Thursday, April 23, 2020

Death by Ethnicity : Death by Race

Cum hot tub coof with me Gringo

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In tracking the Mexican Plague inside the United States, places like South Dakota hide their pandemic is 3/4's due to Mexicans by not even listing race.

Minnesota is more clever in it hides it's death rates in UNKNOWN, and lumps all races into one NON HISPANIC CATEGORY, so you have Whites, Asians, Blacks, Pacific Islanders in one category and plague Mexicans in their own.
If one examines the trends though, Minnesota is moving from 5% to 9% Mexicans with the plague, and if one factors in the hidden, Mexicans in Minnesota are running around 28% of the infection rates. It is so pronounced now that Whites are below 70% in the figures of infections.
Mexicans in one week have doubled their confirmed rates of infection. That is huge.


Kansas though is part of this being a Mexican is not a RACE, but being a Mexicans is an ETHNICITY. This bullshit I really would like to have President Trump address, because for this deliberate skewing of data in hiding Mexicans from the start, means the CDC and model projections ALL were plotting to hide that Mexicans were going to overload the system and be plague spreaders like rats. This is a conscience decision from the people in federal and state governments, and as this generates out of the CDC, it means the CDC is covering up what it knew was a known epidemic source.

In the above charts, I really feel sympathy for Blacks, because after that coofer NBA player was mocking Trump and licking cameras, and came down with it, Blacks were not getting this virus. That has all changes and it is a deliberate spread by the same globalists who initiated this counterstrike. The coon in American can not win as their numbers and deaths are rising. As my neighbor whose sisters are nurses stated, "The Blacks are filthy, and that is why they have disease".
My cousin's wife who works in a nursing home, had to have a Black staff member fired as she was not bathing the old gal, "as she did not need it".

So the reality is, Coronavirus is taking out deliberately targeted Whites, but if you observe the data, in the Whites, they are Bourbon Latins or Italians who are contracting Corona in the United States. The other target groups are Chinamen, Blacks and Mexicans.
I will be blunt in warning the peoples of Californian and Texas. Your numbers are under control, but your numbers are the Chinese strain. What is knocking the hell out of northeast is the Italian and Chinese strains. Other areas have the Black and Mexican strains, and the Mexican strain is going to move into Texas and California, as it has to, because the slaughterhouse Mexicans, were all coming from invasion camps. The virus is in the invaders, so it is all through Mexico, and it will only be a matter of time, before the sick move north out of Mexico and South out of the infected areas of the United States, and the areas they will descend upon has to be the border, with the most resources and Mexicans to blend in with.

These Mexicans are filling hospital beds, but it seems Chloroquine is keeping numbers of them from dying in South Dakota. 1 Mexican has produced something like 1600 cases in South Dakota and it is still spreading in the Sioux Falls area in one of the biggest disasters in America, as Mexicans are taking up all available hospital beds.

In Kansas City, there are almost 900 cases, which again is dominating that state, as is the case in Minnesota in the Duluth Minneapolis Rochester corridor is the hot zone there. Minnesota is though beginning to have problems as it appears Iowa, Wisconsin and North Dakota creep is beginning to fill in hot zones. Again the foreign pets are carriers which are closing down states.

Mexico is starting to move upward in trends in the almost 800 new cases and over 100 deaths a day, which is tripled after almost a week. Just as Saudi Arabia has a huge infection rate, the United States has entered a plateau of Italians, Chinese, Blacks and unfortunate Whites coofed on of around 2500 deaths a day. The projections indicate this will spike as the Blacks will continue to die in the Obama ghetto and the Mexicans will replace the Italians. If the strains from China enter the United States, then the Chinese will reinfect at a deadly rate.
What this blog is pointing out, that in the next months, you will hear of American dying, and it will instead as the case is now, there are numbers of foreigners, trending Mexicans dying, polluting the land.
This has to shift to Mexican concentrations in the United States, and then the Governors of Texas and California are to appear as the problem for not keeping their states locked least in the Mexicans.

This all can be hidden by clever Race and Ethnicity, but nothing is being hidden. South Dakota has over 200 beaners in intensive care hospitals, which is costing the cowchippers 300,000 dollars a day, just like other states are being bankrupted by Mexican coofers, without one word in suing Chinese and Brazilian owned slaughterhouses for bringing in these plague carriers.
In a few weeks, Americans will have a 10 million dollar hospital bill for Mexicans in one metro in South Dakota. The same costs are coming to numbers of states and no one speaking about this debt which should be paid by China, Brazil and Mexico.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

