Thursday, April 23, 2020

Coronavirus: A Doctor's Experience

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

George Noory of Coast to Coast AM is working hard to defeat Donald Trump a second time. In 2016 he kept telling people that Hillary would win, and now he is based on quack clairvoyants, trying to influence that dwindling audience, as CCAM has become what this blog predicted, a Nazi Marxist front, where Ian Punnett protects Chinese and derides Americans, Lisa Garr goes off on weird rants about Coronavirus is good for animals as it gets rid of people, and Noory who is pleading to spread the virus around to kill all of you with "Open America".

President Trump really needs to have one of his people, who controls Mockingbird funding, and have them can most of these comrades as they are a threat to America.

On Friday night though in the open lines part which is always boring, a Truth appeared on April 17th, in a doctor from Indiana somehow made it on air, and instead of siding with Noory to kill Americans, this physician exposed some defining realities of this Corona Pandemic which can not be denied.

The points were simple. He stated his hospital has the same number of patients as last year BUT TWICE THE DEATHS.

Where he used to be able to handle two floors on the night shift, he now has to have another doctor working, in case people crash on a floor he is not on.

There are numbers of young people on ventilators and they are very sick. His point was that he was around 40 years old, and he was seeing numbers of people his age, not the geezer group.

He was seeing numbers of people dying from blood clots due to this virus in the lungs as the clots were breaking free.

Lastly, and this is a rebuttal of the Limbaugh inflated numbers of Coronavirus which Bill Mitchell worships at. This doctor stated it was a felony to falsify death certificates. He had been filling out several as of this past week, and he stated that he was seeing young people in their 20's die, of heart attacks, which was unusual, and he reasoned it was Coronavirus, but as he could not put the dead onto the Corona casualty list without proof, he had them listed as heart attacks.

This is what took place in New York and the Coronacaust Deniers were raging about the numbers going up, but the fact is Coronavirus is killing people who are not being recorded as there are not going to be tests on dead people from heart attacks.

This information is vital to our understanding more about this pandemic, as it is real, and it is twice as deadly as the common flu, ONCE PEOPLE ARE IN THE HOSPITALS.

The site I monitor in tracking the Coronavirus, has an entire category focusing on people in hospitals, and those numbers are staggering in the death toll.

Active Cases
Currently Infected Patients
1,508,398 (96%)
in Mild Condition

55,169 (4%)
Serious or Critical

Show Graph
As you can see, without the Chinese fraud numbers, but with actual American numbers, the world has 96% mild cases, until you get it, as the mild cases scare people too. The Critical conditions are at 4% What is telling though is the death rates have dropped once Americans became involved from 24% to 21%, but in that is the alarming trend which is not being focused upon in the diversion, as people who go to the hospital, 21% of them die and those who recover have organ damage. That is a most troubling statistic as we hear the HERD IMMUNITY ideal of casting people to their George Noory deaths.
Closed Cases
Cases which had an outcome:
591,297 (79%)
Recovered / Discharged

159,033 (21%)

 This blog still maintains that there are lethal strains, deliberately spread, and mild stains to inoculate. With Chloroquine treatments the original 15% rate has expanded as almost half the people who had this virus had some kind of problems with it. And those in the problem half, almost 1/4 of them die.

 I really appreciate the hands on experience of this doctor and taking the time to relate his observations as they explain a great deal and fill in even more information which the public should have.

Italy and France are still having problems as from 1000 dead a day, they have halved that number, but in that number it has reached a troubling plateau with almost 500 dead a day and almost 4000 new cases as of Saturday April 18th.

The United States is not doubling it's cases, meaning isolation has slowed the pandemic. The problem is the mad rush to open America is going to spread this virus again in the idiots who think they are safe or the corporate masters who think they can beat people back to work and endanger them.
The United States though even at 18,000 new cases is not dying at the horrendous rates that Spain and France experienced.

This virus can not be contained as South Korea still has cases, and the cases still are erupting in places like North Dakota which was a utopia.

The only way to deal with this virus is to quarantine the metros in no one in or out, without special permits for food, fuel etc... Otherwise with these city states and the Mexicans, there are going to be mass death zones going into June. Every part of America is on the rise in cases and deaths. The time line has shifted by social distancing to a projected future peak.

This is a metro plague predominantly and those who eat human shit with the virus in it, are the group which has the severest form of this plague, going critical or facing death.

It is one more day ahead to something worse. That is the reality of pandemic.
