Monday, April 20, 2020

This time the North Koreans need American Protection


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is one of the worst, also playing list in Kim Jong Un is reported to have lapsed into a coma after heart surgery in being a diabetic.

Kim Jong-un In “Grave Danger” After Surgery: Reports

With how Coronavirus exploitative China has been, in spreading the pandemic, it would be PLA adventurous to invade and secure North Korea, which of course would set off one of the last things the United States would need, now that the skipper of Roosevelt just told the world it is a ghost ship.

I hope little sister has the balls and is pure PMS she bitch, as North Korea is going to need one tough woman for what is waiting. The last thing the US needs is to be driven off the Korean peninsula.

This time the North Koreans need the protection of the United States.

Nuff Said
