Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Fall Corona will not be worse than Spring Corona

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry appeals to Attorney General William Barr to begin indicting those elements who are sabotaging the treatment of Coronavirus. There have been several deliberate sabotages in unproven studies and fake news reporting that Chloroquine does not work. This is murder to have people die in order to promote vaccines.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko like others of doctors who have given Chloroquine, in treatment, before patients were in the morgue has had outstanding results. His success proves the lies which were published recently that "tests in America showed no value".

Doctor: Hundreds of COVID-19 Patients Recover With 3-Drug Regimen

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko from New York announced that over 400 of his high-risk patients with COVID-19 have recovered.
All were treated with his 3-drug regimen of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc. The doctor said two patients died, but the other 403 recuperated completely from COVID-19, the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.

I share what was passed along to me tonight from RO. The President stated in a press conference this week, that there almost 100 protocols and treatments which are being reviewed. These drugs are inhibitors to what this virus requires to transfer it's programming to a cell, whether it is sugars or proteins as I have stated previously.

I will have more in the next few days on the strains of this virus which prove a future exclusive. The point is the New York strain is Italian, and has been wiping Italians out from New York to Wisconsin. Again, that is not published yet, but the study cited below indicates this virus is degrading, in other words, a virus has programming to continue on, and it can not continue on if it is killing every host, so it changes naturally to being less lethal, so it can coof on others and live on.

A pangolin coronavirus model was recently used to rapidly screen 2406 clinically approved drugs, and three compounds that were found to completely inhibit cytopathic effects of SARS-CoV-2 in cell culture were cepharanthine (CEP), selamectin, and mefloquine hydrochloride journals. lww. com/cmj/Abstract/publishahead/Repurposing_of_clinically_approved_drug s_for. 99354. aspx The second is closely related to ivermectin. The third related to HCQ.

Distinct Viral Clades of SARS-CoV-2: Implications for Modeling of Viral Spread Adam Brufsky, MD, PhD* A more virulent strain is in NY. The virus is attenuating as they usually do. Food for thought. 

The physicians in Russia were the first to alert the world that Chloroquine treatments were better, the earlier they began. Chloroquine works best to "crack" a cell open, so zinc can permeate it, and then the zinc kills the virus. Antibiotics in turn stop the bacteria, which is natural as in sickness, cells die, and too many dead cells become septic. This is part of the problem with the lung infections from COVID 19 as a disease, in the immune system begins attacking thee infected lung tissue.

Eleven percent were at risk of arrhythmia. And based on that test and others, the National Institutes of Health has not recommended this combination to treat COVID-19.
But there are differences between this study and Zelenko’s treatments.
For one, they don’t use the same drugs. Langone’s study did not use zinc, which the doctor said stops the virus from growing.
“And by the way, it’s not magic, I mean there’s a reason behind it,” said Zelenko. “The virus is inside the cell, the zinc cannot get inside the cell for biochemical reasons, so the hydroxychloroquine opens the door and lets the zinc in. That’s all it does, in this context.

The doctor emphasized how crucial it is to treat patients immediately.

Finally in this, the Washington Post and CNN lied to the public, as FOX News was carrying the false claim last night on radio that the CDC Director was reported as saying that Coronavirus was going to be worse next winter than what it is now.
Dr. Birx yesterday immediately swatted that story down, in stating the White House task force was monitoring this virus and projecting on 30, 60 and 90 day scenarios and they were not going to be surprised by Coronavirus next winter.

Into this, the head of CCD clarified what he really stated, as the President labeled the alarm as fake news.

Redfield also sought at the briefing to clarify the meaning of his remarks, saying that the situation next fall/winter could possibly bring more difficulties because the coronavirus and the flu will be circulating at the same time.
"But I think it's really important to emphasize what I didn't say. I didn't say that this was gonna be worse," he said.

The Lame Cherry has spoken to this, and in studying this virus and it's strains, this virus is the old maxim of "two things can not occupy the same space", meaning I was concerned if people who had the flu would also contract Coronavirus, but that has proven not the case. Nature in virus programming does not allow two viruses to attack any species, as it would wipe out the species and therefore the virus. I have stated that Coronavirus due to stay at home, and the fact this virus was circulating, displaced the seasonal flu, and saved lives.
Granted, the Corona biological weapon piggybacks off of flu vaccines, which causes an almost 40% infection rate, which is why geezers in America are so susceptible in nursing homes.

Side Note: The President really should ban Chinese staff at nursing homes, because they spread the virus. The best Asian nurses and staff are Filipino. Numbers were brought into the United States from the 1980's onward, and their care is superb as are the South Asian Island peoples who are all CLEAN.

At this moment, the President's experts are not providing correct information in Dr. Fauci and Dr. Redfield. Dr. Birx has been correct in her direction and in her public statements to not cause more panic and trouble.

As stated I will have more later on the 30 strains of Coronavirus found in China, but if one takes out the vaccinated people, Italians, Negroid, Spanish, Chinese, this virus is thinking correctly, and while the managed spread in opening up America is going to cause a continued plateau into June, I do not see this on the original inquiry as a problem for Americans.

Gotta slide.

Nuff Said
