Sunday, April 19, 2020

Aborting Adults out of the Womb with Coronavirus

I cunt hear you. I got ear infucktion...


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I would if these frauds that just want Americans and infected for their portfolios would just come out and admit it, as their attempts at Ted Cruz caring about suicides and whatever if this public protection against Coronavirus continues, gets lamer by the moment, and the asstards are all sounding off from the GOP.

Rep. Tom McClintock of California ,weighed in on the shutdown. After this blog proved Ted Cruz was wrong in MORE PEOPLE DIE AT WORK AND GOING TO WORK THAN FROM SUICIDE, so the shutdown saved 10,000 American lives, McClintock has weighed in too, with a bizarre rant, that people are going to get fat staying at home, because the fridge is there, and then they will get diabetes.

McClintock should have come up with HOME LUNG DISEASE, which was big a few years ago, in radon comes out of the soil, and it causes cancer if people breathe it for years, or that is what the propaganda line was for selling radon detectors and other shit. 

How many of the 1.8 million new cancers each year in the United States will go undetected for months because routine screenings and appointments have been postponed? How many heart, kidney, liver, and pulmonary illnesses will fester while people’s lives are on hold? How many suicides or domestic homicides will occur as families watch their livelihoods evaporate before their eyes? How many drug and alcohol deaths can we expect as Americans stew in their homes under police-enforced indefinite home detention orders? How many new cases of obesity-related diabetes and heart disease will emerge as Americans are banished from outdoor recreation and instead spend their idle days within a few steps of the refrigerator?

I did not have to check President Donald Trump's suggestions nor any Governor's decrees to know that not one of them forbid people from seeing a doctor. The fact is for the public's safety, medical staffs have been clearing out unnecessary surgeries and "hold your hand" appointments in which people go in and whine for 15 minutes, the doctor nods, bills insurance and the hospital makes money and the whiners are happy, as that is what the medical profession is.

It is just the lowest form of humanity which engages in this, in suddenly caring if some kid is getting beat or a wife raped, when they said nothing in their political careers, but now it is a problem in these people want to abort Americans out of the womb with Coronavirus.

There is not one government order which said people could not sit on the lawns, go for walks in their neighborhoods, or go for a drive. I realize that Tom McClintock probably missed the episodes of Andy Griffith in Americans sitting on porches, and enjoying being outside, as these types who are phobic about the voices which they keep hearing, screaming in their heads, what goddamn trash they are, so they have to hide in groups of people, are manics about being home.

The fact is the majority of Americans are enjoying this, not being blamed for every goddamn thing and responsible too, time in America. I was thinking of Sandy, whose daughter is a teacher, and she loves being home. She teaches her children, sits on the porch with them,  they do things together and life is as it should be.
How novel in today TL and I dug out our front flower bed of dayliliesa and replanted them. Tomorrow we will plant then in the ditch coming up to the place, and the world will bloom pretty.

The fact is more lives are going to be saved due to Coronavirus, than lost, due to President Trump's leadership.

It is of zero use to blame the experts as they are like Tom McClintock in they always exaggerate everything to suck money out of the government. No one gives a damn or a dime if a bunch of coons in Africa die of Ebola. So they pump up the numbers, and Obama hauls their asses into the United States to scare Americans, so the money the Birther was embezzling for his cronies gets paid out.

I have posted the real projections in the deaths from Coronavirus. China in comparison to the French and American death rates, should have over 1 million dead. Those are the facts of this virus. That means little in 1.4 billion Chinamen, but the numbers are correct in the cover up of this virus.
There are Bill Gates types who want the billion dollar prize in vaccines so they Anthony Fauci scare people to pay up. There are those who want more Americans dead, so they can bring in foreign Visa vermin to replace gun owning Americans.

So now Tom McClintock and his COOFERS are looking for dead people, to prove that saving lives of Americans is not worth it, as there are dead people.

What the Lame Cherry states in the Wisdom of God, if these shutdown policies are so much a problem in saving lives, then why not do away with numbers of laws which save lives. I mean why should there be a law against saving politicians lives, as if these few were not around, America would not have millions of dead and wounded in wars the Congress voted for.
Why have a law banning children from drinking booze and doing dope as it hinders stock's rising. Why save a child's life which should have been aborted, and is only going to grow up and die anyway. Have you seen the money a child costs to raise? Billions at the National Education Association alone makes children expendable.
On these Tom McClintock and George Noory reasonings, policies which save American lives are really getting in the way of things, so we need to get rid of all the laws, not just the Corona protection laws.

If people started passing referendums to shoot politicians, as they are a threat to society, this same group would be screaming that we need laws to protect people. Yet this same group is the one which rants that we should not be protecting Americans, and go to some of the lowest lengths to try and get Americans killed.

I would just prefer these Stalin types who choose selective species of humans in who lives and dies, would just be honest about it. It would be pleasant to hear these frauds say, "I want you to go die, so my stock portfolio keeps me a millonaire" or "I want you dead at the wheel, because the corporation which owns my soul, will not give me a million dollar job when I leave Congress as your not dying for the company hurts their bottom line".

We will never hear the Truth, but you will read it here, as the skins of the Corona Onion peal away daily.

The fact is as this blog first revealed, the Coronavirus is the Hero of the American People. It has empowered them. It is giving them their country back and the people in power can't do a damn thing about it. They can't arrest Corona, they can't fine Corona, they can't fire Corona. All they can do is post suicide policies for you, and expect you to die for them and the elite.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
