Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Herd Immunity

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is so much misinformation being generated about Coronavirus Mirror from Wuhan and the subsequent releases of genus specific Coronaviruses that the situation is, FBI Director Chris Wray should not be raiding health clinics conducting treatments which, if they do not work, DO ABSOLUTELY NO HARM, and Attorney General William Barr must send the FBI out to raid the offices of Corporate Coup and Corporate Vaccine suppressing Chloroquine treatments.

FBI Raids Detroit-Area Medical Facility 'For Using Intravenous Vitamin C to Treat COVID-19 Patients'   informationliberation

Standford Fellow Victor Davis Hanson has been unleashing with his own brand of fake science in herd immunity. This is the idea of globalists like Bill Gates using plagues to kill off the excess population. In Hanson's case, his argument is, that the plague is nothing to fear, as we have had it already, and so we can all go back to work and die at the job for Wall Street.

The problem with this biological weapon, is the human mind, which is a simple reasoning agent and cuts to the ludicrous. The Lame Cherry will explain what is taking place in California and elsewhere as Sweden is touted as "the answer to lockdowns". So was South Dakota until the pandemic coofed up a lung in Sioux Falls South Dakota due to dirty Mexicans working at a Chinese slaughter plant.

Sweden Shatters Lock-down Model As Curves Stay Flat - UncoverDC   uncoverdc

I do not write a great deal about what matters in this pandemic, as I do not want those behind it, to change protocols and start obliterating some genus for effect.
Sweden if you examine the data, shows it has a higher death rate per million, than the United States. Sweden's open society is killing more people on statistics than the United States in population ratios. Sweden is much more deadly than Norway and Finland who both have managed lockdowns.

I have mentioned this, and will probably mention this the last time in CCR5 - DELTA 32. That is the gene which stopped the Black Plague. People with this gene are immune to AIDS. The group of people who had this gene did not die from the Spanish Flu. People who have this gene do not succumb to the biological weapon, Coronavirus Mirror. Those who do not have this virus in Mexicans, Blacks, Italians and Chinese, drop like flies.

Scandinavians do not contract this biological weapon, nor to Germans contract it readily. That is stating far too much information, but it explains a great deal of what is taking place in California as they did not die from the Spanish Flu either.

California as a model, was infected with the Wuhan strains of L and S early. So yes there is an inoculate strain, and numbers of American contracted it early. That is where Victor Davis Hanson ends in being right, because California had two strains, and the point is HAD. That is why the rate of spread did not affect that state as it did New York, which had all strains from Chinese, Italian and Spanish.

As this has progressed on the agenda, and no  the shutdowns were not the Black Swans as the markets were going to crash and this was set up for the United States to be replaced by Europe, and a coming Great Eurasian War, other strains have been released into the populations of specific race. The two primary last targets are Negroid and Mexicanoid species, with American Indians.

The Lockdowns Were the Black Swan - WSJ   wsj

In supplanting the United States, the cripple blow is ending slave labor Mexicans and Indians, gearing this slave economy, and ending the revenue flow to the Negroid, as an economic implosion.

So when it comes to California, there is not a herd immunity, it is California has not contracted beyond the Chinamen the strains of virus to kill off that mongrel race.


Mr. Hanson, only has to wait, as the herd immunity was begun in England, and they are now dying like flies in the ethnics and natives. What is the UK will come to California.

Mexico is just beginning to blossom in the plague. South Dakota is going to matter to California, as what this blog predicted has started, as enough of those imported Sioux Falls coofers jumped from Sioux Falls to flee the plague, and where they spread through is Nebraska, which is spiking in hundreds of new cases.
There are few Italians in the Plains states, but there are lots of Mexicans, and this plague set off by Mexicans has been most thorough in it is highly contagious, highly critical and highly deadly. This is the CCD factor, and where Texas and California did not have numbers of grubby Italians to carry the plague, no more than South America and Mexico did, there are lots of hosts in California and Texas waiting the Coronavirus Mexico.

1 sick Mexican in Sioux Falls, who was Typhoid Pepe and was probably a chosen ignorant live carrier, produced over 1500 cases. The herd immunity trolls can whistle through the graveyard all they desire, but the science of this thinking virus has not been illogical once. It did not kill the Chinese of Chicago for economic reasons, but it is killing Blacks.
The same contagion in South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Nebraska is going to flow south and it will have the same results, when it comes into contact with it's hosts.
Unless one at shit from the China L strain, it did not spread to people outside the genus. This is a biological weapon and is designed for spread and containment. When the Sioux Fu Flu hits California, it will become Sioux Falls.
As a Taiwan company released a life child killer virus in Teluride Colorado for market share profit, I doubt that those behind the Mexican plague are going to wait for Pepe to coof across the states. When the date is correct, the spread will begin and in 5 to 14 days, an epidemic will envelop California.
Just because White People  did not catch China flu, nor did non shit eating Mexicans, does not mean there is any herd immunity. All it means is the grim reaper has not appeared with the Mexican cocktail.

This is the only logical explanation of the data.

The Lame Cherry leaves this explanation as my lungs ache severe today in this further matter anti matter exclusive series.

Nuff Said

