Sunday, April 26, 2020

The CDC Got Everrything Wuhan Flu Wrong

These experts got Coronavirus completely wrong.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When the Chinese biological weapon, Coronavirus Wuhan or Chinavirus was spread out of China, the world was assured the most racist and man hating information ever, as we all were told even by Rush Limbaugh, "Don't worry, as this only kills old people". Sean Homo Hannity chimed in with that more than letting Lynda talk on the program as no one gave a damn that old white geezers were croaking, and as they were men, hell there was reason to celebrate.

Kirkland facility in Washington State 'confirmed' all of this as it was just wheezer going toe tag, so all those shitty Spring Break college students flooded to the beaches hoping Gram and Grampa would soon be "corona'd" and they would inherit those portfolios. It was grand times ahead for all.

Then the real Coronavirus meant for America hit, and began revealing itself in the data. Still people were in denial, and many were repeating the Limbaugh Mantras in phobia over this virus, but the story which emerged across the board was, the CDC was flat ass wrong on everything the Chinese fake data which was given to them.
The Lame Cherry was the first to warn of this in young people were dying on the streets, as there were not photos of old people. I knew this was killing the young and as it entered America, that is what began to emerge.

As of this date, in almost every state, Coronavirus is infecting women more than men at a 53% to 47% margin ratio. Granted women are more populace, but this is not what the CDC predicted. Coronavirus likes women more than men, just as Coronavirus likes Type A and AB blood types more than O type.

The greatest infection rates are in the 0 to 49 age bracket. Granted 50 to 59 is the greater group infected, but they were also the group traveling more due to money and off time. In the end though, the top age group is not being infected nor dying in the majority. It is the young and middle ages who Coronavirus is infecting in the majority of numbers. Again, not what the CDC stated.

The CDC warned of communal spread. Yet almost 30 percent of the cases are unknown in origin. Meaning this is not coming from humans, but someone is probably spreading this pandemic through a public source such as water bottles which have been contaminated by a state entity.

The CDC was speaking of Coronavirus as a single virus. This blog stated there were two viruses released at the start, and at least 4 operating from Italy and Iran. The last tally was Coronavirus comes in 8 strains and 40 mutations.

The CDC was wrong or had people deliberately ruining early test kits at the spread of the pandemic. No FBI investigations into that situation at a critical time, but again the CDC was wrong about being able to provide test kits which were working.

So everything we were told was wrong. Coronavirus infects women more than men. Coronavirus infects the young and middle ages more than the elderly. Coronavirus is not over in 2 weeks, and 10% of the cases reinfect. Coronavirus is a thinking virus with more intelligence than the CDC which was providing the President with the wrong advice on the wrong information.

That situation needs to be addressed as the President is the one who began shutting down travel as his gut told him to. That was not the CDC. The CDC gave the President faulty advice and information and America due to liberalism, foreigners and Obama holdovers has been devastated by that bad information.

The data proves the CDC has been wrong, and is probably still wrong. This blog has been proven right by Inspiration and data which is hard and not Chinaman fake, nor is viewed with Bill Gates 100 million dollar NIH contributions.


Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
