Thursday, April 23, 2020

To Trump a Virus

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Someone recently asked me, how I knew so much information on things, and I simply replied, "I read the technical material and I listen to the real experts". You can not learn a thing from the propaganda and the garbage the media tells you, as it is all agenda driven.

For all that is worrisome and wrong with Coronavirus, I desired to share the following with you, in listening to the President's April 20th press conference. If you listened to what is taking place, it is a great deal of what this blog suggested early. I will not take credit for any of this, but want you to understand that President Trump is a Federal leader who is coordinating with State Governors and city Mayors. The President leads, but it is the local officials who are stepping up and are the ones in charge.

All 50 state governors are now moving, which is good for all of America. The people who the President has working now, are fantastic, and the President is fantastic in he is in command of the information, and is addressing every issue, which the press is creating havoc with in false stories. Donald Trump is a pandemic leader. He has taken the shambles of the Obama political appointees and quickly sifted through the incompetent and has competent people.
A great deal was said of Joan of Arc in recognizing ability in people and promoting them. Donald Trump has proven this ability with the Coronavirus response.

There are two people who have made an absolute difference in saving American lives, and you should find comfort in both.

Army Corps of Engineers races to provide 10,000 hospital rooms for coronavirus response

Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite is the reason hospitals are going up in every community and hot zone, from the Army Corp of Engineers. I had to search for this Officer, but the group he is leading is so precise in they take the big picture of the Federal and in each case break it down to a local hospital bed.
Governors were asking for the Corp to build hospitals in parking lots in weeks. There was not any way any of this could be done, and  the President was not going to have people stuck in tents as the Chinese were doomed in. Instead the Corp produced a plan first in New York with Governor Cuomo's assistance to build hospitals inside convention centers. Buildings which were huge, already accessible and available have been turned into hospitals.

This is one of the miracles of America by God's Grace, in the Corp would ask how many beds a state needed, and the Governor or Mayor would inform them. They would ask by what date, and they would be informed, and in every case, entire hospitals would appear, complete with oxygen for every patient by the date that a peak would occur.

The other military leader besides the President is Admiral Brett Giroir.

If you want to know how the testing for Coronavirus has progressed and why the United States if so far ahead of every other nation, it is the work of Admiral Giroir. The coordination of these test kits in there are several parts which are individually manufactured, has been conducted under his supervision, in making several contacts a day with manufacturers.
When early on a material only available from Italy was necessary, the Admiral dispatched military transports to bring the material into the United States.

When this blog stated that what was needed for this response was military quartermaster direction, the President welcomed the Pentagon's expertise and coordination, and by this American live are being saved, and more will be saved.

President Trump has managed one of thee most difficult and far reaching national responses in United States history. He has led by providing direction, whereby the States have agreed to the best solutions for their people. Never once has there been any orders, instead it has been a request in what can Washington do to assist and when the lists appear, it has been competent experts who have solved these problems for the States.

As of this week, the CDC is dispatching teams of 10 to 12 to permanently be in every state, coordinating with those States, to track people who spread the pandemic in order to shut it down. Gone are the ACLU liberal protests of are quarantines legal. America has moved on to the footing of what is necessary to protect liberties, but to protect the liberties of those from being infected.

As New York and other hot spots are at plateau, the concentration of the response is now moving into the inner cities, nursing homes and the Indian Nations. Nothing is being overlooked as the President has melded the Federal, State and Military into one cohesive response, and it is working wonderfully well.

President Donald Trump has taken the South Korean and Taiwan model of containment, and expanded it for nation of over 320 million. There has not been any draconian Chinese round ups, there has not been any Italian or Jewish police state, there has not been the life costing herd immunity of Sweden and England, and there has not been the massive death tolls of Spain and China.

This pandemic is not over, but the President shut American down when this was about to become a plague inferno. His response with the Governors achieved a reality that every person who needed a ventilator had one. No one died in the United States from lack of medical care.
He gave Americans something to hope in treatments like Chloroquine, and there are almost 100 other remedies which are now being looked at. This has not been heralded by the media, but it requires stating for the public to understand, that Americans did something right in electing Donald Trump in 2016. I personally cringe at the thought of low energy Jeb Bush in this catastrophe or Hillary Clinton coofing up a l;ung, and what unConstitional mischief would Birther Hussein and his coup plotters unleashed on Americans in throwing more Rod Blagojevich's into prison or funds only going to states which voted for Obama.

By God's Grace the President has been exactly what America and the world needed for a pandemic.

All of this foundation is now in place. It is ready not only for this virus, but for any terror or war event. In this the President has not taken any advantage of one tax dollar or one American. He has fulfilled his Oath perfectly as what a President should be.
