Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Coronavirus has become the Mexican Plague

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As another Mexican infested pork plant shuts down in America from Coronavirus in Worthington Minnesota, Minnesota is still covering up the numbers of Mexicans infected in numbers and dying in that state.

Minnesota Pork Plant Shuts Down After Outbreak Among Workers

All of this is important as this Mexican Corona is different from Chinese Corona. It is along the same lines as the Italian Corona, but without the race data, it is impossible to trace this, as America's death rate is around 2800 plus each day.
Some groups are dying, but the government is hiding who is dying.

I have been watching my favorite lab experiment in Sioux Falls SD, as what is happening there, portends for Mexican enclaves, especially in California, Colorado and Texas. Texas is having low numbers due to the Chinese and Italian strains, but this Mexican introduction is a different kind of plague.

The South Dakota numbers since the introduction of Chloroquine, which is now being discredited is showing mild cases in Mexicans, which are deemed children, by the age data on the charts. But what is appearing are severe cases and deaths in South Dakota from this Mexican virus. This affects males from teenagers to 39 years old. The females were either coofed on or ejaculated into.

The lethal numbers in this appear to be running around the 15% average for critical care and death. Once again in this, this is the Unions and South Dakota which is being stuck with these massive healthcare bills. Those same massive debts are coming to your communities if you have Mexican pets abounding in them.

Minnesota has ludicrous data posted in missing race which this blog deems this means it is Mexicans.

Race Percent of Cases Percent of Deaths
White 61% 75%
Black 13% 6%
Asian 4% 1%
Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander <1 td=""> 0%
American Indian/ Alaska Native 1% 2%
Other 6% 1%
Unknown/missing 16% 16%
Ethnicity Percent of Cases Percent of Deaths
Hispanic 8% 3%
Non-Hispanic 74% 76%
Unknown/missing 18% 21%

If one adds the Hispanic 8% which is rising from 5% to the unknown of 18%, the number of 365 of these cases reflects the reality. As stated Minnesota keeps fudging their numbers as in the above what should be 100% is in Minnesota, is 102% which is impossible.

South Dakota has few Americans who are sick with Coronavirus, so the hospitals are ready to care for the Mexican deluge. The problem is in states like Texas where the Latino population is perversely high, there will come a condition of the medical systems overwhelmed or the crash carts will have to be Walmart semis loading up dead Mexicans dying in their rodent holes.
Mexico like most of South America is not showing any real progression of this, but by the response of Americans and what is happening in slaughter plant closings and the poster child model of Sioux Falls South Dakota where one sick Mexican created 1200 sick and dead, and is adding to those numbers daily of around 100 new infections, this is what multi culturalism slave labor harvests for the world.

There could not be a more ludicrous time for the CIA to be staging protests to infect Americans again by opening up the Corona doors again. Yet that is what is taking place. IF this has just held off for most states until May 14th, most of this would have been done, with May 30th as the end date for the death plateau to continue on, until all the culls were weeded out.

and as an update, that gal who was featured here from Coast to Coast AM, made a comment in passing that the flu shots made people get the Coronavirus, or more to the point, Corona piggybacks and activates the flu serums which people have in them. She was absolutely right. This bioweapon is ingenius and beyond what America ever held. The DNA programming of this entity actually is not a flu, but it instead activates the DNA of other flu, spreads them quickly with HIV and centers in the lungs as in TB.

Gotta slide.

Nuff Said
