Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Lame Cherry on the Trail of the Biological Weapon of Coronavirus Wuhan

 It sounds like you have the mouse coof.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After listening to the insights of  Dr. Judy Mikovits, the Lame Cherry has been contemplating the warfare aspects of this entity, as a biological weapon, it is an outstandingly diverse and complicated present bestowed upon the world in all of it's forms.

What caught my attention was Dr. Mikovits mentioned that Coronavirus, produces a disease which we know as COVID 19, from activating other viruses from vaccines. She also stated that all vaccines are produced in mouse brains.
That made me wonder when her collaborator mentioned that mice have as many viruses as humans, and those viruses can transfer just like monkey cancer and auto immune viruses infected humans through vaccines.

Another doctor brought forward a puzzling development with this virus, and that is numbers of people were dying from blood clots, and this was a serious condition which was terminal.

Just read the quotes in this is quite widespread in 20 to 40 percent of the people who are sick.

Coronavirus: A Doctor's Experience

He was seeing numbers of people dying from blood clots due to this virus in the lungs as the clots were breaking free.

A mysterious blood-clotting complication is killing coronavirus patients

They describe patients with startlingly low oxygen levels — so low that they would normally be unconscious or near death — talking and swiping on their phones. Asymptomatic pregnant women suddenly in cardiac arrest.

One doctor replied that one of his patients had a strange blood problem. Despite being put on anticoagulants, the patient was still developing clots. A second said she’d seen something similar. And a third. Soon, every person on the text chat had reported the same thing.
“That’s when we knew we had a huge problem,” said Coopersmith, a critical-care surgeon. As he checked with his counterparts at other medical centers, he became increasingly alarmed: “It was in as many as 20, 30 or 40 percent of their patients.”

I want you to review the symptoms below and understand them in how Coronavirus they are. People are dying with these symptoms in this pandemic.

pulmonary syndrome advances through two distinct stages. In the first stage, you may experience flu-like signs and symptoms that may include:
  • Fever and chills
  • Headaches and muscle aches
  • Vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal pain
In its early stages, hantavirus infection is difficult to distinguish from influenza, pneumonia or other viral conditions. After four to 10 days, more-serious signs and symptoms begin. They typically include:
  • A cough that produces secretions
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fluid accumulating within the lungs
  • Low blood pressure
  • Reduced heart efficiency

In reading the above symptoms, you are not reading of Coronavirus, nor a bat flu virus, not the spliced in HIV or tuberculosis. What you are reading the exact symptoms of, which mirror Coronavirus completely in Hantavirus, an American virus from rodents, which is quite lethal.

This goes back to Dr. Mikovits stating that mice brains are used to incubate vaccines. The evidence in this, points to the most lethal problem of Coronavirus, in it is activating the Hantavirus in a percentage of people who are carrying in latent in flu vaccines.

Coronavirus Wuhan is a mirror virus, but it is a genus biological weapon in different released strains which targeted, Italians, Chinese, Blacks and Mexicans.

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome

There are two types of Hanta in the Old World which one bleeds and the kidneys shut down and the New World which affects the lungs and reduces oxygen levels. Coronavirus Wuhan mirrors the New World Hanta.

 The Lame Cherry is not stating that the blood clots are caused by Hantavirus, but it is stating that in numbers of cases, it is not the bat flu causing the symptoms, but the awakened Hantavirus from flu serums bred in mouse brains.
The blood clots it is concluded appear from the tuberculosis splice which was included in this bioweapon.

This bioweapon is a genius creation. It honestly would have never occurred to me to create a biological weapon which would target not just people, but target people who had amassed flu vaccines. That is utterly brilliant as it would provide cover for this appearing to be wide ranging, as specific strains targeted individual genus in the human species.

Revelations like this should award me the Nobel Prize for Medicine, but I doubt I will be awarded one, as all I want is the cash award anyway, any more than the President will get one for Peace.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. I now know more about epidemiology than I ever wanted to, and I know more than the stumped boys out of Fort Detrick as their bioweapons are clubs compared to this Star Trek weapon.

They made a plague of the vaccines, not the virus.

Nuff Said

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