Thursday, April 23, 2020

Coronavirus Killer Blood Clots

Ja you look like you have dah coof.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Honestly, I hope that the creator of the biological weapon of Coronavirus is a sexy German woman, as the creator should be desired, and you just can not desire an old hag in a lab that has you coofing up your own blood clots.

There is a most interesting reality, which first appeared from a call in to Coast to Coast AM and reported here and other places, that doctors were finding Corona patients with blood clots and young people were dying in these clots breaking off.

What causes a normal blood clot is a response that your body is injured. In long term arterial cracks, plaque builds up, and arteries are hardened. The plaque cracks are from lack of Vitamin C being correctly utilized in the body.

Blood thinners are used to deal with this, but with Coronavirus something else is taking place.

the walls in the area and each other, changing shape to form a plug that fills in the broken part to stop blood from leaking out.
When activated, platelets also release chemicals to attract more platelets and other cells, and to set off the next step.
2. The clot grows. Proteins in your blood called clotting factors signal each other to cause a rapid chain reaction. It ends with a dissolved substance in your blood turning into long strands of fibrin. These get tangled up with the platelets in the plug to create a net that traps even more platelets and cells. The clot becomes much tougher and more durable.
3. Reactions stop its growth. Other proteins offset extra clotting factor proteins so the clot doesn't spread farther than it needs to.

As you have read in the above, when the body is injured, blood platelets begin releasing chemicals to stop the blood flow in that area. The chemicals released, attract other platelets and long chains of protein form, and this is what you see as the dark (oxygen depleted) blood clots.

In normal clotting, once the blood is stopped flowing to tissues where it should not be, as the body keeps blood in vessels, and outside a vessel, is what triggers the clot in bruises or ruptures, the proteins in the blood signal that the damage has been repaired.

With Coronavirus something else is taking place. In Ebola the infected person, bleeds out, but with Corona, the person clots in excess.

A mysterious blood-clotting complication is killing coronavirus patients

 This appears to be what is behind the people dropping dead. It was first thought and covered here, that Corona was creating an imbalance in minerals necessary to the body, due to high fever and excessive rehydration, what is now being found in enough cases, is autopsies are discovering huge numbers of clots forming in tissues, and some of them are breaking free, and causing heart attack and stroke.
The deaths are sudden and quick, and reflect a very low oxygen level, in people are alive and walking and the next moment they are dead.

The low oxygen level from my experience centers around a feeling of chest compression, like being held in a big blanket. I could breathe, but it was like I was being told I needed air. I could take a deep breath and my body would say, "We have oxygen, but it still feels like we do not have oxygen".
I believe there is an inhibitor, not a mucous, but something is on the lung surface of the alevoli which inhibits transfer of oxygen to the red blood cells. I conclude that Coronavirus injures this surface, and in severe cases, the body responds with mucous, and people degrade quickly, after feeling they were getting well as Prime Minister Boris Johnson experienced. Ventilators or oxygen are needed at this point to provide oxygen in amounts necessary.
I will state that I have never had a flu vaccine, and that Coronavirus does use influenza vaccines in activating those strains.

In the blood clot cases, the infected have an organism, which I believe is the tuberculosis sequence spliced in, and this is what causes the lung tissues to degrade. The body responds by attempting to clot the ruptures and the result is hundreds of small blood clots throughout the lungs, and in this, enough of them are breaking free, which may be a response of the antibodies attacking the degraded cells in the tissues, in essence white blood cells attack the rotting tissues, and in the process dislodge the blood clots, or it may be a simple, the tissues are degrading and the clots are breaking free.

This though is another of the troubling aspects of the biological weapon which keeps on giving death. It is a matter that this is not in all cases, and is part of the inoculation strain, in people not exhibiting symptoms. The chimera harms a percentage while helping others to recover.

Blood thinners are not helping in this, especially in pregnant women, where bleeding is a danger. The key to this is inhibiting by the much maligned Chloroquine and Ivomec, the process of what is causing the degradation in the tissues. As tissue is protein, it would be logical to look at the proteins which Coronavirus targets.

The United States is not anywhere near ready to open up. There are numerous rural locations, not in the City States which have  remained open during this entire time, and the economies are functioning as people are working.
It would be best to wait until May 15th for certain states, and May 30th for others, and some like New York City in the Italian and Chinese strains to remain closed for summer.
It is vital though, that the foreigners can not be allowed into the United States, and it is vital that these Mexicans be dealt with in moving them back to Mexico as their numbers will bankrupt the United States and they are a definite health risk to all.

America's focus must be on saving the White and Black genus groups first and last. The resources must be for Americans, not foreigners inside the United States.

Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
