Sunday, April 19, 2020

Enticing the Corona Darwin Candidates

 Yes Bobo, you go catch Coronavirus while I wait here.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am going to inform you something our wearied President will not and he can not.

You did too good of a job in preserving yourselves, so now staged CIA protests with the media have pushed a narrative of America needs to be open.......the economy needs to be started.

For the record, America is open and the economy is running on actual money, instead of Citizen debt for the first time in a generation. Do not confuse the Fed for the economy or bailouts for Wall Street as thee economy.

The point in this is, the Darwin Candidates will now be appealed to, to get them to go out and catch the Wuhan Flu, in the L and S strains.

I told you that by April 20th, half of America should have been infected or inoculated. America is not even close to that, so a new surge, upon the waves the cartel is producing have to be ramped up. There is urgency in this, as they desire these Darwin infections to coincide in May with the second week and fourth week pandemics, so this will start the plateau in June.

Here am I troubled about June, because I have watched the numbers. Italy and Spain have reached a plateau as have other nations, and they still have 500 dead a day. That is far too high, and it means that Coronavirus is not as the Jews claimed in an 8 week flash in the pan. The genus target strains keep on infecting and killing as a prescribed rate.

China is now having so much trouble that their cover up is not covering up.

Do the numbers, America has around 750,000 cases with 40,000 dead. China has 4 times as many rats as America does, in other words all you need to do is overlay US numbers to find the real Chinese numbers and China has been averaging around 6400 dead a day. Their death toll is past 1 million and they have had millions more which contracted this pandemic. China though has 1.4 billion people, so that means a few million mean nothing, and it is why this virus is going to keep surging and coming in on waves.

Coronavirus threat: China imposes NEW lockdown as fears grow for devastating second wave   express

You though are to join China, in strategic policy, as the government must have a majority of you infected, before the next bad things which will happen take place. In this, smaller is better as the United States, can burn through enough people to create a firewall, and by people I mean Americans, not that Mexican and foreign vermin. China would need to infect around 800 million Chinamen, as they exist like rats on top of each other and will keep infecting each other.

So no you have been told. I would shelter up as that is what I will do. I will not be a Darwin Candidate for the cartel or to be coof free, when the other bad things transpire.
Americans are too good at hunkering down. At this rate, the population even with Darwins is not going to catch enough virus to not have the population dealing with this into next fall.

They are going to try though in spreading this in Texas and the Carolinas, but one thing which should have you frowning about, is if, this virus is so done in, then why are these politicians taking so much Chloroquine they rattle when they walk, are not out having campaign rallies?

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

OK just saved your lives again. Let's find that donate button in all you wealthy leisure types as I know your secrets and I got things to do before the really bad things come.

Nuff Said
