Thursday, April 23, 2020

Sharing a Trump Letter

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was moved to share this letter from Jeff, as a rebuttal to those who are attempting to goad the President into a premature opening up of America, by weak governors, and by the George Noory and Rush Limbaugh types.

Jeff is the voice of multi millions of Americans, from those I have mentioned in Sandy's daughter, who is a school teacher and now is teaching her children at him, and having real family time with them, to people like TL and myself, in Richard and Stephanie who are working from home and enjoying being home together.

This is a huge voting group, and it includes those 70 million Protestant Christians who if inspired by this President will turn out in record numbers for his 2020 re election.
These people are not crawling the walls. They are not hiding under their beds. They are Americans like my cousin, who appeared today out of the blue, and delivered us some take out, as she thought TL had been suffering with my cooking.

Hi LC,

Greetings from Las Vegas.  You are absolutely correct in your assessment that this shut down is a blessing.  I am enjoying this time with my family at home now more than ever.  The elites don't realize how much of a blessing that this shut down is for bringing families closer together.  We are eating better, sleeping better, and loving more passionately and genuinely.

I know that people are scared and suffering, and I am not minimizing that, but it has been a good 6 weeks for me and my family.  Not to say that bad things haven't happened, as my 18 year old Chihuahua Juan Ton just passed and one of my childhood friends passed as well.  He wasn't a Christian and I hate to say that his soul is not in a good place.  He was a Reagan Republican through college and then he moved to Boulder CO and became a liberal.  Loved telling him that I voted for Trump, as that burned his craw.

Watching a lot of Bob Ross painting shows from the 80's and loving it as he had the most soothing voice and he was talented.  I love finding unusual and quality movies and shows.  I pray that you and TL will get to spend a ton of quality time together doing things that you love.  May the good Lord bless and watch over all of the inhabitants in your docile.

Your Friend,


Americans will come out of their homes when they know it is safe. Germ Lord Mike Pence issued a proclamation today that he believes that America will be through the worst of it by June of this year, and the President has stated that America is ready if this virus comes back, but he also believes there is evidence this virus, in the United States is degrading or mutating into a lesser flu, and will not be as severe if it does come back in the autumn.

According to Vice President Mike Pence, the coronavirus outbreak will be largely over by June. On Thursday, the vice president said the latest data revealed coronavirus is gradually retreating and is on track to disappear by June.

The worst thing that could be done is to open America up too soon, as it will cause another wave to spread. I firmly believe that America must do 3 things.

1. Keep the foreigners out, as Africa, Asia and South America have coming waves.
2. The Mexican situation must be dealt with, as they will bankrupt America if their infection wave continues to blossom as it has.
3. Praise Americans for self policing themselves as in the President's leadership, lives have been saved.

I firmly believe that Blacks, Mexicans and Indians are going to have problems yet this summer. I believe that America is going to plateau like other nations, in a death rate past June of 700 to 1000 per day, which includes non Americans. I also believe that White People are about over the worst of this. If they do not eat shit smeared around by these dirty foreigners on doors, carts and whatever, then they will not contract the worst forms.
There is a growing inoculated firewall, death wall and wall of the various strains of viruses in the United States which is a protective shield.

Chloroquine is working with zinc, and Ivomec will work too. The United States will have in the coming weeks treatments which are being tested and showing promise, to knock the legs out of this virus and allow for a more open America and the ability to deal with thee infected who need to be hospitalized.

The coming weeks into June though are still going to be rough in parts of America, especially where there are foreigners and there will be hot zones in states where Mexicans prevail.

We simply have to keep this from getting into geezer homes in wiping out the elderly and the invalids.

Staying at home is a blessing for tens of millions of Americans. Those who are on unemployment for the most part a getting a better deal than working for a shit job. If these coofers who are paid trolls of the moneychangers would not have been progressing an idea which most of the country has no desire for or any interest in, America could focus on these waves due to foreigners.

None of this is written in stone, because this virus does think, but for the Protestant Christians, this virus has been a blessing in numerous ways, and the President must be made aware of that reality to offset the Coronacaust Deniers.

Time for me to feed baby calf and get some sleep.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
