoy a great deal of, is just listening to people be themselves, and when they are right out of Americana, it is that much more vivid.

The teller of the story had the cold stare if William Holden, Steve McQueen or Clint Eastwood. He is a man that knows himself and dots his I's and crosses his T's.

He was telling a story that started out with, I knew a man who needed two chairs to sit down as he was do big.......

I lost the conversation the fast food place's din, and then the punchline came.

The fat guy was named Uncle Chucky, and he had ordered a hamburger at a cafe, where Vietnamese immigrants were working, and as the waitress went to place the order she said loudly,

Người đàn ông béo đó muốn một chiếc bánh hamburger.

Now Uncle Chucky in the story had served in Vietnam so he knew Vietnamese. It never bothered him when the waitress said, "That big fat man ordered hamburger".

Is peaceful humor to listen to these conversations. Just a moment in time in people being people and not taking offense.

So there is not much to this post, but my sharing my enjoyment of something in life which is far too missing in most lives now.

Nuff Said
