Saturday, April 25, 2020

Dr. Trump: Bend over and Coof

Coof Coof

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After the President was trolling the media again about injecting bleach as a cure for Coronavirus Wuhan, as the FBI was arresting Vitamin C in Detroit Michigan, the media went nuts looking for spikes in 911 calls over idiots dousing themselves with bleach.

The media is lying about increased emergency calls about drinking bleach in order to blame Trump – The Right Scoop  scoop

While the spikes have little to do with the President, I would bet that salted in amongst these calls are Obama Biden trolls, who decided to up the numbers to make this a story the molotov media could then rant about people dying from something the President said.

In that, Attorney General Barr should give the FBI something to do, like reviewing these 911 calls, and see who is connected to democratic campaigns and operatives.

That would be the story in this.

Nuff Said
